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Journal Entry for Kamila

Aleigha Phillips
1. The emigrant's name is Kamila.
2. Kamila originated from Slovakia.
3. Kamila was 14 years old when she left home.
4. Kamila and her family left their home country because of racism and prejudice
towards the Roma community, which made it difficult for them to find
employment and have access to education.
5. There is no information provided on the journey that took Kamila and her family
from Slovakia to England.
6. Life was challenging for Kamila when she arrived in England as it was a different
culture and language. Although she was happy to be reunited with her family, she
found it difficult to adjust to a new country. It is not clear whether she
experienced being made to feel welcome or unwelcome. However, Kamila is
currently settled in England, has her own family, and has been working for two
years, helping Roma children find school places.
7. There is no information provided on whether Kamila experienced any setbacks
due to misinformation or misfortune.
Day 1:

My name is Kamila and today is the day that we leave

Slovakia for England. I am 14 years old and I am nervous
and excited at the same time. We are moving because my
parents couldn't find a job in Slovakia, and also because of
the racism and prejudice towards the Roma community. I
am sad to leave my friends and my school behind, but my
mum wants us to have a better education.
Day 3:

We have been travelling for three days now, and it has been a
long and tiring journey. We had to take a train and then a bus
to get to the airport. The flight was also very long and we had
to change planes in Frankfurt. It's been difficult
communicating with people since we don't speak the
language, but luckily my parents have some friends in
England who will help us settle in.
Day 7:

It's been a week since we arrived in England and it's

been a bit overwhelming. The culture is so different
from what I'm used to, and the language barrier is
making things difficult. My parents' friends have been
very welcoming, but I feel like I don't fit in. I miss my
friends back in Slovakia, but I hope I'll be able to make
new friends here.
Day 30:

It's been a month since we arrived in England and

things are starting to look up. I have been attending
school and it's been good to have some structure in my
day. However, my brother and sister are having a harder
time adjusting. They are treated differently because
they look more Roma than I do, and it's not fair. It's
frustrating that we still face discrimination even in a
new country.
Day 100:

It's been 100 days since we arrived in England and I am starting

to feel more settled. I have made some friends at school and I
am enjoying my classes. I am also happy to be living close to
my extended family. I have started to help out with a local
organization that supports Roma children, which has been a
good way to give back to the community.
Day 365:

It's been a year since we moved to England and I can't

believe how much has changed. I have made some
amazing friends and I am doing well in school. I am
also proud of the work that I am doing to support
Roma children. It hasn't always been easy, but I am
grateful for the opportunity to start a new life here.
Dear Family,
I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since we left Slovakia,
and I wanted to share with you our journey and experiences in our new
The decision to leave was not an easy one, but we had to do it for a better
future. We faced a lot of racism and prejudice back home, which made it
difficult for us to find employment and have access to education. It was
especially hard for my siblings, who faced discrimination in school.Our
journey to England was not easy either. We traveled for many days, crossing
borders and encountering many challenges. It was hard being away from
home, and I missed everyone so much.When we arrived in England, it was a
culture shock. Everything was different, and the language barrier was
challenging. But we were reunited with our family, and that made it easier.
We were able to find a place to live, and slowly, we started to adjust to our
new life.It was not easy finding a job, but I was able to find work helping
Roma children find school places. It's been fulfilling to give back to the
community and help others like us.Overall, life has been challenging, but we
are making it work. We miss everyone back home and hope to visit soon.
But or now, we are focused on building a better future for ourselves and our

Please take care and send my love to everyone.


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