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Indonesia is a member of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) since its

establishment in 1961. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union (Eastern bloc) in
1991, do you think the Indonesia’s membership in the movement still relevant?
Please give your arguments and state your sources/references (if any)
Answer :
In those days there was no longer any between the West Block and the East
Block. Even entering the 21st century, the world power map has undergone a very
dramatic revolution since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Indonesia as one of the founders of NAM is driven to prove that NAM is still
very relevant in the 21st century but at the same time feels that NAM must change.
NAM must continue to move in the midst of the dynamics of the international world.
What NAM aspires to, namely a safe, peaceful and prosperous world is still a
challenge for various countries. Until now 60 percent of UN members are NAM
members, with global challenges, such as energy, financial, food security, or food
security crises, active participation in finding global solutions is needed.
Even NAM continues to develop its capacity and policies so that it is fully
capable of making its existence relevant, not for its members, but also more related to
its contribution in facing many challenges.
The challenges in question today include emerging issues related to terrorism,
the spread of intra and inter-state conflicts, weapons of disarmament, and the impact
of globalization on the economy and information technology. These issues have made
NAM need to adjust its policies and struggles. In this context, NAM views it not only
as an object, but as a balanced partner and part of the solution to world problems.
Because the existence of NAM is still relevant to achieve world peace and
Reference : Taufan Herdansyah Akbar, Agus Subagyo, & Jusmalia Oktaviani . 2020.
Realisme Dalam Kepentingan Nasional Indonesia Melalui Forum Konferensi Asia
Afrika (Kaa) Dan Gerakan Non Blok (GNB) Jurnal Dinamika Global Vol. 5 No. 1,
Juni 2020 P-ISSN 2548-9216 | E-ISSN 2684-9399
2. The trend of new governance mechanisms includes the issues of democracy. Can
revolutions against authoritarian government effectively leads to
democratisation? Please give your arguments and state your sources/references
(if any)
Answer :

Revolutions can counter authoritarian governments effectively lead to

democratization. For example, the government led by Suharto is authoritarian. The
army has a dominant role in it. Authoritarian leaders treat their subordinates like
machines. The people's revolution emerged in the student action supporting Suharto's

Timothy Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University, USA. His opinion

is conveyed in his book entitled On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth
Century. He outlines 20 lessons to be learned from totalitarian times in the past. We
are no wiser than Europeans who witnessed democracy giving birth to fascism,
Nazism or communism. Our advantage is that we can learn from their experiences.
Timothy Snyder also argues that the parties taking over the country have generally
changed from before. These political parties exploit historical moments to make
political life impossible for their enemies so that political party enemies are
eliminated from the political stage. Make the best use of your voting rights (the
people) in local and national elections to prevent bad things from happening.

Democratization has become an important phenomenon in world politics since

the end of the Cold War. The growing opinion says that democratization not only
guarantees civil rights, but also supports international peace and security. The
problem is, many countries in the world are still adopting an authoritarian system that
does not guarantee civil rights even though there is relatively no political turmoil in
these countries. However, the ideal political system is a political system that is both
stable and open. The theory of 'J Curve' which offers an explanation of the political
dynamics of a country and provides policy recommendations to large countries to
encourage democratization in authoritarian countries. The strategy to encourage
political change towards democracy is to strengthen political institutionalization.
Political institutionalization is very important in order to avoid the trap of instability
during the democratization process. The 'J Curve' theory strongly supports America's
foreign policy agenda. The 'J curve' theory suggests that America should prioritize
ways of political institutionalization rather than military intervention in ending
authoritarianism. America's involvement in the democratization process in Indonesia
reflects the application of the 'J Curve' theory.
Reference :



3. You have learned Wright’s three traditions of International Relations, according

to your opinion, which tradition that you could agree on its views about the
international affairs? Please explain your views and cite your sources (if any)

Answer :

I agree more with Behavioralism theory. Behavioralism is a view that focuses

on the behavior of very influential actors with an approach to how actors behave and
how to respond to an issue in international relations and must be supported by
supporting statistical data. Behavioralism basically in international relations is part of
a movement that spreads in the social sciences in general. Behavioralism is also often
referred to as a behavior-based approach, so behavioralism argues that science is an
activity to make generalizations.

