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1. A child can think logically about abstract preposition and test hypothesis systematically.

This is
the characteristics given by Piaget for ....... stage
A) Pre – operational
B) Concrete – operational stage
C) Formal operational stage
D) None of these
2. Intelligence and creativity are
A) Positively related
B) Negatively related
C) Not related with each other
D) None of these
3. Who propounded the theory of multiple intelligence
A) Howard gardner
B) Charles spearman
C) Louis L. Thurstone
D) None of these
4. Child development is marked by interrelated processes. Which one is not one of them?
A) Differentiation
B) Integration
C) Motivation
D) Learning
5. Which of the following statements about teaching is true?
A) Teaching is a pre-requisite of learning
B) Teaching facilitates learning
C) Teaching restricts initiative of learners
D) Teaching is necessary for good learners
6. Children from the underprivileged sections of the society can benefit more if they are
A) Provided with training for self employment
B) Exempted from Home work and class test
C) Provided with richer learning environment in school
D) Given simple learning tasks
7. To address the diversity in academic achievement an effective teaching method can be
A) Dictating notes
B) Cooperative teaching
C) Lecturing
D) Giving tests
8. Which of the following statements about the role of a teacher is correct?
A) Teacher should be critic only
B) Teacher should favour good students
C) Teacher should have a friendly attitude towards students
D) Teacher should maintain a distance from students
9. Which age is called the adolescent age of a child
A) From 3-12 yrs
B) From 13-19 yrs
C) From 1-3 yrs
D) From 20-25 yrs
10. What is meant by sequential development?
A) Development that follows succession
B) Development that is irregular
C) Mental development of child
D) Rapid development
11. Why do children differ in physique, character, habits, attitudes and family traits?
A) Due to parents
B) Due to nourishment
C) Due to heredity and environment
D) Due to malnutrition
12. What is meant by social environment?
A) Parent and members of family
B) Relatives, friends and neighbour
C) Teachers and society
D) All of the above
13. What social behaviour is not observed in a child during childhood?
A) Adjustment
B) Attraction towards opposite sex
C) Influence of peers
D) Group loyalty
14. What is meant by Piaget’s idea of assimilation?
A) The process by which a person takes material into his mind from the environment
B) The process of acquiring knowledge through understanding
C) The process of acquiring knowledge at mature stage
D) The process of learning through imitation
15. Who propounded the theory of trial and error?
A) Adam
B) Woodworth
C) Ross
D) Thorndike
16. A student was to share his personal problem and asks for permission to call on you at your
residence. What should be your response?
A) Avoid giving time
B) Gives an appointment readily
C) Tell him that you do not encourage students to visit at the residence
D) Ignore the child
17. If you know that the father of a student has been tested HIV positive, what will you do?
A) Disclose the information to the class
B) Make the child sit separately
C) Ask the parents to withdraw the child
D) Let him continue with the studies like others
18. What can be the reason of stammering?
A) Economic and social
B) Inherited or acquired
C) Physiological or psychological
D) Parent or teacher
19. What are the two types of assessment which have been referred under CCE?
A) Scholastic and co-scholastic
B) Formative and summative
C) Regular and irregular
D) None of these
20. What is the periodicity of formative assessment?
A) Four times in a year
B) Half yearly
C) Monthly
D) Yearly
21. Summative assessment totals to ........ weightage.
A) 60%
B) 50%
C) 40%
D) 30%
22. Formative assessment is carried out
A) During a course of learning
B) At the end of a course of learning
C) At the beginning of a course of learning
D) None of these
23. Multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, long answer type questions are the
tools used for .........
A) Formative
B) Summative
C) Both formative and summative
D) Regular
24. Which of the following may damage a low achieving student psychologically?
A) Making children maintain record of class test marks
B) Discussing the marks of individual student in class
C) Discussing the correct answer in the class
D) Making children correct their own note books
25. How many types of intelligence were suggested by Howard Gardner?
A) Five
B) Seven
C) Six
D) Eight
26. What is the main features of Montessori Method?
A) Swings and plays
B) Nursery rhymes
C) Some apparatus is designed for children to play with
D) Story telling
27. What is the sensori-motor stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?
A) Birth to 2 years
B) 2 to 7 years
C) 7 to 11 years
D) 11 years and above
28. While giving expression to one’s thoughts, what does come first in mind
A) Thought
B) Body action
C) Language
D) Emotion
29. What are the fields covered in the co-scholastic evaluation?
A) Human values
B) Social and physical development
C) Health and cleanliness
D) All of the above
30. ............ are responsible for the development of the traits in the individuals
A) Gametes
B) Genes
C) Chromosomes
D) All of the above

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