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Josue: bryanka

Bryanka: hi bryanka

Josue: how are your classes going ?

Bryanka : I'm doing well, the teacher said that in October we should be dressed for the occasion.

Josue : Oh yeah, halloween is 3 days away, how exciting!

Bryanka : Yes, I was thinking of dressing up as a witch and surprise all my friends.

Josue : That's good, I'm also happy because my favorite holiday is coming!

Bryanka: oh,What's the name of the holiday

Josue : it's christmas, the day we spend with our family

Bryanka: oh yeah, how could I not remember

Josue everyone celebrates it just like haloween

Bryanka : oh yes, everything is beautiful because we spend it with our family, in my case my favorite day
is Halloween, because I can dress up as I like.

Josue : According to my friends they like Christmas more, because they receive gifts.

Bryanka: hey , the vacations are coming , what are you going to do ?

Josue : I think I will go to the beach or to the amusement park or to the aquarium and you?

Bryanka :I 'm going to study baking or visit my sister.

Josue : good for you, I hope you are doing well

Bryanka : yeah well, I have to go, I have classes at 9 o'clock

Josue: yeah sure, see you later

Bryanka: bye bye

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