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In many viral diseases (such as smallpox, mumps, or influenza), illness occurs shortly after
exposure to the virus. In others (such as AIDS), the victim may not show symptoms for many
years following the initial exposure. How would you explain the difference between these two

The lytic and lysogenic rounds determine the difference between a host that exhibits symptoms soon
after virus infection and a host that does not exhibit symptoms for a long time after the initial
exposures. The viral DNA joins the host DNA during the lysogenic cycle in a way that does not affect the
host cell's functionality. The viral DNA gets copied along with the host cell's own DNA. This method of
viral DNA replication can occur throughout numerous generations of host cell reproduction. It is in a
condition of dormancy during this time termed latency. The AIDS virus can enter human white blood
cells in this way, where it can lay latent for many years. In contrast, in

2. Various bacteria are normally present in most of our body systems. These “good” bacteria are
essential for maintaining health. Describe two risks and two benefits of using antibacterial
creams to cure vaginal infections.

- Risks:
a) You could maybe kill all “good” bacteria.
b) The cream could attack the weakest “bad” bacteria, therefore leaving the most resistant

- Benefits:
a) The cream provides aid in the healing process of your infection.
b) The cream stopping the growth of bacteria.

3. State and describe two differences between bacteria and viruses.

- All bacteria are single celled. Viruses are not cellular organisms.
- Since bacteria are free living cells, they can live inside or outside of the body, whereas viruses
are non-living collection of molecules that can only survive with the help of a host.

4. A) State one reason why viruses are considered to be non-living organisms by some biologists.

Viruses have no cell organelles and are unable to produce their own cellular energy or proteins; they
must rely on their host for all cellular functions.
B) State one reason why viruses are considered to be living organisms by some biologists.

Viruses possess genetic material that is capable of mutation or genetic recombination.

5. A) Which major level of classification contains the largest grouping of species?

Genus is the main classification level containing the most closely related species.
A Domain includes the largest group of species.

B) Which major level of classification contains the most closely related species?

A Domain includes the largest group of species.

6. List and describe three ecological roles of fungi OR three ecological roles of protists.
- Fungi can function as parasites, symbiotes, and decomposers. The transformation of nutrients
into substances that plants can utilise is a skill of fungi. Fungi that degrade exist. In other words,
it decomposes animal and plant waste, cycling nutrients and increasing their availability in the

7. State and describe three characteristics of a body plan

The body plan's three qualities are full gut, cephalization, and body symmetry. The placement of
organs and appendages with bilateral or radial symmetry is referred to as body symmetry.
Cephalization is the state of having a head. All creatures with bilateral symmetry have a head. A
tubular digestive tract with the mouth and anus as its two entrances is referred to as a "complete

8. List and describe three reasons for habitat loss caused by humans

Land conversion for development due to population increase, material mining, agriculture, excessive air,
water, and land pollution, tree-clearing for the purpose of getting wood fuel, manufacturing,
construction, and paper goods are only a few of the causes of habitat loss. All of these elements have a
significant impact on the worldwide loss of animal habitats.

9. Why do endothermic animals have far greater energy requirements than ectotherms?
These animals generate their own heat inside their bodies. Generating this heat accelerates bodily
processes. Muscles, neurons and all their processes work faster. This also means they need a lot of food,
thus requiring more energy than ectotherms since they are those whose regulation of bodily
temperature depends on external sources.

10. Using the shark anatomy pictures and the key provided, classify the 10 sharks labelled 1– 10 in
the following diagram:

I am unsure if I must put more than one option from the key since it is not mentioned, and the
question is a bit confusing I'm not certain I understand it. If too much is wrong, could you send the
assignment back and explain what I must do? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

1. Rajidae
2. Alopiidae
3. Pristiophoridae,
4. Isuridae
5. Sphrynidea
6. Scapanorhynchidae,
7. Hexanchidae
8. Rhincodontidae
9. Mobulidae
10. Carcharhinidae
If it's blurry, I apologise; it's the best I can do. You can click the following link, input the join ID password,
then log in using your Google or Gmail account to view the mind map in much more detail. You'll then
be taken immediately to my initial presentation, where you'll get a much clearer picture. I'm sorry for
the inconvenience, but there is no other way for it to function.

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