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Oracles and systems of divination have existed since

times immemorial, with their art of deciphering the

hidden meanings behind images, symbols and

Based on the Ancient Egyptian Lunar Calendar,

innovative and intemporal this handy pocket-sized
Oracle will act as a support for your own intuition.

7 groups of cards to find answers and solutions to

queries regarding practical matters such as work,
finances, family, love and relationships, spirituality,
energies, and life’s journeys.

Its companion book will provide keys to read and

interpret the cards and their messages,
and how they interact with each other.

PO BOX 250, OXFORD, OX1 1AP, UK Mogg Morgan & Sr. Nephthys
The Book
The Desert Fox

The Desert Fox Oracle
New Box-Set Edition:
cards & companion book.
© 2018 Mogg Morgan & Sr. Nephthys &

“The desert is so vast it can only be painted in

miniature.”- Brion Gysin

Introduction ........................................................................... 7
The Abydos arrangement ................................................... 8
Khem Constellations ......................................................... 10
The Egyptian Calendar ...................................................... 15
The False Door guided meditation ................................ 17
The Desert Fox Oracle: brief meanings at a glance ... 24
The Desert Fox Oracle: 7 groups of cards .................... 29
Preparing your space........................................................ 31
Storing and protecting your cards ................................. 33
Getting to know your deck .............................................. 34
Handling .............................................................................. 34
Interpreting ......................................................................... 36
Significators and Reversals ............................................ 37
Timing .................................................................................. 38
Tarot & Oracles ................................................................... 39
Reading for yourself ......................................................... 39

The cards:
1. Desert Fox ....................................................................... 41
2. Earth ................................................................................. 43
3. Air (Shu) .......................................................................... 44
4. Water ................................................................................ 45
5. Fire .................................................................................... 47
6. Oasis ................................................................................. 48
7. Scroll ................................................................................ 49
8. Man ................................................................................... 51
9. Woman ............................................................................. 52
10. Child ............................................................................... 53

11. Geb & Newet ................................................................. 54
12. Snake .............................................................................. 55
13. Scorpion ........................................................................ 56
14. Scarab ............................................................................ 57
15. Shield, Mace & Axe ...................................................... 58
16. Offering Table .............................................................. 59
17. Caravan.......................................................................... 60
18. Boat ................................................................................ 61
19. Wheel of Destiny ........................................................ 63
20. Comet ............................................................................. 64
21. Ankh ............................................................................... 66
22. Pyramids & Sphinx ..................................................... 67
23. Desert Storm ................................................................ 68
24. Temple ........................................................................... 69
25. Mirage ............................................................................ 70
26. Moon God ..................................................................... 71
27. Pharaoh or King .......................................................... 72
28. Priests ............................................................................ 73
29. Sistrum .......................................................................... 74
30. Amphora ....................................................................... 75

Spreads & Sample Readings ............................................ 77

Bibliography ....................................................................... 96

The Desert Fox Oracle contains 30 cards: which reflects
the number of days in the ancient Egyptian lunar
calendar. We are perhaps used to the 28 days lunar
month of Greek religious astronomy, but this older
Egyptian model is a viable alternative. It is an easy
and effective divination system and a daily counsel,
whether you or your querent are looking for answers
and solutions to enquiries such as: career, work, money
and finances, health, energies, spirituality, home and
family matters, love and relationships. It can be read
at many different levels.

The desert represents different things to different

people. For example it can be the ultimate wilderness,
the place of initiation and of the unconscious. The
fox is the master of the desert and all its Mysteries,
he leads us on a journey through various archetypal
images through which we can gain true knowledge
of hidden things.

The Abydos arrangement
(from The Papyrus Salt)
The Abydos arrangement
(from The Papyrus Salt)

‘‘Guardians of the House of Life at Ombos

Before me in the East, Nephthys

Behind me in the West, Isis

On my right hand,
in the South is Set

And on my left hand,

in the North Horus

For above me shines

the body of Nuit

And below me
extends the ground of Geb

And in my centre abideth

the ‘Great Hidden God’.’’

Khem Constellations

(top) NE
(bottom) SW
Western Constellations

The Egyptian Calendar
The ancient Egyptians later grouped their months into
3 distinct seasons (of 4 months each), as follows:

Month 1 : Thoth
Egyptian season:
Month 2 : Phaophi Akhet (inundation)
Month 3 : Athyr July, August, September,
Month 4: Choiak

Month 5: Tybi
Egyptian season:
Month 6: Mechir Peret (winter)
Month 7: Pharmenoth November, December,
January, February
Month 8: Pharmuthi

Month 9: Pachons
Egyptian season:
Month 10: Payni Shemu (summer)
Month 11: Epiphi March, April, May, June
Month 12: Mesore

The False Door
Guided meditation

This exercise is to familiarize and atune you with

another time-space, the energies of the Ancient
Egyptian magical-religion. You can make your own
recording of it to playback as your meditate, for
optimum experience.

For the journey ahead it may be a good idea to have

in mind an offering of some kind. This could be in
the form of bread and beer or even words you might
say: a “voice offering”. Carry these with you, in truth
and imagination.

Now sit comfortably on a cushion but with your back

straight [upright]. It is a good idea to wrap yourself
in a shawl or special blanket, as your body temperature
may cool as you sit. A wrap provides comfort to the
the body and the psyche. Close your eyes. In the room,
on the wall in front of you have a representation of
the Ancient Egyptian false door. This can be the
photograph shown opposite or a larger, full blown
representation. This is all part of the ancient mysteries.
The door faces east & leads to the west. If possible,
try to rearrange your medititation space to reflect this
orientation. The purpose of the journey that you are

about to embark on, is to enable you to glimpse into
other dimensions that otherwise remain hidden and
out of reach to our day-to-day world, our everyday

As you focus on the door, sometimes by looking at

first at the picture until when you close your eyes you
continue to see it in your imagination. You may take
some time looking at the way the door is constructed,
the materials, its shape and lines. After a while you
will sense that the door is a living thing, it may pulsate.
You feel your psyche rise up and pass through to
what lies on the other side.

