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Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với
những lựa chọn còn lại. (1-4)
1. A. aegis B. algae C. anger D. apparatus
2. A. premise B. chemise C. practice D. treatise
3. A. booth B. baboon C. smooth D. foot
4. A. banquet B. bouquet C. racquet D. croquet

Chọn 01 từ trong 04 từ đã cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
5. A. expected B. infallible C. apprehend D. alternative
6. A. diversity B. amphibian C. ecotourism D. courageous
7. A. solicitude B. manifest C. compromise D. influence
8. A. compulsory B. necessitate C. forecaster D. prerequisite


Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được
gạch chân trong câu hỏi. (9-11)
9. He was fed up to the back teeth with being criticized in public all the
A. escalated B. exasperated C. exaggerated D. exacerbated
10. “Wow, you’ve already finished your assignments? They are not due
until next week; you are really on the ball. I wish I could be more
A. are employed B. react quickly and correctly
C. overdo your duty D. are a great person
11. It’s going to be Sherley’s birthday soon. Maybe we can pitch in and buy
her something great.
A. make a joint effort B. make a compromise
C. reach a conclusion soon D. split the difference


Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ hoặc cụm từ được
gạch chân trong câu hỏi. (12-14)
12. The factory is firing on all cylinders to finish the orders on time.
A. making every effort
B. making poor uses of its resources
C. go to any lengths
D. working sluggishly
13. Don’t tell me not to worry. I am 28 years old and I’m still living from
hand to mouth.
A. well-off B. frugal C. economical D. abstinent
14. The committee has spent an enormous amount of money on this project
yet it has no bright future.
A. gigantic B. vast C. tremendous D. minute


Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống
trong mỗi câu hỏi. (15-19)
15. Remember if you go into that meeting without being prepared with
some answer, you will simply be_______.
A. a bird with no wings B. a sitting duck
C. a fish out of water D. a sick animal
16. He has received several scholarships_______
A. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability.
B. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic.
C. because of his academic and artistic ability.
D. as resulting of his ability in the art and in the academy.
17. We have decided to go out tonight and paint the town_______Everyone
wants to have a great time.
A. red B. blue C. black D. white
18. You have to read between the_______of what is written in the diary to
fully understand what she is trying to say.
A. pages B. paragraphs C. passages D. lines
19. If you do not make the_______, the restaurant will not take you in as a
A. grade B. score C. mark D. point

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống
trong đoạn văn. (20-27)
Can whales predict disasters?
As photographer Andrew Suton was filming whales just off the coast of Sri
Lanka, warnings were given on land that a tsunami was imminent in the area.
However, Andrew and his crew were totally (20)_______to what was about to
happen, and so watched in amazement as every species of cetacean,
(21)_______from massive blue whales to tiny spinner dolphins, disappeared
within the (22)_______of around five minutes. (23)_______the humans on the
boat felt nothing, the animals had obviously sensed the shocks from beneath the
sea and (24)_______the area seconds after the earthquake had begun and
minutes before the tsunami actually took place.
In a similar incident, a recent scientific report from Mexico appears to prove
that a fin whale accolated quickly away from the (25)_______of an underwater
The (26)_______of all this are very interesting to scientists, because it
suggests that sea mammals might be able to give crucial warnings a few seconds
(27)_______to a potentially dangerous seismic activity in the same way that
some animals are alleged to be able to do on land.
(From: Advanced Expert)

20. A. unaware B. unconscious C. obvious D. ignorant

21. A. ranging B. reaching C. ranking D. running
22. A. duration B. space C. time D. length
23. A. Whilst B. Yet C. However D. Despite
24. A. vanished B. fled C. disappeared D. excaped
25. A. point B. setting C. place D. site
26. A. expectations B. propositions C. assumptions D. implications
27. A. approaching B. prior C. previous D. leading


Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo. (28-35)
Every year, thousands of students fly to the United States to spend their
holidays working at summer camps. In return, they get a free return flight, full
board, pocket money and the chance to travel. Lucy Gribble joined Camp
America and spent eight weeks working at a summer camp for six to sixteen-
I applied at the last minute and was so thrilled at the prospect of spending the
holidays doing something more exciting than working in the local supermarket,
that I hastily accepted the only job left- in the camp laundry.
I started to have my doubts while squashed between the windsurfing
instructor and the aerobic teacher during the bumpy three-hour ride to the camp,
about 90 miles from New York City. Then, on arrival I was told by the camp
director that I would be doing the washing for 200 children - on my own. For the
first week, the party sent out by the job agency - seven English students and one
Welsh, one Pole and one Australian - became a full-time cleaning squad, getting
the place ready for grand opening.
We swept out dead birds from the bunkrooms, scrubbed the lavatories,
gymnasium and kitchen, polished the cooking equipment, mowed the lawns, put
up the sports nets, and lugged any luggage sent on ahead to the bedrooms.
After the children’s arrival I had to work from 8.45 in the morning to 10.30
at night to get all my work done. “Don’t worry”, said the director. “The kids
always throw all their clothes in the wash after five minutes in the first week”. I
smiled through gritted teeth.
Considering there was no hot water in the laundry and the rickety old
machines, the washing came out remarkably well. But with so many clothes to
wash and dry, some washing did get mixed up. I had six-year- olds marching up
and telling me their parents would be very angry if I did not find their favourite
The kitchen workers and myself found ourselves at the bottom of the camp’s
class system We were never invited to join in the evening activities and at the
talent show we were the only six out of the entire camp to be excluded. When
we did manage to get out of the camp, our evenings tended to consist of eating
ice-cream in the local gas station or driving 20 miles to a restaurant to drink
cheap lemonade Despite the unexciting venues, we made the best of tile
situation and enjoyed a lot of laughs throughout the summer.
The camp itself had a large lake and excellent sporting activities. But because
organized activities for the children canted on into the evening we usually only
got the chance to use the tennis courts or the swimming pool.
I shared a room with three 18-year-oid girls from New York. They had never
been away from home before and spent most of the night screaming with
excitement. They each had three trunks full of clothes and thought It was
hilarious that I had only a rucksack. On some nights the only way to get any rest
was to “go sick” and sleep in the medical centre.
The camp food was poor with child sized portions, fresh fruit and vegetables
were rare. One catering worker even stood over tile pineapple rings checking
that you took only one each.
The plus points of the camp were the beautiful parkland setting, meeting a
great bunch of traveling companions and managing to work my way through far
more of my course books for my English degree than I would have done back
And without Camp America’s free flight to the US - and a rail ticket from my
parents - I would never have seen Niagara Falls, climbed the Empire State
building, visited Washington DC or had my picture taken with Mickey Mouse at
Disney World, all of which I did after the camp closed down.
(From: Focus on First Practice Test Guidance)

28. Lucy was surprised to find that_______

A. the camp was so far from New York City.
B. there would be so many children at the camp,
C. she would be working without any help.
D. there was to be a party during the first week.
29. The director suggested that the first week was the worst
A. children used the laundry more.
B. the children’s clothes were dirtier.
C. the laundry equipment wasn’t working well.
D. Lucy was still learning how to do the job.
30. By saying “I smiled through gritted teeth”, what does the writer mean?
A. She accepted to do the laundry against her will and it was obvious to
others how she really felt.
B. She was happy to do the laundry and showed her feeling to everyone.
C. She didn’t accept to do the laundry and told the director.
D. She considered asking the children to do wash their clothes by
31. One problem she had in her work was that_______
A. the colours in the clothes ran together.
B. some clothes got damaged in the wash.
C. she couldn’t get clothes completely clean.
D. some clothes got temporarily lost.
32. Lucy and the kitchen workers_______
A. were the slowest at learning their job.
B. had to organize their own social life.
C. didn’t get on together very well.
D. used to avoid the evening activities.
33. She sometimes didn’t sleep in her room because_______
A. she didn’t feel very well.
B. she had argued with her room mates.
C. the room was very crowded.
D. the room was too noisy.
34. One thing Lucy didn’t like about the meals was that_______
A. the helpings were very small.
B. the food was usually overcooked.
C. there was never any fruit.
D. people watched you while you ate.
35. One advantage of her time at the camp was that Lucy_______
A. was able to enjoy several sporting activities.
B. managed to save up some money.
C. had time to spend studying.
D. joined the children on visits to places of interest.


Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống. (36-40)
36. Harry: “Will you please spare me a few minutes right now?”
Kate: “_______”
A. No, I don’t. Because I have no time.
B. Yes, but you should know that you’re so irritating.
C. I am afraid not. But I’ll be free this evening.
D. Yes, how about this evening?
37. William: “Would you like me to do it?”
Megan: “_______”
A. Yes, I’ll be happy to do it.
B. It’s all right as it is.
C. Yes, please. That would be a great help.
D. Please but there’s no need.
38. Harry: “Look! I just got an e-mail from Elise in France.”
Kate: “_______”
A. How exciting! I want to read it, too.
B. Elise is a good girl.
C. Where is the email?
D. I have never been to France.
39. Alex: “Why don’t we go somewhere this year?”
Lynn: “_______”
A. Yes, let’s do that B. I like it
C. I think so D. Not bad
40. Richard: “You don’t like wine, do you?”
Gosh: “_______. I never drink it.”
A. Yes, I don’t B. No, I don’t
C. Yes, I do D. No, I am not


Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
41. a. I think I need to buy a car.
b. That’s true. But I’m moving out of the city soon to a more suburban
c. Why? Buying a car is expensive. Gas is expensive, too.
d. I understand.
e. Yes. I know it costs a lot, but I hate taking public transportation.
f. Oh, so you would need a car to drive to work?
A. a-c-b-f-e-d B. a-f-b-e-c-d C. b-d-c-f-a-e D. f-a-b-c-d-e
42. a. I’ve got to finish raking up all these leaves, and I don’t think I can
finish it today.
b. I’d love to, but I don’t think I can do it today.
c. Wow! The Story is playing at the movie theater.
d. Oh, let’s go see it! I hear it’s a great movie.
e. Why not? It’s the weekend.
f. I don’t know what to say...
A. a-f-e-d-c-b B. c-d-b-e-a-f C. a-f-e-b-c-d D. f-e-a-c-b-d
43. a. Yeah. So I need a ride, and I think you’d enjoy meeting her.
b. Oh, is she the one who plays the guitar?
c. Sure, but why do you need to go?
d. I want to meet my friend, Sarah. She’s coming into town.
e. Jason, can you give me a ride to the train station?
A. e-a-c-b-d B. e-c-d-b-a C. a-c-d-e-b D. e-a-d-b-c
44. a. I’ve never met Sarah.
b. Is she the girl with straight brown hair at the table?
c. I’m sure you will like her. She’s really nice.
d. No, Sarah has long, curly, red hair.
e. Yes, that’s her. Let’s go over, and I’ll introduce you two. She’s really
f. Oh, I think I see her now. She’s wearing a black dress, right?
A. b-d-f-e-a-c B. b-d-c-f-a-e C. a-c-b-d-f-e D. a-f-c-d-e-b
45. a. We have lout and cherry muffins.
b. If you’re really hungry, the pancakes or donuts are wonderful.
c. Eggs always sound good, fait what do you suggest?
d. Perfect. I’ll haw a cherry muffin, please. And a cup of coffee, thanks.
e. Hmm. That sounds too heavy. What else do you have?
f. Good morning. What can I get you today?
A. f-a-e-b-c-d B. b-d-c-a-f-e C. a-f-c-d-e-b D. f-c-b-e-a-d
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi. (46-
46. Forecasters are trying to protect themselves from making the wrong
prediction about the storm, saying that it could bring lots of snow, or it
could head away from us.
A. Forecasters are making an effort to cover up their competencies by
giving inconclusive speculations about the whereabouts of the storm.
B. Forecasters ate hedging their bets about the storm, saying that it could
either bring snow or dodge away from us.
C. Forecasters are jeopardizing their career by letting the effects of the
storm imprecisely predicted, saying it either lets off or creates a lot of
D. The potential effects of the approaching storm are left to chances
because the forecasters do not want to lose their faces.
47. Although I am angry about what happened, in no circumstances would I
want anyone to intervene on my behalf.
A. Outraged though I am about what occurred, the least thing I want to
do is fending for myself.
B. Provided that I am not irritated by the happenings, I would let
someone to take side on behalf of me.
C. Although I was driven to edges when I knew what happened, the last
thing I would want is for anyone to intervene on my behalf.
D. I still want to act on my own even though what happened is really a
pain on my neck.
48. The door-to-door sales representative was just pretending to be honest
and was actually a swindler.
A. The seemingly honest door-to-door sales representative exuded an air
of insincerity.
B. The door-to-door sales representative was actually making a
mountain out of a molehill with his off-color impression.
C. It turned out that the swindle door-to-door sales representatives was
trying to make a monkey out of naive people.
D. It turned out that the door-to-door sales representative was sailing
under false colors and was actually a swindler.
49. You may be dismissed if you fail to observe the company’s dress code.
A. If you cannot see the way people at this dress while they are at work
you will be given the sack.
B. Failure to dress in that way that is prescribed may led to your being
made redundant.
C. Unless you abide by the company’s dress code, you will be made
D. Failure to conform to the company’s dress code may result in your
50. Frank didn’t tell Sarah his news until she had finished her homework.
A. Frank waited for Sarah to finish her homework before telling her his
B. Not until Frank told her his news did Sarah finish her homework.
C. Only when Sarah had finished her homework was she allowed into
Frank’s news.
D. No sooner had Sarah finished her homework than she was told about
Frank’s news.


Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. Her meeting with Dalai Lama was the turning point of her life. After
that, nothing was the same for her.
A. After she met Dalai Lama, she turned over new leaves.
B. Her meeting with Dalai Lama marked a milestone in her life because
it appealed to her better nature.
C. After her reconciliation with Dalai Lama her life was changed once
and for all.
D. Her meeting with Dalai Lama meant a world to her for it radically
changed her outlook on life.
52. The iPhone slipped out of my hands and fell downstairs. Luckily, it is
still in one piece.
A. It was something short of a miracle that the iPhone stay untouched
after it slid out of my hand downstairs.
B. It was by a stroke of luck that the iPhone did not disintegrate when I
threw it downstairs.
C. The fact that the iPhone was not smashed when I accidentally
dropped it downstairs was nothing short of luck to me.
D. I was with luck when my iPhone fell downstairs and slid out of my
53. He must have been hungry. Did you see the way he wolfed his dinner
A. The way he bit off more than he could chew indicated his level of
B. His appetite for food at the time must have been insatiable due to his
being starved.
C. Judging from the way he was eating a whale of food I know that he
must have been starving.
D. The fact that he was eating like a horse showed how famished he
must have been.
54. He traded some silver cutleries at a flea market. He came across them
in his basement.
A. The basement had the silver cutleries that he came across and traded
at a flea market.
B. He came across some silver cutleries in his basement and sold them
at a flea market.
C. He sold some silver cutleries at a flea market that he came across in
his basement.
D. The silver cutleries which he traded at the flea market he came across
them in his basement.
55. Professor Brown finished answering some questions about the situation
in Korea for the TV news. He returned to his office and got some notes
ready for his speech.
A. Before Professor Brown went back to his office to prepare for his
speech, he had answered some questions on the situation in Korea on the
TV news.
B. Because he had to explain the situation in Korea on the news on TV,
Professor Brown went back to his office to get his notes sorted out.
C. Professor Brown had some notes that he was to use for his speech,
and he used them in the interview he had with the TV news over the
situation in Korea.
D. Professor Brown went back to his office to compose the speech that
he was to give on the situation in Korea for the TV news.


Chọn 01 cụm từ hoặc câu trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn trong mỗi câu hỏi để
điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho. (56-60)
There is an old saying that “honesty is the best policy”, but sometimes it
seems we’re far more inclined to bend the truth or just tell barefaced lies.
Let’s begin with personal relationships. Lack of honesty here leads to all
kinds of problems. Take, for example, the relationship between parents and
children. (57)_______. The result is that you will have to work hard to win back
that trust. It’s the same with friends. If you can’t depend on them to tell you the
truth or if you let them down, then your friendship is unlikely to last.
Honesty at work is just as important. In the first place, a dishonest worker
can cost a business dearly. (58)_______Not so serious you may say, but it is my
belief that this shows a person who does not value honesty. (59)_______.Most
people work in teams and if you cannot trust a colleague, the team will break
(60)_______, it is my belief that honesty in our lives is absolutely crucial.
Take it away, and our lives would become extremely unpleasant and this may
affect others too.

56. A. In this essay, I’m going to explain why I think honesty is an

important part of our life.
B. From my perspective, I suppose we can tell white lies once in a
while, but sooner or later the truth will come out.
C. I personally think a person should have their own choice whether to
tell truth or lies.
D. I strongly believe that having to listen to lies, even white lies, makes
people stressed and lose faith in life.
57. A. Parents always love their children unconditionally; hence, they can
forgive any mistakes that their children commit.
B. If you lie to your parents about what you have or have not done, you
could be in trouble when they find out.
C. Parents should never tell lies to their children in order to set good
D. If you are afraid to make your parents worried about you, you can tell
them half of the truth.
58. A. If you are in a really bad health condition, of course you can call in
sick; but stealing things from the office is unacceptable.
B. There are many disgraceful acts which are frowned upon in the
office, and you may get fined if you commit them.
C. It might start with calling in sick when there is nothing wrong or
taking office stationery home.
D. People who negative affect their office by pretending to be sick, or
even stealing stationery, should be fined.
59. A. The second thing is that if you are an exceptional person, you might
be abhorred at the workplace.
B. Last but not least, an employee who is always excusing for doing
things badly will be sacked sooner or later.
C. Another negative influence of having a liar in the office is that he will
drive other loyal workers away.
D. Secondly, an untrustworthy worker makes a bad colleague.
60. A. In conclusion, B. One last word,
C. To sum, D. Finally,

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