Behaviorists also emphasize the need to collect data on the characteristics of

actors and how international relations actors relate to one another. This is in line with
Jackson & Sorensen (2014) saying that the main task is to collect empirical data about
IR, which prefers more data which is then used for measurement, classification,
generalization until finally a hypothesis emerges, namely a scientifically explained
behavioral pattern. Therefore, the essence of behavioralism is how to find patterns of
behavior between international relations actors and their causes. At first
behavioralism originated from a school of theory in the family of economics called
behavioralistic economics.

Since the 1970s, this discipline of economics has brought psychologists,

economists, brain scientists, and others together in an effort to better understand
human behavior. The synthesis of insights from each of these disciplines has clarified
our understanding of phenomena that are difficult to explain without the assumptions
of behavioralism. For example, how behavior affects the provision of schools, health
care, seeds, or other technologies has an effect on the economy. Because behavior is
so important, economic activity is also better when designed to match a person's
actual psychology by considering how they behave and the way they make decisions.
Not only economics, even programs based on medicine that belong to the health
sciences, agriculture, or education sciences can fail if they are poorly designed.
Especially with wrong assumptions about behavior. There is so much scope for
applying behavioral design to the dimensions of human life.

Reference :

Datta, S. & Mullainathan, S. (2014). Behavioral Design: A New Approach to

Development Policy. Dalam Review of Income and Wealth, 60: 7-35

4. In your opinion, do you think that international regimes would facilitate further
cooperation among states and serve its purpose? Please state your arguments,
and give one example that support your arguments. Please cite your references
(if any).

Answer :

In my opinion, the international regime facilitates further cooperation between

countries. The international regime is a tangible form of interaction between countries
in the world which is increasing with time. The existence of an international regime
indicates that the needs of countries in the world are increasing and cannot be met
alone and are also useful for ensuring a sense of security between the countries
involved. The main function of the international regime itself is to impose standards
of behavior between countries in the world.

The application of standards of behavior can be in the form of certain norms

and rules agreed upon by countries in the world to achieve something desired or to
avoid something undesirable together. The application of behavioral standards can be
seen through the presence of the International Civil Aviation Organization or ICAO
for short. The organization as well as the international regime functions to regulate the
safety of civil aviation and to prevent accidents in the world of aviation. This
organization as well as an international regime regulates the equipment that must be
met by airlines before they can operate properly and safely.
The existence of an international regime according to a realist approach
is the answer to the anxiety of countries regarding the security of their country. By
forming an international regime with countries that share the same view, countries
that are members of an international regime will have better strength in dealing with
common threats. As already explained, the existence of an international regime
according to realist analysis is very necessary in order to prevent something unwanted
together, and therefore the existence of an international regime is natural for countries
in the world to protect themselves from threats. It could be that the threat comes from
groups that are hostile to the country or a common enemy country, or even about
nuclear weapons. An example of a regime according to this realist analysis is the
Warsaw Pact, which aimed to reduce the influence of liberalism in Eastern Europe
and was created by the Soviet Union. Another example is the Non-Proliferation
Nuclear Treaty, which requires each country to disarm its own nuclear weapons.

Reference :

Bennett, A. LeRoy. 2002. International Organizations: Principles And Issues.

(Prentice Hall: Penerbit Upper Saddle River NJ).

Dixon, Martin. 2013. Textbook on International Law. (London: Penerbit Blackstone

Press Limited).

Hennida, Citra. 2015. Rezim dan Organisasi Internasional: Interaksi Negara,

Kedaulatan dan Institusi Multilateral. (Malang: Penerbit Intrans Publishing).

5. Explain about ASEAN Economic Community!

Answer :

MEA (Asean Economic Community) has a pattern that integrates the

economies of ASEAN countries (Association of Southeast Asia Nations) by
establishing a free trade system between ASEAN member countries. All ASEAN
members have agreed to the agreement, including Indonesia. MEA is a term from
Indonesia, the international term is AEC or Asean Economic Community. AEC is a
realization of the ultimate goal of economic integration that has been embraced in the
ASEAN Vision 2020 which is based on the convergence of interests of ASEAN
member countries to be able to expand and deepen economic integration through
existing and new initiatives with a clear time limit.

