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Covalent Bonding

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Covalent Bonding
1. Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing electrons to form molecules. This type of bond
usually formed between two non-metallic elements.
2. In the formation of covalent bonds, atoms of non-metals will combine with each other to
donate one, two or three electrons for sharing.
3. The compound formed through the formation of covalent bonds is called the covalent
Examples of Covalent Compound

Covalent Compound Formula Covalent Compound Formula

Chlorine Cl2 Phosphorus P4

Hydrogen H2 Sulfur dioxide SO2

Oxygen O2 Carbon dioxide CO2

Nitrogen N2 Tetrachloro-methane CCl4

Examples of Formation of Covalent Compounds
Formation of Fluorine Molecule

1. The electrons arrangement of a fluorine atom is 2.7

2. To achieve octet electrons arrangement, 2 fluorine atoms share 1 pair of electrons between
each other.
3. As a result, a covalent bond formed between the 2 atoms.

Formation of Oxygen Molecule

1. The electrons arrangement of an oxygen atom is 2.6
2. To achieve octet electrons arrangement, 2 fluorine atoms share 2 pair of electrons between
each other.
3. As a result, 2 covalent bonds formed between the 2 atoms.
Formation of Carbon Dioxide Molecule

1. The electrons arrangement of an oxygen atom is 2.6 and the electrons arrangement of a
hydrogen atom is 1.
2. To achieve octet electrons arrangement, the oxygen atom share 2 pair of electrons with 2
hydrogen atoms.
3. The hydrogen atoms achieve duplet electrons arrangement after sharing electron with the
oxygen atom.
4. As a result, covalent bonds formed between the oxygen atom and the hydrogen atoms.

 Chemical Bonds
 Predicting the Formula of Ionic Compound
 Covalent Compounds – Number of Bonds

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02 Structure of Atom
03 Chemical Formulae and Equations
04 Periodic Table
05 Chemical Bonds
06 Electrochemistry
07 Acids and Bases
08 Salts
09 Manufactured Substances in Industry
10 Rate of Reaction
11 Carbon Compounds
12 Oxidation and Reduction
13 Thermochemistry
14 Chemical for Consumers


02 The Structure of Atoms

03 Concept of Mole, Formulae and Equations
04 Periodic Table of Elements
05 Chemical Bonds
06 Acids, Bases and Salts
07 Rate of Reaction
08 Manufactured Substances in Industry

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