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James Naismith – he invented the game basketball.

December 5, 1891 – basketball was invented.

Basic Skills
1. Shooting - The act of making an attempt to throw the ball to the basket to earn points.
2. Dribbling - The act of continuously bouncing the ball by one hand or both hands alternately while
moving to a certain point of the court.
3. Passing - The act of transferring the ball positions to a teammate using hand snap.
4. Rebounding - The act of successfully gaining the possession of the ball after a missed shot.
5. Running

Fouls and Violations in Basketball

Foul – it is an infraction of the rules that results in a loss of possession and possible free throws.

Types of Fouls
1. Technical Foul – it is a foul for disrespectfully communicating with or touching the referees or the
opponents or an infraction of a procedural or an administrative nature.
2. Unsportsmanlike foul – when a player makes a contact with an opponent and the officials believes
that they were not acting in a sportsmanlike fashion.
3. Illegal Contact
a. Holding foul.
b. Pushing/charging foul.
c. Blocking foul
d. Illegal contact to the arms/hands
e. Illegal use of hands
f. Hand check
g. Hit to the head

Violations – it is called on a player who breaks or violates the rule of the game.
Dribbling/Ball Violations
a. Traveling
b. Out of bounds/stepping on the line.
c. Ball kick
d. Goal tending
Time Violations
a. 24 second shot clock
b. 8 seconds
c. 5 seconds
d. 3 seconds

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