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of Central Africa Mission

The Whitmers, Harare, Zimbahwe

Greetings frosi Zimbabwe,

*** January 1385 ***

The rainy season is in fuU swing new and it looks as if the Lord has answered our prayers concerninn the .drought. The
newspaper warns us daily that we are still on water rationing and our main lake is still only 30X full, but, the feeling afsong
the people here is that the rain will be enough this year.

fibout the time our last letter was going out, Steve came down with what the doctors called "a mysterious tropical disease."
Kost of them thought it was typhoid but could never get the tests to prove it. Because Steve was so sick, the doctors were
watching the rest of the family very closely and were able to catch the symptoms early when I (Linda) became ill. I was only
sick for a few days. The children (isolated from Vm and Dad) stayed well. The doctors decided Steve would get as good care at

home as he could anywhere else, so, after being quarantined at home for three weeks, he was able to go back to work...slowly,

fit times like these, as always, we appreciate your prayers on our behalf.

Dec. 7th was a big day at Greencroft Christian Church. It was the day of our Christmas play and also Awards Day for our
Junior Youth Program. The Christmas play went very well. Ten children had parts to say either in English or in Shona and
others were in the Nativity, fill the children came early so they could get their costumes on properly (the costumes carw mostly
from my sewing basket and linen closet). The ladies at Kayo Christian Church had sent me some material and that served as robes

for several little shepherds, including one little four year old african girl who was only supposed to have the opening greeting
in Shona. She stood quietly and watched the costuming until it became apparent to her that she was not going to get a costume.
fit that point she pulled her big sister aside and told her that if she didn't get a costume she "couldn't possibly" say hen
part. Well, four year old logic held out and we had an extra shepherd, fibout 50 children were in attendance and the awards
winners were proud of tne ability they'd shone. Contest points were given for attendance and memory work. Verses were worth 5

points each and the winner had 590 points. Can you imagine how many verses she had to memorize to get 590 points!
We are very pleased with the things that the Lord has helped us accomplish during 1964. Our main goal was to get to know
the people in Zimbabwe ar^l their custofits so that we could communicate freely with them. We believe we have done this. Church
attendance has tripled during 1984, there are more people teaching Sunday School, and there are even men who can preach when
Steve must be away. This follows along with our main reason for being in Zimbabwe - Leadership Training. We wanted to use 1984
to develop reasonable outlines and goals for leadership training here in Zimbabwe, and I think we've reached this goal.
Another thing we have been able to do which was unexpected is the work we have accomplished in 3 local boarding schools.
High School age children come from all over the country to our area of the city to go to boarding school. These teens are away
frorrt home for the first time and need guidance from Christians that they cannot get from their teachers. We received permission
from the headmasters of these 3 local schools to involve their teens in our church youth program. Interest is growing by leaps

and bounds^^ in these student bc^iies. What makes this effort so important is the fact that these kids are the cream of the
"Zifflbabwian" crop... the leaders of tomorrow who are coming in from all over the country to study. Jray__fpr our success.

We can hardly believe it's time to be thinking about it, but, we've set the dates for our tirst furlough. We plan to leave
Zimbabwe for the United States on Nov. ^5, 1965. Our original plans called for the middle of December. However, when we went to
speak to the travel agent, we found that after Tcidd's birthday, Nov. 27th, the tickets would cost an additional $700 because he

wciuld have to pay full fare. For $700 we'll go 2 weeks early!! The round trip tickets will only cost $3000 for the entire

family wUh the 30;! discount we can get. I'm sure you -must know that up to this point, every penny we have received has gone
directly into the mission work. Please pray for these needed funds arjd if you would like to help, the contributions should be
sent to our Forwarding figents marked Furlouqh Fund,

Nay God bless and keep you until we see you again.
Love from all of us to you, Address: Charlie J Clara Falk

18 Woodhill Lane

Frankfort, Ky. 40601

(Linda at Mudzimu with Rural Family)

F.fl. Address:

Charlie j Clara Falk


2ia Woodhiii Lsne



Frankfort, Ky. 4ifSe:



CRAFT time

of Central Africa Mission

The Whitmers, Harare, Zimbabwe


We expected 5S children and cot ^5?'

Thank you for your prayers. The VPS

was a wonderful

success arid we


already seeing the harvest frora it.