The scenes shift and change, you are not in a building

but an open space, the desert, which is an immense
sea of sand, with dunes, fields of gravel and rocks
carved into strange shapes by desert winds. All these
varied shapes and textures weave patterns across its
endless expanse.

This can be an arid and extreme environment, with

large variations of temperature between day and night,
where life sustaining resources are scarce and difficult
to find. Allow the image to show its night side, as if
past the midnight hour, when high above you, the


heavens extend, full of stars and familiar constellations
and the glowing orb of a Full Moon.

The night time air is cooler, with a gentle breeze and

you pull your wrap closer around youself, appreciate
its comfort, how it warms & steadies you for the
journey. Before you walk on you take up a staff or
walking still that lies there; it will surely make the going
easier. Holding your staff firmly, look around,
scrutinizing the silent ambient shadows for signs of
danger. Lone walkers are to beware, among other
things, of packs of wild dogs, which may menace
you, especially in the isolated, dismal areas. But your
staff will deter them. You walk in this landscape for
a little while, it feels very empty. So, it is a welcome
relief when you see a creature in the distance, it seems
to be coming in your direction or that your paths will
cross. Perhaps your relief is tempered by a slight
apprehension, will this creature be friendly. It has
stopped up ahead in front of you, on your path. You
do not sense any menace, it seems to be inviting you
to keep going. Obligingly it moves off, up a track in
the desert and you feel sure it wishes you to follow.

Closer now, you see your guide is the desert fox, who
will show you safely to your destination and, somehow,
you know, will bring you home again. You walk on,

not quite together, but you, just a few paces behind.
There, hidden at the end of a desert wadi, is a small
oasis; balmy with lush hibiscus, orange, lime, date and
palm trees and a pool of crystalline water.

Already there, is a group of fellow travellers and

traders who are resting; they are part of a caravan
transporting goods with their camels and donkeys.
You go past quietly.

Climbing to the top of a sand dune, you survey the

contours of rocky hills, their masses outlined by the
nightsky. You see points of light not too far ahead,
fiery torches and lamps. After a walk you see the
earthy tones of a temple whose masonry almost
blends in with the landscape.

You come to its pylon main gate. Priests and priestesses

greet you, inviting you to enter. You follow them to
an antechamber. On a stone bench next to the wall is
a robe for you to change into, it is long and well cut.
Now robed and ready, you rejoin the priesthood, as
they precess along a cloister that runs along the edge
of the hypostyle hall. You pass through another
doorway and find yourself in a large, high ceiling

A ritual is already underway, led by a shaven-headed
priests. Swirls of pungent kyphi incense smoke rise
from a stone censor. Nearby, sitting on the floor a
company of musicians are playing sacred music.
There are temple dancers in shimmery costumes with
long, thick, luxurious style hair, jet black, like the
goddess Hathor. Their eyes are elongated lotus-petal
shapes, rimmed with khol, their arms adorned with
gilded coils of serpentine bracelets. They dance as
one to the rhythms of flutes, trumpets, drums,
tambourines, cymbals and sistrums.

By the altar, you feel a current of air emanating from

behind the fabric veil of the temple. Slowly the veil is
parted, to reveal a shrine, the stone. ecorated with
fantastic scenes. Among then you see the familiar
design of the false door. This false door is inaccessible
to dense matter. You know that in order to go through
it, you must project your spirit body or Ka.

Next to it, is a small couch, the priest, the mystagog,

indicates that you should lie on it and rest. You lie
down, your arms crossed over your chest. As your
physical body relaxes your spirit is more active. It
seems to hover near you, or above you, like a mist.
Pausing briefly at the threshold, you dart through to
the other side.

You find yourself in another pillared courtyard, in
the centre is a basin, water flows there. You move
past the colonnades, then down a short flight of steps,
to where, at the bottom, is a dock where boats are
moored. You hear the soft lapping of wavelets on
their wooden hulls. Further out, a vessel sails by on
waters under the starlight, the full Moon is reflected
there, On the vessel’s deck, at the prow, figures are
moving, one is consulting a papyrus scroll, another
holds instruments of measurement and calculation.

They are the astronomer priests of Egypt, those who

observe, study and catalogue the heavens, the immense
map of the ages, past, present and future in the spiral
of time. The Boat of Million Years navigating in the
great cosmic ocean . . . The Plough, Orion, The Seven
Stars, The Dog, the binary star Sothis; the precession
of the equinoxes . . . You marvel at the immensity of
the sky . . .

Several moments pass, eventually an inner prompt

calls you back to the temple. You return by the way
you came earlier, via the false door, now fully
reconnected and reunited with your physical body
on the couch . . . The priests and priestesses now bid
you join them and partake of a feast of offerings

spread out on low tables, with blessings of beer, bread
and fruit.

This is a special place. When the time come to take

your leave, you give thanks and say goodbye. You
return to the robing chamber and put on your own
clothes, and take up your staff.

Outside the temple, you again meet with the desert

fox who has been waiting for you. You retrace your
journey to the start, guided by the desert fox. When
the time comes to part, look at him one final time,
smile, bow your head and place your hand on your

This last scene dissolves. You are back in your

meditation room, sitting comfortably. Gently move
your limbs, tap your feet on the floor to get earthed
and open your eyes.

The Desert Fox Oracle
- brief meanings at a glance -

1. Desert Fox
-the seeker; the guide; a torchbearer; a beacon; the
unknown; new territories; pioneering; parallel worlds;
space age travel and technology.

2. Earth
-Planet Earth; Gaia; vegetation; the land; agriculture
& harvest; laying to rest & burials; the environment;
ecology; the physical plane; currency and all practical

3. Air
-travel; speed; moves; communication; conversation;
speech; news; media; Radio & TV; advertising; the

4. Water
-the element of Water; Astral Plane; Akashic Plane;
emotions; sensitivity.

5. Fire
-Fire that brings light, heat and comfort or burns
everything to a cinder; inspiration; creativity; life
force; creatures comfort; the hearth.

6. Oasis
-rest; contemplation; meditation; a quiet haven;
sustenance; a retreat; replenishing one’s energies;
Nature, orchards and gardens.