The MEA was formed based on four pillars, namely making ASEAN a single
market and production center, creating balanced economic growth, becoming a
competitive economic region, and integration into the global economy. The forms of
AEC cooperation include the development of human resources (HR) and capacity
building, closer consultation on macro-financial and economic policies, having
measures in trade financing, improving infrastructure, increasing the role of the
private sector to be able to build the MEA. , and recognition of professional

The main characteristics of the MEA are, a highly competitive economic

region, has an equitable economic development area, the regions will be fully
integrated in the global economy, and the last is a single production base and market.
These characteristics are very interrelated, these characteristics can also ensure the
consistency and coherence of the elements and their implementation. With the MEA,
it will be able to overcome the development gap and accelerate the integration of
ASEAN countries such as Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam through the
initiative for ASEAN integration and other regional initiatives.

With the enactment of the MEA, all ASEAN member countries must merge
their territorial boundaries into a free market, markets in all ASEAN members will
unite and become a single market. With this unification, it is to increase
competitiveness among ASEAN regions, to encourage economic growth, to reduce
poverty and to improve the living standards of the ASEAN people. This unification or
integration is expected to be able to build the ASEAN economy as the backbone of
the Asian economy.

Of course, every policy must have positive and negative impacts, the MEA has
many positive impacts for Indonesia, but also has negative impacts. The positive
impact of the MEA on Indonesia occurs in various aspects, including the trade side,
investment side, and employment side. On the trade side, the MEA will be a very
good opportunity for Indonesia because trade barriers will be reduced and even
become no barriers, this will have an impact on increasing exports which will increase
Indonesia's GDP.

On the investment side, MEA can create a climate that supports the entry of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that can stimulate economic growth through
technological developments, human resource development, job creation, and easier
access to world markets. On the employment side, with the MEA, job opportunities
are getting wider, this is because there are many jobs available with various needs for
diverse skills. Access to abroad is also easier, so finding a job becomes easier and
without any obstacles. Indonesian workers can work freely in ASEAN member
countries according to their skills, and vice versa.

MEA also has a negative impact on Indonesia, the negative impact occurs on
various sides, including on the side of competition, exploitation, and employment. On
the competition side, competition arises with the large number of imported goods that
will flow in large quantities and will threaten local industries in competing with
foreign products of higher quality. On the exploitation side, large-scale exploitation of
the availability of SDA (Natural Resources) by foreign companies entering Indonesia
because Indonesia is a country that has an abundance of natural resources compared
to other countries. On the employment side, the negative impact can be seen from the
education and productivity side of Indonesia, which is still unable to compete with
workers from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. With the existence of a free market
for goods and services, it will make it easier for foreign workers to enter and work in
Indonesia, resulting in increasingly fierce labor competition.

In our view, the existence of this MEA can improve the quality and quantity of
products originating from Indonesia,

Reference :

Bandoro, Bantarto, dan Ananta Gondomono. 1997. ASEAN dan Tantangan Satu Asia
Tenggara. Jakarta: Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
Bustami, Gusmardi. Menuju ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 2015.
Departemen Perdagan1gan Republik Indonesia, Direktur Jenderal Kerjasama
Perdangangan Internasio1nal, Depdag.

6. What do you think of the South-South cooperation as part of Indonesia’s current

direction and strategies of foreign policy (Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, 2015)?
Please state your arguments and list of references (if any)

Answer :

The history of Indonesia's role in collaborating with the South-South began

when Indonesia became the pioneer of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in
1955, the results of the meeting became the basis for solidarity and cooperation in
developing countries which at that time had just been freed from colonialism. South-
South Cooperation is now increasingly relevant and important, especially in the effort
to achieve the SDGs. At this time of the pandemic, many of the SDG's targets were
difficult to achieve and set back, such as SDG's 1 to eradicate poverty, SDG's 3 to
ensure good health and well-being.

South-South Cooperation (KSS) is a cooperation scheme between developing

countries which is carried out through various bilateral and multilateral relations
mutually. It aims to produce common solutions for the development of the South.

"Indonesia in SSC has an active role, one of which is Indonesia's position as a

global player, which will provide added value in SSC in order to achieve mutual
independence based on solidarity, equality and mutual benefit. SSC also has
challenges, namely sustainable development goals (SDGs), climate change, multi-
stakeholder cooperation such as collaboration with ministries, institutions, universities
and parliament.

