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Economical Size of Pumping Main: From SPS To Tallital PO

1) Sewerage Generation : Year Peak Discharge Pipe Dia in mm Material Class HWC Rate Rs/m
A. Initial 2021 0.840 mld 100 DI K9 140 1225
B. Intermediate 2036 6.030 mld 150 DI K9 140 1742
C. Ultimate 2051 12.910 mld 200 DI K9 140 2214
2) Pumping main LENGTH 1800.0 M 250 DI K9 140 2977
3) Static head for pump ST.HEAD (incl Pump losses) 14.30 M 300 DI K9 140 3790
4) Design period YEAR 30 yr. 350 DI K9 140 4670
5) Combined eff. of pump set EFF. % 65 % 400 DI K9 140 5675
6) Cost of pumping unit Rs./KW 25000 Rs 450 DI K9 140 6780
7) Interest rate INTEREST 10.00 % 500 DI K9 140 8082
8) Life of electric motor & pump set P.Yrs 15 yr. 600 DI K9 140 10562
9) Energy charges per kWh P/KWH 600 paise 700 DI K9 140 13907
10) Pumping hours for discharge at the end of 15 years hours 24 hrs 800 DI K9 140 16766
CALCULATIONS: 1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
1) Discharge at Start OF PERIOD 0.840 mld 6.030 mld
2) Discharge at the end of 15 yrs 6.030 mld 12.910 mld
3) Average Flow 70 lps 149 lps
4) Average Discharge 6.030 mld 12.910 mld
5) Avg.pumping hours during the period 24.00 hrs 24.00 hrs
6) KW required at combined efficiency of pumping set 1.05 * H1 2.26 * H2
7) annual charges for energy Rs. 55362 * KW1 118529 * KW2
Modified Hazen William's Formula
V= 143.534*CR* r^0.6575* S^0.5525
h= [L*(Q/CR)^1.81 ]/[994.62*D^4.81]
Friction Head Loss (First 15 years)
Dia. in mm L Q CR Q/CR (Q/CR)^1.81 994.62 D D^4.81 h( First 15 yrs)
100 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.100 0.000 52.436
150 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.150 0.000 7.458
200 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.200 0.000 1.869
250 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.250 0.001 0.639
300 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.300 0.003 0.266
350 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.350 0.006 0.127
400 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.400 0.012 0.067
450 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.450 0.021 0.038
500 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.500 0.036 0.023
550 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.550 0.056 0.014
600 100 0.070 1.000 0.070 0.008 994.620 0.600 0.086 0.009
Dia. in mm 143.534 CR r=A/P=D/4 r^0.6575 S S^0.5525 V
100 143.534 1.000 0.025 0.088 0.052 0.196 2.490
150 143.534 1.000 0.038 0.115 0.007 0.067 1.107
200 143.534 1.000 0.050 0.139 0.002 0.031 0.622
250 143.534 1.000 0.063 0.162 0.001 0.017 0.398
300 143.534 1.000 0.075 0.182 0.000 0.011 0.277
350 143.534 1.000 0.088 0.202 0.000 0.007 0.203
400 143.534 1.000 0.100 0.220 0.000 0.005 0.156
450 143.534 1.000 0.113 0.238 0.000 0.004 0.123
500 143.534 1.000 0.125 0.255 0.000 0.003 0.100
550 143.534 1.000 0.138 0.271 0.000 0.002 0.082
600 143.534 1.000 0.150 0.287 0.000 0.002 0.069
Friction Head Loss (Second 15 years)
Dia. in mm L Q CR Q/CR (Q/CR)^1.81 994.62 D D^4.81 h ( Second 15
100 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.100 0.000 207.984
150 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.150 0.000 29.582
200 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.200 0.000 7.414
250 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.250 0.001 2.535
300 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.300 0.003 1.055
350 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.350 0.006 0.502
400 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.400 0.012 0.264
450 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.450 0.021 0.150
500 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.500 0.036 0.090
550 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.550 0.056 0.057
600 100 0.149 1.000 0.149 0.032 994.620 0.600 0.086 0.038
Dia. in mm CR r=A/P=D/4 r^0.6575 S S^0.5525 V
100 143.534 1.000 0.025 0.088 0.208 0.420 5.331
150 143.534 1.000 0.038 0.115 0.030 0.143 2.369
200 143.534 1.000 0.050 0.139 0.007 0.067 1.333
250 143.534 1.000 0.063 0.162 0.003 0.037 0.853
300 143.534 1.000 0.075 0.182 0.001 0.023 0.592
350 143.534 1.000 0.088 0.202 0.001 0.015 0.435
400 143.534 1.000 0.100 0.220 0.000 0.011 0.333
450 143.534 1.000 0.113 0.238 0.000 0.008 0.263
500 143.534 1.000 0.125 0.255 0.000 0.006 0.213
550 143.534 1.000 0.138 0.271 0.000 0.005 0.176
600 143.534 1.000 0.150 0.287 0.000 0.004 0.148