7. Scroll
-script; literacy; learning; numeracy; education;
inheritance and will.

8. Man
-about a man; the enquirer if male, husband, partner
or a particular man; surrounding cards will determine
the nature of the enquiry.

9. Woman
-about a woman; the enquirer if female; wife; mother;
a particular woman; surrounding cards will determine
the nature of the enquiry.

10. Child
-about a child; a new endeavour or project; a birth; a
baptism; an initiation; purification and

11. Geb & Newet

-partnership; polarity; union; creation; the sky; the
starry heavens; extension; physical fitness.

12. Snake
-strength; endurance; flexibility; kundalini; occult

forces; the subconscious; safe passage in choppy

13. Scorpion
-sex & death; mortality; regeneration; primeval life
forces; intensity; passion; hidden matters; instincts.

14. Scarab
-resurrection; renewal; rebirth; influence; radiance;

15. Shield, Mace & Axe

-defender; guarding; protection; armed services;

16. Offering Table

-trading; food & drink; nourishment for the body and
mind; presents; all the good things in life that money
can buy; the bounty of the Earth.

17. Caravan
-business; commerce and trading; land travel; roads
and highways.

18. Boat
-journey by water; crossing the water; overseas
matters; long distance travel; any vehicle.

19. Wheel of Destiny
-The Zodiac; astrology & horoscopes; cosmic cycles;
the seasons.

20. Comet
-an important message; illumination.

21. Ankh
-life force; fertility; sexuality; efforts; sacrifice; key

22. Pyramids & Sphinx

-architecture; construction; geometry; arithmetics;
erudition; geophysics; sciences; alchemy; astronomy;

23. Desert Storm

-natural forces and their immense power to
desintegrate, destroy, transform and reshape; raw
elemental potency; nuclear energy.

24. Temple
-Mysteries; sanctity; worship; institutions; official

25. Mirage
-fancies; fantasies; illusions; delusions;

26. Moon God
-The Moon; night-time; tides; reflection; magnetism;
psychism; inner life; Mysteries and Magic.

27. Pharaoh or King

-seat of power; a father figure; high ranking official;

28. Priests
-teacher(s); consultancy; moderation; purification;
sacerdotal functions; ceremony and ritual.

29. Sistrum
-music & dance; rhythm; vibrations, sound; energies;

30. Amphora
-container; vessel; emotions; matters of the heart; soul
searching: balance; weighting right and wrong.

The Desert Fox Oracle
Seven groups of cards:

1. The cards of Destiny & Fate
1. Desert Fox
11. Geb & Newet
12. Snake
13. Scorpion
14. Scarab
19. Wheel of Destiny
20. Comet
23. Desert Storm
26. Moon God
30. Amphora

2. The cards of The Mysteries

22. Pyramids&Sphinx
24. Temple

3. The cards of the Elements

2. Earth
3. Air (Shu)
4. Water
5. Fire

4. The cards of power
temporal, otherworldly or sacerdotal.
15. Shield, Mace & Axe.
27. Pharaoh or King
28. Priests

5. The people cards

8. Man
9. Woman
10. Child

6. The cards of trade and travel.

17. Caravan
18. Boat

7. The cards of being, experiencing and

6. Oasis
7. Scroll
16. Offering Table
21. Ankh
25. Mirage
29. Sistrum

Getting Started

Preparing your space

and creating a certain ambiance

A quiet, uncluttered area, with good, natural or soft

lighting is best to do your readings. You will need a
table or a desk, that you should cover with a cloth
made of velvet or other good quality material, or a
small rug, that you should use specifically for this
purpose. This being said, we know of some diviners
who deal their cards directly onto a large, circular,
chiseled, antique brass platter, the whole thing
supported by a low wrought iron base, and this to
great effect.

Before consulting the Oracle, it is beneficial to be in a

calm mood. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts,
if necessary by meditation or mindfulness. There
could also be a warming up ritual or prayer dedicated
to your practice.

Burn some high grade incense for that special magic

touch and atmosphere. Incense stimulates the mind

and the senses, and the extra-sensorial capacity of
tuning-in to altered states of consciousness, which all
benefits the divination process. There are many
wonderful varieties and blends of incense to choose
from, in the form of resins, grains, herbs, joss sticks,
dhoop and cones. Among the best known and
popular are Frankincense, Benzoin, Sandalwood,
Patchouli, and Myrrh, to mention but a few. Psychic
consultants often like to surround themselves with
extra protection by burning votive candles or incense.

If you cannot burn candles or incense, and still would

like to enjoy the benefits of natural scents, there are
alternatives, such as a fragrant herbal pouch that you
can put straight on the side of your table or organic
space aroma sprays, all of which can be very handy
to cleanse and refresh your environment.

One last thing

Of course, you don’t absolutely have to use scents or
candles. To keep it to bare basics, a tidy space and a
clean surface for your cards will do.

Storing and protecting your cards
When not in use, your cards should be kept in their
own pouch, bag or box, away from main traffic
areas. For a long time, the usual recommendation was
to wrap them in a black silk square to protect them
from bad vibrations. Deep and devotional tones are
also suggested, like turquoise, lapis lazuli or cerulean
blue, purple, indigo, emerald or papyri green, ochre,
orange or gold.

There are readers who like to keep their Tarots,

Oracles, Cartomancy etc, in wooden boxes as they
enjoy the patina that comes with age. There are others
who find that customized bags, pouches, scarves, or
cases, are far more practical and light to carry around,
particularly when one is away from home, or travelling
to places such as psychic fayres, metaphysical
bookshops and stores, to provide this kind of service
to customers.

Between consultations, if there is a pause, you can

put a semi-precious stone such as rose quartz, smoky
quartz, amethyst, carnelian, jasper, or a statuette of a
favourite deity close to your deck which can be staked
up in one pile, or spread out like a fan.

Getting to know your deck
A good way to get to know your deck is to do a
meditation with one card a day, over a 30 days period,
by transporting yourself into the picture, absorbing
its energies and details.