Strengthening Indonesia's Role in South-South Cooperation in 2010-2012

strengthened coordination within the institutional coordination framework to play a
role in development diplomacy. 2015-2019 will increase Indonesia's leadership and
contribution in South-South Cooperation and increase Indonesia's role in including
policy interventions for the development of South-South Cooperation. The next
strengthening plan for 2020-2024 is optimizing international development cooperation
to encourage quality economic growth through increasing new sources and funding
mechanisms as well as active free trade.

National interests are of course also a concern, in the context of South-South

Cooperation in the political field, namely the positive image of Indonesia's role and
leadership as well as guarding Indonesian interests from the threat of disintegration,
the Indonesian economy to increase investment and trade as well as in the socio-
cultural field.

During a pandemic like the current SSC has four trends in the global SSC
implementation approach after the Covid-19 pandemic, namely inclusiveness by
implementing multi-stakeholder partnerships, flexibility with demand-driven
principles, transparency by conducting socialization and building communication
spaces with multi-actors to get input and feedback. recommendations, as well as
resilience focusing on a long-term approach based on the principle of solidarity.

In addition, the Government of Indonesia's efforts in strengthening the

implementation of SSC by strengthening the corner institutions for international
development cooperation, improving the mechanisms for implementing assistance
programs, multi-stakeholder roles, expanding networks, increasing promotion and
profiling of Indonesian SSC as well as IT utilization and database improvements.

Reference :

7. According to Wilson (2017): “At the most general level idealism refers to an
approach to international politics that seeks to advance certain ideals or moral
goals, for example, making the world a more peaceful or just place”. In your
opinion, do you agree that Idealist views are possible to be achieved in
international relations? Please explain your arguments and state your

Answer :
International law as a political instrument has the benefit of changing or
introducing a provision, principle, method or concept (hereinafter referred to as
"concept"). This benefit departs from the fact that international law is shaped by
states. Therefore, states can use international law to change or introduce a concept.
This concept, if accepted by the majority of the international community, will have
binding power.

One of the most effective ways is to accommodate a new concept into an

international agreement. Of course this does not mean that one country in a short time
can do it. Establishing or amending international treaties is a process and time
consuming process. For example, Australia, Japan, Germany and several other
countries want a change in the membership of the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC). This will is a new concept from the concept that has been adopted so far. To
realize this will, the United Nations Charter must be amended. Even Japan and
Germany are very interested in amending two articles of the UN Charter which still
mention "enemy state" considering that the UN Charter was made when the new
world ended the war with a number of countries, including Japan and Germany.

Another example is the US national interest which requires the US to have the
legitimacy to use violence (use of force) in anticipation of the threat it faces
(anticipatory attack). This effort was made by the US by starting a debate on the need
to amend article 51 of the UN Charter.

Second, international law becomes a political instrument based on the desire of

a state for its national interest to intervene in the domestic affairs of other countries
without being considered a violation. For this purpose, it is no longer possible to
resort to methods such as threats or use of force, nor can they be carried out on the
basis of the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. The most effective
way to intervene is to use international agreements as one of the products of
international law. International treaties are made in such a way that it implies an
obligation for participating countries to transform the provisions contained in
international treaties into their national law. Thus, the national law of a country must
reflect, not even conflict with, international agreements that have been followed.
Finally, international law functions as a political instrument departing from the
fact that in international interactions states influence each other. Countries use
international law to pressure other countries to follow their policies. Meanwhile,
international law is also used by countries that are under pressure to resist the
pressure. Developing countries, as Cassese argues, often use international law to “…
protect them from undue interference by powerful States…”

The actions of the US and Britain against Iraq before Iraq was attacked are
examples of international law as a means of pressure. The US and UK used
international law to pressure Iraq to grant access to international inspectors for their
alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction. The international law that is used
as the basis is Iraq's membership in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a number
of UNSC resolutions.14 At a certain point the US and UK felt that the pressure they
had exerted was fruitless and ended up attacking Iraq.15 To legitimize this attack. ,
the US and UK use international law even though it is very weak.

