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Example - determination of variance of grouped data

Classes frequency (f) MidPoint (Xm) f*Xm f*Xm^2=f*Xm*Xm

5.5-10.5 1 8 8 64
10.5-15.5 2 13 26 338
15.5-20.5 3 18 54 972
20.5-25.5 5 23 115 2645
25.5-30.5 4 28 112 3136
30.5-35.5 3 33 99 3267
35.5-40.5 2 38 76 2888
Total 20 490 13310

s 2

 f .X 2
m 
 ( f . X m ) 2 / n 
n 1

sum f*Xm^2=13310
sum f*Xm=490
(sum f*Xm)^2=490^2=240100


s=(s^2)^0.5=(68.6842)^0.5 8.287593136732

Example page 23 slide 5

Holmes Appliance reported the number of television sets sold per month over a two-year period. Find the variance and standard

Number of sets sold frequency(months)

5 2
6 3
7 8
8 1
9 6
10 4

a) Determination of the mean in 2 ways

Way 1
X Xbar = (5+5+6+6+6+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+8+9+9+9+9+9+9+10+10+10+10)/24=7
X 7.75

Way 2
Number of sets sold (X) frequency (f) f*X
5 2 10
6 3 18
7 8 56
8 1 8
9 6 54
10 4 40
Total 24 186

Xbar = sum f*X/n=186/24 7.75

Determination of the variance in 3 ways

Way 1 - similar to grouped data

Number of sets sold (X) frequency (f) f*X f*X^2

5 2 10 50
6 3 18 108
7 8 56 392
8 1 8 64
9 6 54 486
10 4 40 400
Total 24 186 1500

s 2

 f X 2

 ( f  X ) 2 / n   1500  (186) 2
  2.5
/ 24
n 1 23
Way 2 - similar to ungrouped data

s 2

X 2

 ( X ) 2 / n  sum X^2=(5^2)+(5^2)+(6^2)+(6^2)+(6^2)+(7^2)+…..+(10^2)+(10^2)=1500
sum X=5+5+6+6+6+6+…..+10+10+10+10=186
n 1
s^2=(1500-186*186/24)/(24-1) 2.543478

Way 3 - similar to ungrouped data

s2 
 ( X  X ) 2

n 1
Xbar = sum f*X/n=186/24 7.75

X (X-Xbar) (X-Xbar)^2
5 -2.75 7.5625
5 -2.75 7.5625
6 -1.75 3.0625
6 -1.75 3.0625
6 -1.75 3.0625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
7 -0.75 0.5625
8 0.25 0.0625
9 1.25 1.5625
9 1.25 1.5625
9 1.25 1.5625
9 1.25 1.5625
9 1.25 1.5625
9 1.25 1.5625
10 2.25 5.0625
10 2.25 5.0625
10 2.25 5.0625
10 2.25 5.0625
Total 58.5

s2 
 ( X  X ) 2
n 1

Example 3

Consider the marks obtained by some students in stat in two classes

Samples for each class are formed by selected randomly the mark of 5 students
class 1 class 2
0 45
25 47.5
50 50
75 52.5
100 55
mean 50 50
variance 1562.5 15.625
standard deviation 39.5284707521047 3.95284707521

Although these both samples have similar means they have different variances.
As variance of class 1 > variance of class 2 it means that:
- data in class 1 are more dispersed (far away) from each other than data in class 2
- data in class 1 are more away from their mean than data in class 2
- mean of class 2 is more closs to data composing class 2… meaning that mean of class 2 represents better data in class 2 than
ind the variance and standard deviation for the data.

ts better data in class 2 than the mean of class 1

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