An experienced and sought after psychic reader from

London, always fully booked by clients who sought
her counsel, once advised that to help bond with your
deck, you could place it near or under your pillow at
night, for at least one entire Moon cycle. For a quick,
focused reading or to answer one particular question,
she recommended a classic and simple 3 cards layout
- Past, Present and Future - starting from left to right.

Should you allow others to touch your cards? When
doing face to face readings for others, you will have
to decide whether:

1) yourself alone can handle the cards, do all the

shuffling, cutting, selecting, and laying out.

2) or if you will let your clients do some of these


Whichever way, it is a matter of personal preference

and what works best for you.
Shuffling and cutting
Shuffle the whole deck well, slowly and methodically,
focussing on the particular question to which you
would like to find an answer. Stop when you feel
ready for the next step. You do not have to cut if you
would rather not; actually some people never do it.
There are various ways to cut. There is a school that
says one should use the left hand (as it is the hand of
the heart) to cut and deal the cards out. Others don’t
bother with this and use either hand.

Here are two options for cutting:

Option 1 - With the left hand, cut the entire pack in

two, and then turn each of the two halves facing way
up, to see what cards are at the bottom of the cut,
thus one gets a first impression of the current situation,
and the native of the inquiry. Make a mental note of
the result or write it down. Having done this, put
both halves back together and place as one pack facing

Option 2 - With the left hand, starting from the right,

to the left, cut the pack into three piles face down.
Then, put the first pile on top of the last and both on
top of the central one.

Note: you can do quick readings with only the cut as
described in Option 1, or by looking at the bottom
card of a pack.

Laying out
After having shuffled and cut your deck, you can

1) put it back into one stack facing down, then take

the number of cards you need straight from the top
of the stack.

2) or, fan the entire deck face down in front of you;

then, do your selection, or ask your client to select a
number of cards, that you will arrange in a spread of
your choice.

Do look out for any cards that jump out of the deck,
and display these straight away, as their message will
be of particular importance. If two cards stick
together as they come, interpret them as a duo.

When using The Desert Fox Oracle, there are no rigid
combinations that must absolutely be adhered to all
the time. For example, if the same cards keep turning
up to illustrate specific cases in several consecutive

readings, there will also be instances when similar
associations can have completely different indications.

As you go along, you will find that you form your

own special connections and relationship with the
Oracle, with interpretations, interrelations and
intuitions that will be unique to you. When consulting
the Oracle, phrase your questions clearly and concisely.
Some sample readings will be given later, as
possibilities of forecasting trends.

About significators and reversals

The method and examples presented herein are done
with upright cards only, ignoring reversals and without
the use of significators. It is up to you if you prefer
to work with significators or reversals. We utilize the
entire deck with no cards removed from the pack.
The people cards in themselves also contain clues for
you to find. Look out for these.

In divinatory matters, being able to date all events
precisely can be notoriously difficult, even for
proficient readers. Here is a method that might help,
even though not exhaustive.

3. Air (Shu) = Spring

5. Fire = Summer

2. Earth = Autumn

4. Water = Winter

Tarot & Oracles
In the cards descriptions, you will find some planetary,
zodiacal and Tarot cards associations, even though
Tarots and Oracles work differently. They each have
their own balance and vibrational levels that are
particular to their respective systems.

Reading for yourself

It is possible to read for yourself if you observe the
detachment and impartiality required for this process.

1. Desert Fox

Meanings: the seeker;

the guide; a torchbearer;
a beacon; the unknown;
new territories;
pioneering; risk taking;
innovation; abstract
thought; parallel worlds;
hidden dimensions;
stargazing; astronomy;
aerospace industries;
space age travel and technology; radiotelescopes;
Ufology; the Atom; infinity; universal awareness;
the Cosmos.

Astrological affinity:
The planet Uranus. The Age of Aquarius.

Tarot connection:
The Fool; The Star.

It is night-time in what could be an exo-planet

landscape. Two creatures walk quietly side by side.
One is the desert fox, the other is the Set animal,
projecting its silhouette against the black void and
freezing cold of deep space, the radiance of distant
stars, constellations, galaxies, nebulaes, supergiants,
pulsars and quasars. These celestial bodies, whose

cosmic radiations emitted since long lost Cyclopean
aeons, blueprints in the vastness of interstellar Time,
have voyaged across the Universe, delivering their
messages to us from remote parsecs and light years
away from the Earth.

The desert fox is a nocturnal, cunning and courageous

creature of the Egyptian desert, a wanderer, who
moves at will, between the light and the dark. The
desert also represents the Otherworld, physical and

2. Earth

Meanings: the element of

Earth; Planet Earth; Gaia;
agriculture & harvest;
vegetation; the land; laying
to rest and burials; the
environment; ecology;
currency and all practical
matters; a treasure chest;
possessions; finances.

Astrological affinity:
The Earth signs triplicity: Taurus/Virgo/
Capricorn. The planet Saturn.

Tarot connection: The Empress. The World.

Standing upright on ‘‘The Boat of Million Years’’a

white-clad priestess with red belt and head-band, tends
a large funeral chest, surrounded by neatly arranged
flowers. At the bottom of the chest, supported by a
couch on a plinth, there is a sarcophagus inside which
lays the mummified body of Osiris, the god of death
and renewal, who lies buried in the depths of the
Earth. Above the mummy, carved on the lintel, there
are friezes of the buckles or knots of Isis and stylized
Djed Trees.

3. Air (Shu)

Meanings: the element of

Air; news; information;
travel; speed; moves;
conversation; speech;
media; Radio & TV;
advertising; the Internet.

Astrological affinity:
The Air signs triplicity:
Aquarius/Gemini/Libra. The planet Mercury.

Tarot connection: The Magician

Shu, the symbol of the element of Air, wears a

feathered head-dress, a robe with the colours of the
four elements and the four directions of the compass.
In his right hand, he holds the Ankh, and in his left
hand the Was Sceptre. Beckoning him from above, is
Nekhbet, the vulture goddess.