Reference :

Allison, R.(1999). The Military and Political Security Landscape in Russia and the
South Russia, The Caucasus and Central Asia: 21st Security Environment(pp. 27-28).
New York: EastWest Institute.

United Nations Convention on The Law of The Sea (UNCLOS).

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. United Nations Charter

8. How do constructivism doctrines help you to address the study of global change?
Please explain your arguments and state your sources/references.

Answer :

Basically constructivism is an important thought in sociology, especially in

institutional sociology. However, in International Relations, constructivism exists to
improve the thoughts that previously existed. The key idea of constructivism is that
the social world, including international relations, is a human construction. There are
themes such as state and power, institutions and world order, identity and community,
peace and security which can be analyzed in constructivism framework. Like other
perspectives in International Relations, constructivism has also received some
criticism. Some of them come from positivists and postpositivists

I am of the opinion that constructivism's view of the social world which is the
result of human construction is indeed true. But what concerns the author here is the
agenda of constructivism. The author can not find a concrete agenda of this
constructivism thought. But apart from that, like other perspectives in International
Relations, constructivism has a contribution made in the discipline of International
Relations. Because as is well known, a perspective that is not specifically born out of
International Relations will become one of the perspectives in International Relations
if it has contributed to it.

Reference :

Jackson, Robert & Sorensen, Jackson. 1999. Introduction to International Relations.

Terjemahan oleh Suryadipura, Dadan. 2005. Pengantar Studi Hubungan Internasional.
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Reus-Smit, Christian, 2001. Constructivism, in; Scott Burchill, et al, Theories of

International Relations, Palgrave, pp. 209-230.

9. Do you think the operation of global markets depends upon rules created by
(international) political structures? Please explain your arguments, give a sample
case, and state your sources/references

Answer :

I think the operation of global markets depends on the rules set by

(international) political structures. The political aspect causes the emergence of
diplomatic relations so as to encourage international marketing. International
marketing is a marketing activity or implementation of the marketing mix between
countries with the aim of satisfying consumers both bilaterally and multilaterally in
the form of physical products and non-physical products (services). International
marketing can also be interpreted as the implementation of international marketing
between countries, both bilateral and multilateral with various problems. The
implementation of international marketing means the establishment of international
relations both bilaterally and multilaterally. In addition, the classic term international
marketing is better known as "international trade" and even recently it is better known
as "global marketing".

International marketing is marketing whose operations cross the boundaries of

more than one country. Global marketing is a marketing activity by global companies
that have global businesses with global marketing strategies, global markets and
global products and standards in various countries. International trade is trade carried
out by residents of one country with residents of other countries on the basis of
mutual agreement. Market globalization and competition require all managers to pay
attention to the global environment. International marketing is defined as the
performance of business activities including decisions on pricing, promotion, and
distribution of products (goods and services) to customers/consumers in more than
one country for profit. The service sector provides the largest contribution to Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) in developed countries and is a major source of
employment, both in developed and developing countries

Reference :

Chandra, Gregorius, dkk. 2004. “Pemasaran Global: Internasionalisasi dan

Internetisasi”. Jakarta.

Cravens, David W. 2000. Strategic Marketing International Edition. New York. Mc

Grow Hill

10. What do you think of the role of ‘Pesona Indonesia’ or ’Wonderful Indonesia’
campaign as Indonesian nation branding and public diplomacy? Please explain
your arguments, give a sample case, and state your sources/references.

Answer :

By using Multi Track Diplomacy, it can be seen how and who is involved in
Indonesia's efforts to increase its tourism in the international world. The five paths
that Indonesia has taken in its diplomatic efforts indicate that not only the government
is involved in this, but also tourism stakeholders outside the government. One of the
priorities of the Indonesian government, apart from developing infrastructure,
managing and developing human resources at home, is promotion abroad. In terms of
promotion, Indonesia needs a country branding that will become Indonesia's identity
abroad. Country branding is not only an identity, but also represents Indonesia. The
Wonderful Indonesia campaign has shown remarkable achievements. This success
does not only belong to the government, but to all parties involved, namely the
tourism stakeholders.

