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Discussion of the Theory of Career Planning and Development

3.1 Ginzberg's Theory of Career Planning and Development rests on three Postulates:

Choosing a career is a process that begins in childhood and continues into adulthood.

The process that cannot be reversed.

Each choice relies heavily on the compromise.

3.2 The theory of Super is backed up by the following postulates:

Individual differences in personality, interests, and abilities must be taken into consideration.

Each of us possesses a multi-potential that enables us to acquire proficiency in multiple occupations or

professions. An inventory of interests and skills can help identify them.

Because professional preferences and qualifications fluctuate over time, selecting a career is an ongoing

The occupation is a way of life. A sufficient change of the calling and of the individual life.

There are three stages to professional development:

i. During the orientation phase, a person determines the kind of professional career they want and the
steps they need to take to get there; At this stage, in addition to using a variety of information sources,
you'll need individualized professional guidance.

ii. During the development stage, actions are taken to develop the qualities necessary for potential
employment opportunities; Mentoring programs, job rotation, and training programs are all ways to
accomplish this.

iii. The evaluation phase, which includes both self- and external-evaluation-related activities; The
purpose of this phase is to determine the individual's strengths and weaknesses.

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