The ancient ancestral god Shu who controls the winds,

moves the stars. Often paired with lion goddess
Tefnut, together they are two ancient ancestors of

4. Water

Meanings: the element

of Water; the Astral
Plane; the Akashic
Plane; emotions;
sensitivity; travel across
water. Water could also
signify places such as
movie theatres,
museums and art

Astrological affinity:
The Water signs triplicity: Pisces/Cancer/Scorpio.
The Moon. The planet Neptune.

Tarot connection:
The High Priestess. The Hanged Man.

This image shows a large rectangular basin or water-

tank filled with blue water rippling across its surface.

Peace is to be found beside a pool of cool water. At

the beginning of the present cycle the world lay
submerged waiting to rise again from the waters.
Egypt began beside a seasonal lake in the desert, and
later beside the Nile. The Nile floods forming a string

of enor mous temporary lakes each of which
nourishes a human settlement.

Some possible combinations:

Spirituality and religion are indicated with 4. Water,

24. Temple and 28. Priests.

Mysticism and psychism are indicated with 4. Water

and 26. Moon God.

4. Water with 18. Boat could signify a maritime port,

sea travel; sea or river cruises; yatching; regattas; boating
on lakes or canals, especially with 6.Oasis nearby.

4. Water in the 9th House of an astrological spread

can indicate long distance travel over water.

5. Fire

Meanings: the element of

Fire; fire that brings light,
heat and comfort or
burning out and
destruction; creatures
comforts; the hearth;
inspiration; creativity;
vigour; loyalty; the fires of

Astrological affinity:
The Fire signs triplicity: Aries/Leo/Sagittarius.

Tarot connection: The Sun.

Four baboons sit, looking out as if guarding their

parameter, each one of them at a corner of a fire, or
heating device.

In the centre of the Earth, in the deepest part of the

Underworld burns a lake of fire. Here one’s soul is
tested, can you walk on fire?

6. Oasis

Meanings: rest;
meditation; a quiet
haven; health;
sustenance; replenishing
one’s energies; a retreat;
Nature, orchards and

Astrological affinity:
The planet Venus.

Tarot connection: The Empress. The Hermit.

Shielded from the desert, behind safe and strong

enclosures, are well ordered rows of verdoyant trees,
luscious fruit orchards and vegetable patches, carefully
tended by workers. Nearby are small buildings and
what could be storage rooms. At the bottom of the
picture, bordering the greenery, a stream of crystalline
water is flowing. The ancients envisioned paradise as
a beautiful garden, to which we shall return some

Some possible combination:

6. Oasis with 4. Water could indicate a place by or
near the water or a Spa.
7. Scroll

Meanings: script and

writing; literacy;
numeracy; learning;
education; inheritance
and will; Time.

Astrological affinity:
The planets Mercury
and Saturn.

Tarot connection:
The Magician. The Hierophant.

The top of the card representss three distinct scenes

from the Egyptian Book of The Dead, with human figures
all shrouded in white, and each facing the same
direction. Reading from the right to left: the first
depicts a kneeling man. In the second, a man and a
woman, with water up to their knees, along the banks
of the river Nile. In the third one, a man is offering
his heart to a group of deities. In between and below
the scenes are the spells from the Book of the Dead.

“What the god Ptah has created, Thoth, divine creator

of the alphabet writes down”. There is a mystery to
written words, all of which are emanations and
images of the creator.

Possible meaning: 7. Scroll, in the 9th House of a

Horoscope spread could indicate higher education,
philosophy or religious studies.

8. Man

Meanings: about a man;

the enquirer if male,
husband, partner or a
particular man;
surrounding cards will
determine the nature of
the enquiry in assessing
details like character,
status and profession.

Astrological connection:
The planet Mars.

Sitting inside a boat, a skipper is holding an oar. Behind

him, the Uraeus or Royal Cobra and the Falcon with
his head adorned with the Solar Disk. In front of
him, a tri-colour, red-white-blue sail.

The man’s skin is dark from time spent working under

the Sun. The ideal man is modelled on the god Horus,
although some are images of the desert fox or god

9. Woman

Meanings: about a woman;

the enquirer if female; wife;
mother; a particular
woman; surrounding cards
will determine the nature
of the enquiry in assessing
details such as character,
status and profession.

Astrological connection:
The planet Venus.

Clad in white linen garments, as worn in antiquity

under hot climes, two women stand behind a table
of edibles and flowers, offering food. Someone is
presenting them each with a sistrum. It is about the
joy and goodness of giving and receiving.

A woman’s skin is paler than a man’s. Her gifts may

be different. She serves as chantress to the gods. The
status of women was higher in Egypt. Several
goddesses are ideas of women’s character, especially
Isis, Nephthys and Hathor.

10. Child

Meanings: about a
child; a new endeavour
or project; a birth; a
baptism, especially with
4. Water and 28. Priests;
an initiation;
purification and

The Moon.

Two pairs of hands are raised up in adoration and

thanks, as parents celebrate the birth of their progeny,
seemingly springing out of a rising Sun.

The god Horus is the archetypal child, he wears the

special sidelock of Egyptian children, is he sucking
his finger like a child or commanding one to remain

11. Geb & Newet

Meanings: partnership;
polarity; union; creation;
the sky; the starry
heavens; extension;
physical fitness.

Astrological connection:
The planet Venus. The
air sign Gemini.

Tarot connection:
The Lovers.

The goddess Newet shapes her body as a gigantic

arch of dazzling stars. At her feet, the Red Sun is
rising in the East, and by her hands, the Yellow Sun, is
setting in the West. Below Newet, the god Shu spreads
his body to the four directions.

The Earth god and Sky Mother, they are unique in

world mythology. Born as twins until their father Shu
separated them, forming the firmament.

12. Snake

Meanings: strength;
endurance; flexibility;
agility; Kundalini; yogic
and tantric practices;
occult forces; the
subconscious; safe
passage in choppy
waters; sagacity; insight.

Astrological connection:
The planet Pluto and the
water sign Scorpio.

Tarot connection:
Strength. Judgement.

The god Set is manoeuvering the great god Ra’s Boat

of Million Years through the Night of the
Underworld. This is a perilous journey where he is
fending off the giant serpent Apophis, the epitome
of Chaos.

