Chapter 3 Section 1 3

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As to retroactivity of effects – the arrival of

period does not have any retroactive effect,
Chapter 3
while condition has retroactive effect.
Different Kinds of Obligations
Kinds of period or term
SECTION 2. – Obligations with a Period 1. According to Effect
a. Suspensive (ex die) – the obligations
Article 1193. Obligation for whose begins only from a day certain upon
fulfilment a day certain has been fixed, arrival of the period.
shall be demandable only when that day b. Resolutory (in diem) – the obligation is
comes. valid to a day certain and terminates upon
the arrival of the period.
Obligations with a resolutory period take
effect at once, but terminate upon arrival 2. According to source
of the day certain. a. Legal period – When. – when it is
provided for by laws.
A day certain is understood to be that b. Conventional/voluntary period – when it
which must necessarily come, although it is agreed by the parties
may not be known when. c. Judicial period – when it is fixed by the
If the uncertainty consists in whether the 3. According to definiteness
day will come or not, the obligation is a. Definite period – when it is fixed or it is
conditional, and it shall be regulated by known when it will come.
the rules of the preceding section. b. Indefinite – when it is not fixed or it is not
Obligation with a period – one whose effects or known when it will come. When it is not
consequences are subjected in one way or fixed but a period is intended, the courts
another to the expiration or arrival of the said are empowered to fix the same.
period or term. ARTICLE 1194. In case of loss,
Period – is a future and certain event upon the deterioration or improvement of the thing
before the arrival of the day certain, the
arrival of which the obligation subject to it either
rules in article 1189 shall be observed.
arises or is extinguished.
-A day certain is which must necessarily come, ART. 1189. When the conditions have been
although it may not be known when. imposed with the intention of suspending the
efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
Period and Condition Distinguished rules shall be observed in case of the
1. As to fulfillment - A period is a certain event improvement, loss or deterioration of the thing
which must happen sooner or later while a during the pendency of the condition:
condition is an uncertain event.
1. If the thing is lost without the fault of
2. As to time – a period refers only to the future the debtor, the obligation shall be
while a condition may refer to a past extinguished.
unknown event. 2. If the thing is lost through the fault of
the debtor, he shall be obliged to pay
3. As to influence on the obligation – the period damages; it is understood that the
fixes the time of efficaciousness of the thing is lost when it perishes, or goes
obligation while a condition causes an out of commerce, or disappears in
obligation either to arise or to terminate. such a way that its existence is
unknown or it cannot be recovered;
4. As to effect, when left to debtor’s will – period 3. When the thing deteriorates without
which depends upon the will of debtor the fault of the debtor, the impairment
empowers the court to fix the duration while is to be borne by the creditor;
condition which depends upon the will of the 4. If it deteriorates through the fault of
debtor invalidates the obligation. the debtor; the creditor may choose
between the rescission of the