S No Pipe Size in friction head Velocity in Velocity in Friction head other losses at total losses Friction head other total losses
mm loss per 1000 m/sec m/sec loss 10% (H1) including loss in total losses at (H2) including
m static head pipe length 10% static head

1st stage flow 2nd stage flow 1st stage flow 2nd stage flow 1st stage flow 14 1800.00 14
2nd stage flow
1 100 52.44 207.98 2.49 5.33 94.38 9.44 118.12 374.37 37.44 426.11
2 150 7.46 29.58 1.11 2.37 13.42 1.34 29.07 53.25 5.32 72.87
3 200 1.87 7.41 0.62 1.33 3.36 0.34 18.00 13.35 1.33 29
4 250 0.64 2.53 0.40 0.85 1.15 0.12 15.57 4.56 0.46 19
5 300 0.27 1.05 0.28 0.59 0.48 0.05 14.83 1.90 0.19 16.39
6 350 0.13 0.50 0.20 0.44 0.23 0.02 14.55 0.90 0.09 15.29
7 400 0.07 0.26 0.16 0.33 0.12 0.01 14.43 0.48 0.05 15
8 450 0.04 0.15 0.12 0.26 0.07 0.01 14.37 0.27 0.03 14.60
9 500 0.02 0.09 0.10 0.21 0.04 0.00 14.35 0.16 0.02 14.48
10 550 0.01 0.06 0.08 0.18 0.03 0.00 14.33 0.10 0.01 14.41
11 600 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.02 0.00 14.32 0.07 0.01 14.37

1st stage flow in MLD 6.030 2nd stage flow in MLD 12.910
S No Pipe Dia in mm class of Pipe H1 total head KW reqd plus pump cost at H2 total head in Kw required Pump cost at cost of total cost of
in meters 100% stand by Rs per Kw meters plus 100 % Rs per KW pipe per pipe in
stand by meter thousand Rs

25000 1800
1 100 DI 118.12 249 6221 426.11 1922 48046 1225 2206
2 150 DI 29.07 61 1531 72.87 329 8217 1742 3135
3 200 DI 18.00 38 948 28.98 131 3268 2214 3986
4 250 DI 15.57 33 820 19.32 87 2178 2977 5359
5 300 DI 14.83 31 781 16.39 74 1848 3790 6822
6 350 DI 14.55 31 766 15.29 69 1725 4670 8407
7 400 K9 14.43 30 760 14.82 67 1671 5675 10215
8 450 K9 14.37 30 757 14.60 66 1646 6780 12205
9 500 K9 14.35 30 755 14.48 65 1633 8082 14547
10 600 K9 14.33 30 755 14.41 65 1625 10562 19011
11 700 K9 14.32 30 754 14.37 65 1621 13907 25033

1st stage flow 6.03 mld 2nd stage flow 12.910 mld
S No Cost of pump Annual capitalized Pump Cost of pump Annual capitalized Pump Present cost Pipe Dia Grand total cost
set Energy energy cost cost+capitalize set Energy energy cost cost+capitalize of pump and first and second
Charges d energy cost Charges d energy cost capitalized stage
cost of 2nd
Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs Thousand Rs mm Thousand Rs
1 6,221 6,540 49,740 55,961
48,046 50,506 3,84,149 4,32,195 1,03,470 100 4,90,361
2 1,531 1,609 12,240 13,771
8,217 8,638 65,697 73,914 17,695 150 90,819
3 948 997 7,580 8,528
3,268 3,435 26,127 29,394 7,037 200 41,908
4 820 862 6,554 7,374
2,178 2,290 17,416 19,595 4,691 250 32,327
5 781 821 6,243 7,024
1,848 1,942 14,774 16,622 3,979 300 30,468
6 766 806 6,127 6,893
1,725 1,813 13,789 15,513 3,714 350 30,813
7 760 799 6,077 6,837
1,671 1,757 13,364 15,035 3,599 400 20,652
8 757 796 6,053 6,810
1,646 1,730 13,160 14,806 3,545 450 22,560
9 755 794 6,041 6,796
1,633 1,716 13,053 14,686 3,516 500 24859
10 755 793 6,034 6,788
1,625 1,708 12,994 14,619 3,500 600 29299
11 754 793 6,029 6,784
1,621 1,704 12,959 14,580 3,490 700 35,307
Minimum Capitalized cost Rs 20652 thousands But We have to consider Velocity between 0.6-2.4 m/s
Therefore considering Velocity, Friction losses & Economical Costing Optimum pipe size is 250 mm and same is proposed as size of pumping main


500.0E+3 4,90,361
Total Cost

100.0E+3 90,819
000.0E+0 41,908 32,327 30,468 30,813 20,652 22,560 24859 29299 60000000
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 1.041
Pipe Dia in mm 0.96

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