Diplomatic efforts carried out by Indonesia in increasing Indonesian tourism in

the international world are a way of diplomacy that involves several aspects of Multi
Track Diplomacy, namely track one (government), track two (non-government), track
three (business), track four (private). citizen), track five
(Research/Training/Education), and track nine (media).

The Wonderful Indonesia campaign aims to spread the identity of Indonesian

tourism throughout the world so that Indonesia is increasingly known and has a good
image internationally. With the increasing image of Indonesia in the international
world, it will have a positive impact in increasing foreign tourist visits to Indonesia.
The Wonderful Indonesia campaign carried out by Indonesia abroad focuses on
working on 16 (sixteen) international markets.

Reference :

Daniel Wehrenfennig. Multi Track Diplomacy and Human Security. Human Security
Journal Volume 7, Summer 2008.

M. Saeri. Teori Hubungan Internasional Sebuah Pendekatan Paradigmatik. Jurnal

Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Volume 3, Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau, 2012.

Andri Hadi. Bahan Seminar “Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia: Prospek dan Tantangan
dalam Era Globalisasi”. 2009. Dirjen IDP Departemen Luar Negeri Republik

Indonesia Tourism Performance 2011, diperoleh dari es/pdf/indonesia_tourism_performance .pdf
11. Please explain 1 (one) topic of international issue of your choice using an
international relations theory for your point of analysis (for example: explaining
the ASEAN Economic Community according to social constructivism theory,
etc.). Please explain your arguments, give a short analysis around 300-400 words,
you may use English or Bahasa Indonesia, and [important] please also state your

Answer :

The importance of Indonesia and Australia's commitment to continue economic

cooperation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

Challenges and opportunities for bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and

Australia to support the economies of the two countries during the COVID-19 period,
the use of the IA-CEPA early harvest to boost the economy between Indonesia and
Australia and the potential implementation of the IA-CEPA to support the economic
recovery of Indonesia and Australia after COVID-19 .

In his remarks, the Indonesian Ambassador to Canberra said, among other

things, that the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Australia remains solid
and is getting closer during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was an increase in trade
and investment relations in the first quarter of 2020. In the first quarter of 2020,
exports and imports increased by 7.67 percent and 21.3 percent, respectively.
Investment relations in the same period also showed an increase of up to 31.9 percent.
However, both countries must anticipate and prepare themselves to face the
possibility of a decline in trade and investment in the next quarter until the Covid-19
pandemic ends.

In the midst of the challenges of the global pandemic, the two countries have
successfully completed the ratification process for the Indonesia Australia
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA). The Indonesian
Ambassador to Canberra then said that both countries should be able to take full
advantage of the implementation of the IA-CEPA. IA-CEPA is a partnership that is
very important for improving economic relations between the two countries. It will
not only increase trade and investment relations, but also include broader economic
relations and people to people interactions.

The leaders of the two countries have agreed on a Roadmap for the
Implementation of the IA-CEPA during the visit of the Indonesian President to
Australia in February 2020, especially the 100 Days Program for the Implementation
of the IA-CEPA. The Indonesian Ambassador to Canberra emphasized the importance
of ensuring that these programs can be implemented even though they are still
hampered by the global pandemic that is currently being faced.

The panelists also viewed that the IA-CEPA opens up opportunities for
cooperation that will improve the economic relations between Indonesia and
Australia. However, both countries, especially entrepreneurs, must be able to
maximize these opportunities. Investment in the health sector is considered to be a
strategic sector in the post-Covid-19 era. The two countries are expected to
immediately discuss joint opportunities for cooperation in the sector.

Reference :

KBRI Canberra.


12. KTT G20 baru saja selesai dilaksanakan di Osaka  Jepang. Jelaskan tentang
KTT 20 dan mengapa Indonesia terpilih menjadi Anggota G-20 dan apa
manfaat Indonesia menjadi anggota G-20. (Jawaban harus asli dan tidak copy n
paste sumber lain).

