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Arely Carrillo

Professor Babcock

English 138T

January 25, 2023

I Believe Speech

I believe in no limitations.

Always receiving approval and support was a priority within my household. With it coming
down to the smallest of things whether that be saying yes to getting ice cream or receiving an
award at school. Knowing I had my parents and family’s support in my every decision starting
from a child all the way up until today made me strive for what I wanted in life. I was always
told the sky was the limit and no one’s opinion mattered but my own.

It was my freshman year of high school, and I was completely clueless on how fast time would
travel. I was so excited to be in a new environment and creating new relationships and new
support systems without having my future in the back of my mind. With 2 years being robbed of
my high school experience my next chapter in life was knocking on my door. Sooner than
expected making new friends wasn’t my priority instead it was making sure I was looking at new
colleges and turning in applications on time. When I finally found the perfect one, the one that I
knew was for me I expected nothing less than support from my family, new friends, teachers, etc.

I was completely startled when the reactions and advice I was receiving from deciding to move
from the west coast to the east coast was more cons than pros. My classmates surrounding me
whispering and gossiping if I would even make it out there by myself, questioning if I’m capable
of making new connections, and overall doubting my intellectual and individual ability of
success. Teachers I viewed as confidants stopped giving me positive advice and started telling
me to not do it, not for my sake but for my parent’s financial sake. I was being told I did not
know the choice I was making besides a huge mistake. Family friends making me feel guilty for
leaving my family, questioning me for even deciding to go so far, wanting me to be like their
children and stay at community college. My confidence began deflating and I soon found myself
questioning what was I really doing?

As graduation got closer reality really began to set in. I was reassured by my family this new
chapter in my life was for me to live. I should not let anyone limit me in reaching my goals. This
was about my future not their own. Now here we are today living out the doubt everyone had on
a day-to-day basis. With my family as my backbone this new chapter has brought new
beginnings and opportunities. I’ve come to realize I don’t need anyone else’s support or opinion
but my own and my family’s. I am who I am because of my family orientation. Blood isn’t the
only thing that brings us together but so does the love and passion for one another. The new
connections I’m surrounded by today are because I pushed that limit.

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