obligation and its fulfillment, with Presumption as to benefit of period.
indemnity for damages in either case;
5. If the thing is improved by its nature, The general rule in an obligation subject to a
or by time, the improvement shall period fixed by the parties, the period is
inure to the benefit of the creditor; presumed to be for the benefit of both creditor
6. If it is improved at the expense of the and debtor.
debtor, he shall have no other right
than that granted to the usufructuary Which means that before the expiration of the
(right to enjoy use and fruits) period, the debtor may not fulfill the obligation
and neither the creditor demand its fulfillment.
ARTICLE 1195. Anything paid or delivered
before the arrival of the period, the obligor Exceptions to the general rule.
being unaware of the period or believing
that the obligation has become due and If the tenor of the obligation or other
demandable, may be recovered, with the circumstances may indicate that a period is have
fruits, and interest. been established for the benefit of either the
creditor or debtor:
Payment before Arrival of Period
1. Term is for the benefit of the debtor alone.
This article which is similar to Article 1188, – debtor cannot be compelled to pay
applies only in an obligation to give, it allows the prematurely.
recovery of what has been paid by mistake before 2. Term is for the benefit of the creditor. –
the fulfillment of a suspensive condition. creditor may demand fulfilment even
before the arrival of the term but the
Debtor presumed aware of period. debtor cannot require him to accept
payment before the expiration of the
The presumption is that the debtor knew that the stipulated period.
debt was not yet due. He has the burden of ARTICLE 1197. If the obligation does
proving that he was unaware of the period. not fix a period, but its nature and the
Where the duration of the period depends upon circumstances it can be inferred that a
the will of the debtor payment by him amounts, period was intended, the courts may fix
in effect, to his determination of the arrival of the the duration thereof.
period. The courts shall also fix the duration of
the period when it depends upon the will
The obligor may no longer recover the thing or of the debtor.
money once the period has arrived but he can In every case, the courts shall determine
recover the fruits or interests thereof from the such period as may under the
date of premature performance to the date of circumstances have been probably
maturity of the obligation. contemplated by the parties. Once fixed
by the courts, the period cannot be
No recovery in personal obligations. changed by them.
Court Generally is Without Power to Fix a
1195 has no application to obligations to do or Period
not to do because as to the former, it is physically
If an obligation does not state a judicial period
impossible to recover the service rendered, and
and no period is intended, the court is not
as to latter, as the obligor performs by not doing,
authorized to fix a period. The courts have no
he cannot, of course, recover what he has not
right to make contracts for the parties.
Exceptions to the general rule.
ARTICLE 1196. Whenever in an obligation
a period is designated, it is presumes to have 1. No period is fixed but a period was intended.
been established for the benefit of both the - the obligation does not fix a period but it can
creditor and the debtor, unless from the be inferred from its nature and circumstances
tenor of the same or other circumstances, it that a period is intended.
should appear that the period has been 2. Duration of the period depends upon the will
established in favour of one or of the other. of the debtor. –


ART. 1198. The debtor shall lose every the period, unless she gives another one
right to make use of the period: equally satisfactory.
1. When after the obligation has been
contracted, he becomes insolvent, 4. When debtor violates an undertaking –
unless he gives a guaranty or security Example: Art secured a loan from Arnold on
for the debt; condition that Art will paint the house of
2. When he does not furnish to the Arnold. If after the proceeds of the loan was
creditor the guaranties or securities given to Art, he did not paint the house of
which he has promised ; Arnold, Art loses his right to make use of the
3. When by his own acts he has period.
impaired said guaranties or
securities after their establishment, 5. When the debtor attempts to abscond.
and when through a fortuitous event Abscond means to depart or escape from
they disappear, unless he creditor’s knowledge to avoid payment of his
immediately gives new ones equally debt. Mere attempt on the part of debtor will
satisfactory; entitle the creditor to demand payment of the
4. When the debtor violates any obligation without waiting for the period to
undertaking, in consideration of expire.
which the creditor agreed to the
5. When the debtor attempts to

When Debtor Loses the Right to Make Use of

a Period
The general rule is that the obligation is not
demandable before the lapse of the period. The
exceptions are based on the fact that the debtor
might not be able to comply with his obligation:
1. When debtor becomes insolvent:
The insolvency need not be judicially
declared. It is sufficient that the debtor has less
assets than his liabilities or if debtor is unable to
pay his debts as they mature. It is noted that the
insolvency of the debtor must occur after the
obligation has been contracted.
2. When debtor does not furnish guaranties
or securities promised:
Gaya borrowed loan from Tito which loan was
secured by a chattel mortgage of Gaya’s car as a
guaranty. After obtaining the loan, Gaya fails or
does not execute a chattel mortgage, the loan
becomes demandable or the debtor loses her
right to make use of the period.
3. When by his own acts he has impaired
said guaranties or securities:
Example: Gaya borrowed P50, 000 from Tito
which loan was secured by a chattel mortgage
on Gaya’s car. Later, Gaya’s fault, the car
was damaged or she causes the impairment of
the car, Gaya loses her right to make use of


OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS SUMMARY The debtor’s right of choice is not
extinguished altogether but limited to the
Chapter 3 remaining valid prestations.
Different Kinds of Obligations 2. The debtor has no more right of choice
when, among the prestations whereby he
SECTION 3. – Alternative Obligations is alternatively bound, only one is
practicable. In this case, these is not only
ARTICLE 1199. A person alternatively a limitation but a loss of the right of
bound by different prestations shall choice belonging to the debtor. The
completely perform one of them. obligation becomes simple.
The creditor cannot be compelled to receive 3. Debtor cannot choose part of one
part of one and part of the other prestation and part of another prestation.
ARTICLE 1201. The choice shall produce
Kinds of Obligation according to object. no effect except from the time it has been
(1) Simple obligation. – one where there is only communicated.
one prestation. Communication of notice that choice has
(2) Compound obligation. – one where there are
been made.
two or more prestation.
a. Conjunctive – one where there at (1) Effect of notice. – until the choice is made
several prestations and all of them are and communicated, the obligation remains
due. alternative.
b. Distributive – one where two or more a. Once the notice of the election has
of the prestationsis due. been given to the creditor, the
1) Alternative – one where several obligation ceases to be alternative and
prestations are due but the becomes simple.
performance of one is sufficient. b. Such choice once properly made and
2) Facultative – one where only one communicated is irrevocable and
prestation is due but the debtor may cannot, therefore, be changed by
substitute another. either party without the consent of the
Alternative obligation – one wherein various other. The concurrence of the creditor
prestations are due but the performance of one of to the choice made by the debtor is
them is sufficient as determined by the choice not required.
which, as a general rule, belongs to the debtor. (2) Proof and form of notice – the burden of
proving that such communication has been
ARTICLE 1200. The right of choice belongs made is upon him who made the choice. The
to the debtor, unless it has been expressly law does not require any particular form
granted to the creditor. regarding the giving of notice. It may,
The debtor shall have no right to choose therefore, be made orally or in writing,
those prestations which are impossible, expressly or impliedly.
unlawful or which could not have been the
object of the obligation. ARTICLE 1202. The debtor shall lose
Right of choice, as a rule, given to debtor. the right of choice when among the
As a general rule, the right to choose the prestations whereby he is alternatively
prestation belongs to the debtor. bound, only one is practicable.
Effect when only one prestation is
By the way of exception, it may be exercised by practicable.
the creditor but only when expressly granted to If only one is practicable, the obligation is
him, or by a third person when the right is given converted into a simple one.
to him by common agreement. ARTICLE 1203. If through the
Right of choice of debtor not absolute. creditor’s acts, the debtor cannot make
a choice according to the terms of the
1. The debtor cannot choose those obligation, the latter may rescind the
prestations which are (a) impossible, (b) contract with damages.
unlawful, or (c) which could not have When debtor may rescind contract.
been the object of obligation. These Rescisssion creates the obligation to return the
prestations are void. things which were the object of the contract


together with their fruits, and the price with its 2. If the loss of one of the things occurs
interest. through the fault of the debtor, the
The debtor may rescind the contract with creditor may claim any of those
damages if he could not make any choice in subsisting, or the price of that which,
accordance with the terms of the obligation, due through the fault of the former, has
to the creditor’s fault. disappeared, with a right to damages;
ARTICLE 1204. The creditor shall have a 3. If all the things are lost through the fault
right to indemnity for damages when, of the debtor, the choice by the creditor
through the fault of the debtor, all the things shall fall upon the price of any one of
which are alternatively the object of the them, also with indemnity for damages.
obligation have been lost, or the compliance The same rules shall be applied to
of the obligation has become impossible. obligations to do or not to do in case one,
The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a some or all of the prestations should become
basis the value of the last thing which impossible.
disappeared, or that of the service which When right of choice belongs to creditor.
last became impossible.
Damages other than the value of the last In alternative obligations, when the choice has
thing or service may also be awarded. been expressly given to the creditor, the
Effect of loss of objects of obligation obligation shall cease to be alternative from the
The creditor has the right to choose. day when the selection has been communicated
1. Some of the objects. – the loss of some of the to the debtor.
objects through the fault of the debtor does
Rules in case of loss before creditor has made
not make him liable since he has the right of
choice and the obligation can still be choice.
performed. (1) When a thing is lost through a fortuitous
2. All of the objects. – if all of them have been event. - If one of the things is lost through a
lost or have become impossible through his fortuitous event, the debtor shall perform the
fault, the creditor shall have the right to obligation by delivering that which the
indemnity for damages since the obligation creditor should choose from among the
can no longer be complied with. If the cause remainder, or that which remains if only one
of the loss is fortuitous event, the obligation subsists;
is extinguished. (2) When a thing is lost through debtor’s fault. –
Basis of indemnity. If the loss of one of the things occurs through
The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the the fault of the debtor, the creditor may claim
any of those subsisting, or the price of that
value of the last thing which disappeared
which, through the fault of the former, has
(obligation to give) or that if the service which
disappeared, with a right to damages;
last became impossible (to do). In case of (3) When all the things are lost through debtor’s
disagreement, it is incumbent upon the creditor fault. – If all the things are lost through the
to prove such value or which thing last fault of the debtor, the choice by the creditor
disappeared or which service last became shall fall upon the price of any one of them,
impossible. also with indemnity for damages.
(4) When all the things are lost through a
ARTICLE 1205. When the choice has been fortuitous event. – ART.1174 shall apply.
expressly given to the creditor, the The same rules shall be applied to obligations to
obligation shall cease to be alternative from
do or not to do in case one, some or all of the
the day when the selection has been
prestations should become impossible due to his
communicated to the debtor.
Until the responsibility of the debtor shall fault or not.
be governed by the following rules: ARTICLE 1206. When only one prestation
1. If one of the things is lost through a has been agreed upon, but the obligor may
fortuitous even, he shall perform the render another in substitution, the
obligation by delivering that which the obligation is called facultative.
creditor should choose from among the The loss or deterioration of the thing
remainder, or that which remains if only intended as a substitute, through the
one subsists; negligence of the obligor, does not render