Some snakes are good, some snakes are bad, either

way take notice. This one is big enough to swallow
the new born Sun, threatening creation. All the Gods
much work together to deride him at the moment
of crisis.

13. Scorpion

Meanings: sex & death;

mortality; regeneration;
primeval life forces;
desire; attraction;
intensity; obsession;
passion; sensuality;
seduction; fascination;
charisma; glamour;
hidden matters; secrecy;
instincts; depth.

Astrological connection:
The water sign Scorpio. The planets Mars and

Tarot connection: Death.

Selket, the scorpion goddess, holds an Ankh in her

left hand, and a Was Sceptre in her right. Behind her,
is a design from the ceremonial mace of King
Scorpion, one of the first Egyptian kings. The
scorpion can kill and was much feared. It was the
totem of a very ancient king of Egypt, one who
lived up to the name. This goddess gave life and
protection from its bite - the scorpion on her brow
is benign and will arise in peace.

14. Scarab

Meanings: a Solar
symbol; resurrection;
renewal; birth and
rebirth; influence;
radiance; glory.

Astrological affinity:
The fire sign Aries.

Tarot connection:
The Emperor. The Sun.

The Sun god Kephra, appears in his Ram-headed

form, symbolizing the rising Sun.

The scarab whose name (Kephra) means ‘becoming’

represents the ‘Sun at Dawn’. The rebirth of the soul,
the ‘Ba’, was likened to the daily rebirth of the ‘Sun at
Dawn’ after its period of regeneration in the

15. Shield, Mace
& Axe

Meanings: defender;
guardian; protection;
armed services; strategy.

Astrological affinity:
The planet Mars.

Tarot connection:
The Emperor.

This scene depicts a batallion of armed soldiers,

protecting and serving their Pharaoh, people and land.

Warfare was a necessary evil in the ancient world,

especially if one lived in the much coveted Nile valley.
War makes one a hostage to fortune - the outcome
can be good or catastrophic.

16. Offering Table

Meanings: trading; food

& drink; nourishment for
the body and mind;
presents; all the good
things in life that money
can buy; the bounty of the

Astrological affinity: The

Earth signs triplicity:

Tarot connection:
The Empress.

Food is methodically and stylistically arranged on the

board of a high counter. Here are the ingredients that
Ancient Egyptians used to prepare their daily meals.

The offering table, groaning with all good things on

which gods, spirits and humans live. Here we offer
to the “Ka”, bread, beer, linen, alabaster, incense,
meat, fish and fowl etc.

17. Caravan

Meanings: business;
commerce and trading;
markets; land travel;
roads and highways.

Astrological affinity:
The planet Mercury.
The Moon.

Tarot connection:
The High Priestess.
The Star.

Marching on, a group of armed men is protecting a

convoy, with women on foot, and their children riding
on the back of a donkey.

The journey through the desert to distant lands. Egypt’s

trade routes led to the far corners of the known
world. Egypt traded but was not ruled by the market.
In times of distress many people came to Egypt to
benefit from its well run economy and understanding
of its complex cycles. Exiles long to return despite
the sometimes ardous journey.

18. Boat

Meanings: journey by
water; crossing the
water; overseas matters;
long distance travel; any
transport vehicle.

Astrological affinity:
The water sign Pisces.
The planet Neptune.

Tarot connection:
The Chariot.

A regal boat with its crew is navigating on the river

Nile. Alongside the red-white-blue colours of the sail,
are the Benu bird and the Scarab in its Ram-headed

Travel on the river was particularly convenient on the

Nile. It never runs dry. The prevailing wind is north
to south (against the current). When the sails are up
one fairs upstream. When the sails are down one goes
with the flow. Long distance maritime trade comes
under the aegis of the goddess Isis.

Some possible meanings and combinations:

18. Boat could mean any transport vehicle such as a

car, a lorry, a motorcycle.

18. Boat with 4. Water and 16. Offering Table could

indicate merchant Navy, maritime transport, a cargo
ship, or a fishing boat.

18. Boat with 4. Water and 15. Shield, Mace & Axe
could be a Navy ship or fleet.

18. Boat with 3. Air (Shu), an aeroplane.

18. Boat with 17. Caravan, could be about land

transport and delivery vehicles; a convoy; a vehicule

18. Boat with 1. Desert Fox could describe a

spacecraft, a spaceship, or a specialized rough terrain
conveyance like a Lunar or Martian rover.

18. Boat with 23. Desert Storm could signify

armoured and demolition vehicles such as juggernauts,
caterpillars, bulldozers or tanks.

18. Boat with 23. Desert Storm and 4. Water could

warn of heavy weather with storms at sea and on
land, of tsunamis, cyclones, tornadoes or hurricanes.
19. Wheel of

Meanings: Destiny &

Fate; astrology &
horoscopes; cosmic
cycles; the cycles of
Nature; the seasons;
higher educaton;
overseas matters.

Astrological affinity:
The signs of the Zodiac;
The Sun, The Moon, The Planets, The Stars.

Tarot connection:
The planet Jupiter and The Wheel of Fortune.

Gods and goddesses holding aloft the Great Wheel

of The Zodiac, unite in the dance of the great cosmic
ages and the eternal cycles of Manvantara and Pralaya
- Manifestation and Dissolution.

Egypt is the mother of astronomy and astrology.

Nuit the star goddess is one of its oldest deities. From
the beginning, wise men and women observed the
cycles of the stars & planets and devised one of the
longest surviving calendars to regulate the affairs of
men and gods. In modified form it is still in use.

20. Comet

Meanings: an important
message that demands
your attention,
concerning a particular
event, situation or
person; look at the other
cards in the layout for
more information;
illumination (especially
if about spiritual

Astrological affinity:
The planet Mars.

Tarot connection:
The Tower.

Comets pursue their journey from the outermost

frontiers of our Solar system. Once captured within
the gravitational field of the planetary orbits nearer.
to our Sun, they illuminate the night skies with their
scintillating tails as their icy components burn out in
their trails. Humanity watches in awe at these heralds,
bearers of galactic splendour.

