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Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

Cordillera is an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges. The term is borrowed from
a Spanish word with the same meaning that itself comes from cordilla, a diminutive of "cuerda" ("rope").

Music of Cordillera categorized into three:

1. Vocal Music
2. Instrumental Music
3. Vocal Ensemble with Instrumental accompaniment

Characteristics of Vocal Music

1. Melismatic – vocal passages which has one syllable sung to in several note passages.
2. Free Meter – musical meter that has no time signature.

Listen to the Music of Cordillera

 Salidumay
 Hudhud Chant of the Ifugao
In past times, it has been called Ma-i or Mait by Han Chinese traders. Indigenous groups are
called Mangyans. The Spaniards called the place as Mina de Oro (meaning "gold mine") from where the
island got its current name.
Listen to the Music of Mindoro
 “Ambahan”

No one is really sure how the island came to be called Palawan. It is speculated that the name may
have originated from the Chinese world Pa-Lao-Yu, which means “the land of beautiful harbors”. Others
speculate that the word comes from an Indian word “Palawans” which means territory. While others still
speculate that, it comes from the Spanish word “Paragua,” since Palawan resembles a closed umbrella.
Listen to the Music of Palawan
 “Lantege”
 Kingking-Tarinting-Layang Pasyak (Cuyonon Folk Songs)

The Visayas or the Visayan Islands are one of the three principal geographical divisions of
the Philippines, along with Luzon and Mindanao. Located in the central part of the archipelago, it consists
of several islands, primarily surrounding the Visayan Sea, although the Visayas are also considered the
northeast extremity of the entire Sulu Sea. Its inhabitants are predominantly the Visayan peoples.
Listen to the Music of Visayas
 “Ili-Ili Tulog Anay”
 Dandansoy | Ilonggo Folk Song | robie317
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

Characteristics of Music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and the Visayas in Relation to Culture and
In the high lands of Luzon, music is related to different occasions such as life cycle events and occupational
activities and various rituals. During the agricultural cycle, peace pacts, courtship, marriage and death rites,
musical performances may be witnessed in the region.
Vocal Music
1. Ibaloi Badiw – a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in leader
– chorus form
2. Owiwi – lullabies
Kalinga child”s lullaby – Wiyawi
3. Dagdagay (Kalinga) – infancy – related songs
4. Oppia (Kalinga) – infancy – related songs
5. Langan bata-bata (Tausug) – infancy – related songs
6. Bua (Subannen) – infancy – related songs
7. Kawayana (Kalinga) – infancy – related songs
8. Hudhud (Ifugao) – epic-poetry which is recited and chanted during occasions
Hudhud Chants of Ifugao
Characteristics of Vocal Music
1. Melismatic – vocal passages which has one syllable sung to in several note
2. Free Meter – musical meter that has no time signature.


Similar to Cordillera Music, the music of Mindoro is used for communication with the spirits in rituals and
worships, weddings, works, courtships, festive occasions, and lullabies.
Vocal Music
1. Marayaw – song used to communicate with spirits in rituals for healing the
sick and protecting the community.
2. Pamuybuyen – legend
3. Ambahan – composed of a seven – syllable line ending in rhymes.
– often used in parenting in courtship, and by visitors to ask for food
– texts are commonly written on bamboo
– often chanted with accompanying instruments
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

Palawan music is characterized by imitation of sounds from nature and the environment. It is also highly
influenced by the native language of the province.
Vocal Music
1. Kulial – it is a lyrical poem expressing love. His/her vocal music is
accompanied by kusyapi (two-stringed lute) and played by man and pagang (bamboo zither) played by
“Kulilal ni Ligal”

2. Tultul – it is chanted vocal music about epic of heroes and usually chanted at
night, ending at daybreak.

The Visayan music is highly Spanish influenced because they colonized the Philippines for a long time. They
brought his/her culture and religion from Western practice. Spaniard musicians introduced new styles of
music, which has also Western musical traditions.
Vocal Music
The vocal music of the Visayans has different functions in his/her lives. The songs include children’s
songs, lullabies, ballad, working songs, and serenade.
The musical style of the Visayan is a song-and-dance-debate between a man and a woman known
as balitaw. The theme of the musical style is about love and marriage and usually performed by good
singers as well as a dancers and actors.
1. Matud Nila - Visayan love song
2. Rosas Pandan - Visayan courting song
3. Condansoy - Visayan drinking song
4. Ilo Nga Bata - children’s song
5. Dandansoy - Ilonggo farewell song
6. Ili-ili Tulog Anay - Illongo lullaby
7. Ako Kini Si Angi - Visayan work song
8. Si Pelimon - Visayan work song
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

Musical Instruments from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas

Musical Instrument
A musical instrument is any device for producing a sound, they are classified according to the method of
producing sounds like percussion, wind and stringed.
A. Cordillera
1.Metal Instruments- Gongs
a. Gangsa Topaya- gongs played by striking with the palm while rested on the lap.

b. Gangsa Palook – gongs hit with wooden mallets while held by the left hand. Men are the ones who play
with this instrument.
2. Bamboo Instruments – Woodwind and percussion instruments
a. Bungkaka or Bilbil – played by striking against the palm of one hand
b. Tongali – a nose flute played with the extreme forward edge of the right or left nostril.