There are already plans in the works
for another one during the
schcoi holidays, tc^s.

We are well S extrcicely busy tryin:.

to prepare for our furlough. Please


continue to oray for us.

We are sc

blessed when you reffieraber to crey.






StevB S Linda t^nitiser

7 Stonev Road

Greencroft, Harare
ffjlica*; HflRVxS


1.3 SEP


Editorial Office
P.O Box 2427

Knoxviile, in 37381






cf Central Africa Mission

The Nhitssrs, Harare, Ziisbabws

Fcrwarcinc ficentss Charlie % Clara Felk

21fi Woodhili Lans^ Frankfort. Ky. 4S>S'01

Jiily 5, isec
To Our Deer Friends at Hojre.

Quite a few days have cassed since cur last news letter. A lot of oreparatlcn has bren going or so that > can go on
furlough. iiB want to talk about family news first, thoughj end there is a lot to get caught up on there, too! The Kids
are now on the N. A.C.E-sroerai', lesrninc things the -lood ole' Picerlcan way, We decided-this
when our youngest asked, "What's the ?fc*er:c2n flag look like?" That haooenec about the sa^e
hB^ ^ couldn't have any sere hooks until the rest of the class caught uo with her, we
progress they are saking now using the ??.A.C.E. orogras and studying at hosje. ?^i55ed
replaced by Boy Scouts, gymnastics, and ballet.

to he a*' absolute necessity

tise Kelly's teacher told
are very oleased with the
school activities have been

As you have probably heard on the news lately, Zimbabwe held its first election since irdepencencs on the first week

in July. July Ath was the last day of voting. As Zl.rbabwlans finl&hed their voting, all "us fteericans" in Harare 135)
gathered at cur olace for an Afiierican Indecendence Day celebration. Ife really enjoyed ourselves with games, songs, and
lots of feferican style food. It was fun to remember for one afternoon hc^ lucky we are to be Americans.
Greencroft Christian Churco is steadily grC'Wing and it is wonderful to see new faces frost services. It is also
rewardin: to see new peccle taking part in those services. e are haopy to pass on an answered crayer, Charlie

Delaney, who is now working in Zambia, will be coming to Greencroft after we leave in November to take over the work of
the Church here on a oermanent basis, T'-ls will leave us free to concentrate completely on Leadersilp Training when we
return from furloush.

Aug. 12-iS will see the let Holiday Bible School at Greencroft. We are very excited about it and also a little
nervous, ile have absolutely no idea h-C'ss; many !:^;ldrsn to exoect. At first we thought it would be a small event with

only cur regular Sunday School children and a 'bi< others attending but now we think it will be cuite a bit larger.
Several of the other missionaries in the country have agreed to cos^ in and helo both us and the Harare Christian Oiurch
on the other side cf the citv. Ours will run from 9:00 to 11:30 ^ then we all

dash across town for a reseat frc^m 2:00

to A:30

Although there are missionaries helping with the H.S.S., we are very pleased to have several Ziiababwians working as
well, linda has been teaching two teBche-r trainirsg classes sirce Nay with lA students. The class held at the
N^ablereign Police Camp (w:?ere the police and their families live) will be turning into a Family Life class in Seotember,
Through the teachers training class, the ladies decided that the way they were raises was not necessarily the best and
asked for classes in this area.

It is very excitinc to see them want to apply Christian principles to their lives.

As you know, November 25 is when we leave for our first furlough. That time seems to really be slipoing up on us.
The list of things to do before we leave seems to grow every day ar^d the children are very excited about seeing
relatives and friends again. They all have a list cf things they want to do when they reach the li.S,. High on Tcdd's
list is a trip to Pizza Hut. Listed on the back is a Furlough Prayer .Requests ard Prayers Ansi^red. Please take time to
read it and pray over it.
Thanks again for your continued prayers and 5Up;K?rt on our behalf.

-1 -




Replacement for furlough,

Delaneys to take over Greencroft

Airline tickets- $3000

$3;5 as of June

Furlough vehicle


Please let us know if there is any trouole in receiving this newsletter.

We are having to use a new style to write you from here, and are

unsure wheither mailing information from this end is correct



"'^Grg:Si=rtrra-ft, Harare

Z i mba bwe


Editorial Office
P- D Box 4E'7






{' iQO-i.

-f' Vfei


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