Indonesia dalam G20 telah memberikan kontribusi beberapa langkah

konstruktif untuk membuat G20 bekerja tidak hanya untuk negara maju tetapi juga
negara berkembang. Peran ekonomi dan politik yang dimainkan Indonesia saat ini
dapat mengembangkan pemahaman negara maju dalam melihat dan memperlakukan
negara berkembang sebagai mitra setara untuk kerjasama global. Negara-negara
berkembang menghadapi masalah ekonomi yang sama. Jadi, bermanfaat bagi mereka
untuk berkoordinasi dan melepaskan suara bersama. Bagi Indonesia, membawa suara
ASEAN merupakan tindakan strategis untuk menyampaikan tujuan bersama negara-
negara berkembang di kawasan serta suara yang dibangun negara-negara berkembang
di kawasan ASEAN. Keanggotaan ASEAN di meja G20 merupakan salah satu target
yang harus dipromosikan secara intensif untuk membawa ASEAN yang lebih kuat ke
dalam komunitas global.

Sebagai anggota G20, Indonesia akan memiliki banyak peluang untuk

mengelola perekonomiannya. Peluang tersebut dapat diwujudkan sebagai manfaat,
jika apa yang dideklarasikan dan disepakati dalam rangkaian KTT para pemimpin
G20 dan pertemuan Menteri Keuangan dan Gubernur Bank Sentral berikutnya dapat
dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan dengan dukungan dari
masyarakat internasional di bawah tatanan politik domestik yang stabil. Harus ada
reformasi arsitektur keuangan untuk menghindari krisis keuangan lain dalam waktu
dekat, tidak hanya untuk negara asal yang terinfeksi, tetapi juga seluruh dunia.
Indonesia mempromosikan negara-negara berkembang yang memiliki suara dan
perwakilan yang lebih besar dalam fungsi bank pembangunan multilateral dan akses
keuangan yang lebih besar. Komunike G20 Afrika Selatan pada November 2007
akhirnya diakhiri dengan pernyataan bahwa ada komitmen untuk memperkuat
kredibilitas, efektivitas dan legitimasi IMF dan Bank Dunia. Salah satu solusinya
adalah reformasi suara serta konsensus dengan mengakomodasi pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang dinamis.

Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah Working Group 4 (WG4) yang terdiri dari
Deputi Kementerian Keuangan dari negara-negara G20 untuk membahas reformasi
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)5 . Pada acara ini Indonesia turut memimpin
pertemuan bersama dengan Perancis. Indonesia ditunjuk sebagai ketua karena
inisiatifnya pada KTT Pemimpin G20 di Washington, November 2008. Pada
pertemuan puncak itu, Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengusulkan agar
MDB membuat instrumen dukungan anggaran untuk pasar negara berkembang.
Anggaran tersebut digunakan untuk mendukung kebijakan kontra-siklus untuk
mengurangi dampak buruk dari krisis global dan untuk memastikan pencapaian tujuan
MDGs (Depkeu 2010). Agenda pertemuan WG4 secara keseluruhan ditujukan untuk
melihat klarifikasi dari MDBs guna meminimalisir dampak krisis global. Agenda
rincinya mencakup instrumen mitigasi, kecukupan modal MDB dan reformasi tata
kelola MDB untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengelolaannya dalam memitigasi
dampak krisis.

Indonesia saat ini menjabat sebagai ketua ASEAN pada tahun 2011. Sebagai
ketua, Indonesia telah berusaha membawa ASEAN ke dalam komunitas global. Bagi
Indonesia, memperjuangkan suara ASEAN merupakan tindakan strategis untuk
mewujudkan tujuan konstruktif negara-negara berkembang di kawasan serta suara
bersama negara-negara berkembang pada umumnya agar memiliki kekuatan ekonomi
dan politik yang meningkat. Hal ini dapat memberikan pengaruh tidak langsung atau
bahkan langsung kepada G20. Namun demikian, masih tergantung pada kemampuan
dan kapabilitas Indonesia dalam membungkus kepentingan regional di bawah
komunitas ASEAN ke dunia. Sejak masuknya Indonesia dalam G20, dukungan terus
berdatangan dari negara-negara tetangganya. Para pemimpin negara anggota ASEAN
memberikan dukungan kepada Indonesia sebagai perwakilan dari Asia Tenggara.
Mereka semua berharap bahwa keanggotaan tersebut dapat menyampaikan
kepentingan bersama negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Dengan kata lain, seperti yang
diusung oleh Menlu RI di Thailand pada Oktober 2009, ASEAN menetapkan posisi
Indonesia sebagai mediator G20.

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