A. Mindoro
1.Kudyapi – is a lute with long neck and has two strings that run from the neck to the base of a resonating
2.Gitgit (Lute) – an instrument with 3 to 4 strings with a wooden body and human hair for the bow.
3.Kalutang – a pair of equal-sized wood struck together.

1.Basal – an ensemble of one or two big gongs (Agung), a pair of smallringed gongs (Sanang) and drum
called (Gimbal)

1. Rondalla – a string ensemble originating from spain played with a pick or plectrum
a. Banduria – is a 14-string instrument with 16 frets and shorter neck
b. Laud – is a plectrum-plucked chordophonethat has twelve strings in pairs. Similar to bandurria, but
with a longer neck.
c. Octavina – has a shorter neck compared to the guitar, with 14 strings and 16 frets.
d. Guitar – a popular chordophone instrument with 6 strings.
e. Bajo de Arco – It plays the bass part or the musical piece.
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

Much of the music of Mindoro is very similar to modern hip hop and rap music. Chants are a popular form of
singing amongst indigenous people, and that include the Mangyans as well. There are two major forms of Vocal music
in Mindoro – the Ambahan and the Igway.
The most popular form of vocal music among the Mangyans is
the Ambahan. It is a series of chants with seven syllables per line and
similar to a poem. It can be sung in a variety of ways – either with tone,
like the pasyon, or in a conversational way. Each person can sing the
chant uniquely as there is no set melody for the Ambahan.
The themes used in the chant cover a wide array of topics that
affect the Mangyan’s daily life. They have different Ambahan for every
occasion – during childhood, adolescence, courtship and marriage, family
building, personal and tribal problems, sickness, food, travelling,
hospitality and friendship, as well as old age and death.
As for the origins of the music, most Mangyans would say that
they had copied it. It is quite true, for Ambahan is mostly passed through generation to generation in two different
ways – by copying it directly or having it taught by their forefathers.
Ambahans are typically written in curved bamboo sheets called luka, and are written using “Surat Mangyan”
which is their traditional way of writing.

Below is an example of an Ambahan:

Surat Mangyan English Filipino

Don't be noisy, baby dear! H'wag ka ngang magulo

The wild iro might come here. May laog nanunubok
From the deep woods it attacks. Mula gubat susugod Wala
How to fight him when he comes? kitang panghamok
Broken is our spear in two and our bolo Sibat nati'y napulpol Itak ay
dulled! anong purol!

Postma, Antoon. “Ambahan: Birth and Infancy.” Ambahan: Birth and Infancy | Mangyan Heritage Center,
Here is another example of an Ambahan, this time it talks about marriage.

Surat Mangyan English Filipino

If the ties you use at home Panali ma'y marupok

Become weak and tend to break, Uway iyan na gapok
You should be the one to mend, Ikaw itong susubok
The one to restore their strength. Magtitibay nang lubos!

Postma, Antoon. “Ambahan: Marriage.” Ambahan: Marriage | Mangyan Heritage Center,

Based on the examples above, we can then define Ambahan as:

1. A rhythmic poetic expression with a meter of seven syllable lines and having rhythmic end-syllables,
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 2, Week 1

2. A rhythmic poetic expression which is most often presented as a chant without a determined musical pitch or
accompaniment by musical instruments, and
3. A rhythmic poetic expression whose purpose is to express in an allegorical way, liberally using poetic
language, certain situations or certain characteristics referred to by the one reciting the poem.
Another essential feature of the Ambahan is the presence of rhymes. Rhyming end-syllables, much like
modern poetry and rap songs, are the most popular. In the example given above, rhyming end-syllables can be seen,
such as “napulpol – purol”.


Apart from the Ambahan, there are other forms of vocal music present among Mangyan communities that are
more contemporary than ritualistic in nature. These are the IYAYA, the AYUNG or NGAUNG, and the IGWAY.

 Iyaya: The Iyaya is the Mangyan version of a lullaby. Much like the regular lullaby, this is mostly sung to lull
babies and young children to sleep.
 Ayung/Ngayung: It is a ritual chant mostly used for cultural seasons and festivals.
 Igway: It is considered as the Mangyan province music, normally sung for leisure. Igway is also the Mangyan
word for “Song”. Their music ranges from legends, poems, talking to spirits, and to expressing fears.

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