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Cadeira:Inglês de negócios

Discente: Sónia Lourenço Machava

Docente: Dr. Farai Runhugwe

Data:24 de April de 2023

To: Sales Director


Subject: Appointment: Sales Manager, Central and Earsten Europe

Dear Liz
We recently interviewed three candidates for this position
We have decided to appoint Barbara Szarmach
I will briefly describe the candidates strengths and explain the reasons for our decision!
Bárbara has a very strong personality. Energetic and confidente at this moment this is the
personality needed for a sales manager.
She has a strong sales ability, for the past five years she has had the best sales results of her team.
And we agree that this is what we need for our sales resultes to increase at this moment. She also
has a linguistic ability, excelente Polish , Russian and good vocabulary in English. And that will
help a lot on the international marketing.
She has been with the company ever since she graduated so we believe that she knows better our
values and understand more about the company.
In resume we believe that Barbara is the most indicated for this position.

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