him liable. But once the substitution has
been made, the obligor is liable for the loss
of the substitute on account of his delay,
negligence, or fraud.
A facultative obligation is one where only one
prestation has been agreed upon but the obligor
may render another in substitution.
Effect of loss.
(1) Before substitution. – If principal is lost
through a fortuitous event, the obligation is
extinguished. The loss of the thing intended
as a substitute with or without the fault of the
debtor does not render him liable.
(2) After substitution. – If the principal thing is
lost, the debtor is not liable whatever may be
the cause of the loss, because it is no longer
due. If substitute is lost, the liability of the
debtor depends upon whether or not the loss
is due to his fault.
Alternative and facultative obligations
(1) Number of prestations.
1) Several prestations are due but
compliance with one is sufficient.
2) Only one prestation is due although the
debtor is allowed to substitute it.
(2) Right of choice.
1) The right of choice may be given to the
creditor or third person
2) The right to make the substitution is
given only to the debtor
(3) Loss through fortuitous event.
1) Loss of one or more of the alternatives
does not extinguish the obligation
2) The loss of the thing due extinguishes the
(4) Loss through fault of debtor.
a. 1) loss of one of the alternatives
through the fault of the debtor does not
render him liable.
2) loss of the thing due through his
fault makes him liable.
b. 1) where the choice belongs to the
creditor, the loss of one alternative
through the fault of the debtor gives
rise to liability.
2) the loss of the substitute before the
substitution through the fault of the
debtor does not render him liable.



Chapter 3
Different Kinds of Obligations
SECTION 4. – Joint and Solidary
ARTICLE 1207. The concurrence of two or
more creditors or of two or more debtors
in one and the same obligation does not
imply that each one of the former has a
right to demand, or that each one of the
latter is bound to render, entire
compliance with the prestation. There is a
solidary liability only when the obligation
expressly so states, or when the law or
the nature of the obligation requires

ARTICLE 1208. If from the law, or the

nature or the wording of the obligations
to which the preceding article refers, the
contrary does not appear, the credit or
debt shall be presumed to be divided into
as many equal shares as there are
creditors or debtors, the credits or debts
being considered distinct from one
another, subject to the Rules of Court
governing the multiplicity of suits.

Kinds of obligations according to the

number of parties.
(1) Individual obligation. – one where there is
only one obligor or one obligee; and
(2) Collective obligation. – one where there is
two or more debtors and/or two or more creditors. It
may be joint or solidary.

Joint Obligation – one where the whole obligation is to

be paid or fulfilled proportionately by the different
debtors and/or is to be demanded proportionately by the
different creditors.

Solidary Obligation – one where each one of the debtors

is bound to render and/or each one of the creditors has
a right to demand from any of the debtors, entire
compliance with the prestation.


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