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Safety on board

- Do not keep your hands in your pockets.

- Do not run around the boat. Do not step on the coamings.
- Do not listen to music or watch a movie with headphones on. If the alarm
sounds, more than likely you won't hear it.
- Once you open the door, secure it.
- Secure all items on the deck.
- Always say the place you are going to.
- Don't stand under the arrow of a crane!
- Report anything that makes you suspicious or confused. There are no silly
- Wear slippers with backs.
- Go into the Machine Room wearing robes, safety shoes. Also wear
- Don't put your hands between the lifelines.
- During storms, do not go out on deck unnecessarily.
- If you are tired, say so!

Rescue equipment is a basic safety feature on a boat.

A ship's rescue equipment is a complex of means for saving people from a ship
that is sinking or in case they fall overboard.
Life saving appliances
 Life jacket
 Life buoy
 Immersion suit
 Thermal suit
 Life raft
 Life boat
 Life boat davit
 Lifeboat falls
 Free-fall lifeboat
 Rescue boat
 Safety line

Fire Fighting Equipment

 Sprinkler System
 Fire hose
 Fire blanket
 Fireman’s outfit
 Fire alarm
 Fire nozzle
 Fire hydrant
 Fire flaps
 Emergency fire pump

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Safety gloves
 Safety goggles
 Safety shoes
 Safety helmet (hard hat)
 Overalls
 Safety belt (harness)
 First Aid Kit

Breathing Equipment
 Breathing apparatus
 Resuscitation equipment

Fire Triangle Diagram:

This is a triangle diagram of the occurrence of a flame in the form of three
components, namely (oxygen, heating, fuel). To eliminate a fire, at least one
component of the fire triangle must be eliminated.

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