Objects that fall from the heavens have a special

power. The observation of the times these objects
fell gave rise to a powerful set of oracles. Some natural
substances such as flint were sometimes thought to
come from the same source. Knapped flint knives
have magick.

21. Ankh

Meanings: life force;

fertility; motherhood;
parenting; puberty;
sexuality; sacrifice; a key
symbol; an opening.

Astrological affinity:
The Sun giver of Life.
The planet Venus.

Tarot connection:
The Empress.

The Ankh, in this instance bright red, and behind it,

the Buckle of Isis.

A very old symbol of many forms and colours. In

origin perhaps a linen bandage or knot of some kind
used to staunch blood and therefore to preserve or
give life. As a symbol can be a substitute for something
bad or taboo.

22. Pyramids &

Meanings; erudition;
construction; geometry;
arithmetic; geophysics;
sciences; alchemy;
astronomy; guilds and
secret societies; summit.

Astrological affinity:
The planets Mercury and Saturn.

Tarot connection:
The Magician. The Hierophant. The World.

In a sea of sand, the great Sphinx and the Giza

pyramids reach skywards. They are the surviving
witnesses and Time capsules of the land of Khem,
from an ever remote antiquity, and the legacy of the
people who planned and supervised their construction
as well as those who built them.

Egypt is a geomantic culture and the origin of ideas

later perfected by the Greeks and Babylonians. The
pyramid shaped tomb expresses this desire in a precise
geometric form. It is the most famous expression of
this desire to soar upwards from the earth to the realm
of the Sun god in the sky.
23. Desert Storm

Meanings: natural forces

and their immense power
to desintegrate, destroy,
transform and reshape;
raw elemental potency;
removing all that is
obsolete, be they situations
or relationships, shaking
the foundations and
clearing the way to rebuild
anew; heavy metals and nuclear energy.

Astrological affinity: The planets Uranus and


Tarot connection: Death. Judgement.

The god Set, sitting up in his animal form, surmonted

by the victorious Eye of Horus or Oudjat.

The god Set; In the fifth month of the year desert

storms begin to stir heralding the hot months of
summer - the Kamsin blast rakes the earth destroying
all that is weak or past its time. The heart of old
Egypt was born in the desert.

24. Temple

Meanings: Mysteries;
sanctity; worship;
institutions; an official
building; a registrar.

Astrological affinity:
The planets Jupiter and

Tarot connection:
The High Priestess.
The Hierophant.

A pylon (or front horizon), from the well-preserved

Temple of Khonsu in Karnak. This temple is
orientated North-South, facing South and aligned to
the Nile.

The temple is an idealised image of the cosmos. A

building based on the design of the first, primal
structures used to house and serve the gods. It sits in
an island of sacred space marked off from the
profane by a mud brick wall or temenos. The great
doorway or gateway between worlds fills the horizon
of the imagination.

25. Mirage

Meanings: fancies;
fantasies; illusions;
hallucinations; a need to
check hard facts.

Astrological affinity:
The Earth sign

Tarot connection:
The Devil.

Three gazelles, of which two are seen mating in the


Gazelles are hardy creatures well able to survive and

thrive in the rocky desert landscape, perhaps why the
Eg yptians viewed them as liminal creatures,
representing the chaotic forces of the wilderness. The
desert is real but also a place of the imagination. The
heat of the Sun plays tricks on the mind.

26. Moon God

Meanings: night-time;
tides; reflection;
magnetism; psychism;
mediumship; the past, the
present, the future; inner
life; Mysteries and Magic;
ESP; a being with these

Astrological affinity:
The Moon.

Tarot connection:
The High Priestess. The Moon.

Crowned with the horned Lunar disk, the doubled-

headed god Khonsu represents the three phases of
the Moon.

The ‘left eye of Ra’, the ‘Sun god’, the ‘Sun at Midnight’;
the secret key to God’s work in Ancient Egypt.
Khonsu the wanderer is one of the oldest of all gods.
The Moon is four become three become two become
one. He/She look both ways, behind at what is
receding, ahead at what will grow.

27. Pharaoh or King

Meanings: seat of power;

a father figure; high
ranking official; self-

Astrological affinity:
The Sun and the fire signs
Aries and Leo.

Tarot connection:
The Emperor.

Sat upon his throne, King Ramses II is ruling over the

affairs of the Kingdom of Egypt.

Originally the Chieftain or head of family hosted a

feast at which the agricultural surplus was redistributed
to the entire family or clan. A totemic individual who
should be able to lead in mundane and religious
matters. The protector of the collective and the
upholder of cosmic balance.

28. Priests

Meanings: teacher;
consultancy; moderation;
purification; sacerdotal
functions; ceremony &

Astrological affinity: The

planet Jupiter.

Tarot connection:
The High Priestess.
The Hierophant.

A shaven-headed high priest is performing a rite at a

ceremony wth priests, bearers of sacred objects and
offerings to the god Anubis, as a four legged Jackal.

Priesthood is a quality all members of a collective

should possess. In Egypt there were very few full
time priests, the work was divided between all those
eligible who then served as part of a cohort for
several lunar months then returned to their main
occupation. Ideally everyone should have the skills to
officiate at the sacred cult and be a servant to the
gods. 28. Priests is also about someone shouldering
responsibilities in particular if associated with 21. Ankh.

29. Sistrum

Meanings: music &

dance; the arts; the music
of the spheres; the cosmic
dance; rhythm; vibrations;
energies; sound; poise;
harmony; grace; allure;
elegance; beauty.

Astrological affinity:

Tarot connection:
Strength. The World.

A terracotta representation of a sistrum, with the face

of the goddess Hathor.

This instrument was commonly used to make a “sound

offering” to the gods. It is formed as an image of
the passionate goddess Hathor, who loves music,
alcohol and dance. The noise it makes is called
“shaking the papyrus”, a wall of sound over which
to lay the recitations of divine prayers.

30. Amphora

Meanings: container;
vessel; matters of the
heart; soul searching:
balance; weighting right
and wrong; adjustment;
calculating; measuring;

Astrological affinity:

Tarot connection: Justice.

Temperance. Judgement.

The final judgement scene, with the Weighting of The

Heart, the most important moral organ. The god
Anubis, ‘Psychopomp to The Underworld’, is
weighing the hearts of the deceased. Should they pass
the test, they are pure of heart, and will be reborn to
a higher life. If they fail, they have wronged others,
done much harm, caused suffering, and have shown
no remorse. These will be devoured by demons.

The hearted shaped amphora stores the essentials of

life - water and beer. The gods also love beer and
alcohol. When one dies the heart is weighed to see

how you have done in your life. Can you say “I never
made things worse” for another?

and Sample

The Desert Guide Spread
This short and simple spread answers any question
fast with the added bonus of further insights.

Position 4.
3 Further details

Position 3.
2 The answer

Position 2.
1 What you should keep in mind

Position 1.
The question

Sample Reading
With The Desert Guide Spread

Question: The querent is a multimedia artist. She is

currently working on a concept, an experimental
cosmic art show. She has enlisted the help of musicians
for the ambient soundtrack. She wants to know if
everything will be ready for the opening night at an
art gallery?

Answer: step 1 with the cut, shows the querent

at work putting props together for her art show.

The Cut

Position 4.
Further details

Position 3.
The answer

Position 2.
What you should keep in

Position 1.
The question

Answer: step 2. (29.) Sistrum in position 1 in
the reading relates to music and rhythm, in this
instance of the ambient music score. With (26.)
Moon God in postion 2. would indicate some
mind-blowing visuals with fantastical creatures
and props.

Her question, will everything be completed and

ready for the opening night? With (10.) Child in
position 3 the answer is yes, as this confirms the
birthing of her concept and with (6.) Water in
position 4, the launch at an art gallery. Overall a
good feeling with this reading.

Seven Cards Spread:
Past/Present/Future of any Question

1 7

2 6

3 5
1, 2, 3 5, 6, 7
Past 4 Future


Sample Reading using Seven Cards

The Cut

1 7

2 6
(Past) (Future)

3 5

Question: A woman is asking about her love life.
She would like to meet Mr Right for a good, stable

This Cut (see page 36) tells us that this is possibly a

business woman or someone working in the trading

4, (Present)
What is on her mind now.

1, 2, 3, (Past)
This is someone who has a lot to offer. Suitors are
many, but she is looking for Mr Right and commit-

5, 6, 7, (Future)
She will meet a man. A good and strong relation-
ship with passion and a good income is indicated.

Tetrakthys spread
From the foundations, up. Assess the
evolution of a situation.


8 9

5 6 7

1 2 3 4
10 (Outlook)

8, 9 (Coming in)

5, 6, 7 (Present)

1, 2, 3, 4 (Past, Foundation)

Tetrakthys spread - Sample reading

The Cut

Question: A woman is enquiring about a spiritual

path that she could follow.

The Cut: tells us about something rewarding on both

practical and spiritual levels.

Tetrakthys spread - Sample reading


8 9

5 6 7

1 2 3 4

She has successfully passed the tests of admission
and now holds the key of an initiate of the

8, 9
(Coming in)
Rebirth on a spiritual path is confirmed

5, 6, 7
An initiation involving an ordeal of some sort and
a symbolic death, before she can be admitted into
the inner sanctum.

1, 2, 3, 4
(Past, Foundation)
This is a heartfelt interest that resonates deeply. She
is very attracted by ceremonials and the validation
of an initiation ritual.

Astrological 12 Houses Spread
In depth trend forecast

11 9
12 8

1 7

2 6

3 5

Astrological 12 Houses Spread

1. The querent, or the present situation.

2. Possessions; money and finances; per-
sonal values.
3. Commerce; communications; short
travels; neighbours; early education.
4. The home environment; childhood.
5. Self-expression; creativity; love affairs,
6. Health and hygiene; work and what you
do to earn a living; pets.
7. Marriage; partnerships; public relations.
8. Joint resources; inheritance; sexuality;
endings; the occult; karma.
9. Long distance travels; overseas matter;
higher education; philosophy and reli-
10. Career; public image and status.
11. Groups and societies; trends.
12. The subconscious; secrets; hidden
enemies; restrictions; self-undoing.
13. Overall comment or advice.
Astrological Sample reading (continued)

Question: A soon to graduate university student is

enquiring about his career prospects.

The Cut:

(26.) Moon God (shows an alert young man checking

out directions) with next to it (7.) Scroll, in this case
university students and their lecturers variously
depicted in classrooms, lecture theatres, workshops
and seminars). (continues next page)

11 9

12 8

1 13 7

2 6

3 5

This young man has strong leadership qualities
(14.) Scarab in house 1 and potential (27) Pharaoh in
house 7.

Which could earn him a good income (16.) Offering

Table in house 2 and self-reliance (1.) Desert Fox in
house 8.

He is working hard for a graduation ceremony

(28.) Priests in house 3 and a good degree in a
competitive market (15.) Shield, Mace & Axe in house
9 to defend position of strength (23.) Desert Storm in
house 10.

He is an attractive young man (8.) Man and popular

with the girls (9.) Woman in house 5.

He must for the time being focus on his studies that

demand some sacrifice (21.) Ankh) on the personal
level that would otherwise distract him (11.) Geb &
Newet in house 12.

He possesses the necessary self-discipline to keep

working hard in order to attain his aim. (12.) Snake in
central position for overall comment is urging him to
keep his graduation goal in mind and fight for it.

This young man is a hard working student with strong

initiative and leadership qualities (14.) Scarab. He also
possesses an independent spirit (1.) Desert Fox. He
will get his degree. Even though the market place is
very competitive (15.) Shield, Mace & Axe; (23.) Desert
Storm), he will be able to get a good job. Nevertheless
there is a warning that he must stear away from sexual
politics (21.) Ankh; & (11.) Geb & Newet), if he wishes
to ascend the career ladder. This is confirmed by the
central card (12.) Snake.


Morgan, M. Tankhem: Seth & Egyptian Magick,


Morgan, M. Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt, Mandrake

Morgan, M. The Bull of Ombos, Mandrake

Morgan, M. Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt,


Morgan, M. Phi-Neter - Power of The Egyptian Gods,



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