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Abigail Lee

January 13, 2023

Journal #3

The dig pink game happened and it was successful, I made almost $400. I went about

organizing it wrong. I didn’t talk to any of my teachers about it, Mr.Svoboda, Mrs.Boutilier, or

anyone that I should’ve, so I almost had to cancel it. I ended up talking to Mrs.Boutilier and

telling her my plan and it ended up being okay. I didn’t end up being able to get t-shirts for our

girls team so I bought pink accessories and pink bows for our hair.

I have early dismissal so I get out at 12:55, when I got out I went to the gym and set up

but I was stressed because I was trying to get help but no one was allowed to leave their class

because they were busy and my sister in the ISS room had a room full of kids. I had to blow up

a bunch of balloons, hang up a bunch of posters, hang streamers from the bleachers and

doorway, and I made an announcement for the announcer to read before they introduce the

players from each team.

When the bell rang a bunch of students tried to come in the gym while I was still setting

up and without paying. Some seniors came and helped, then I went and gave out the pink socks

and body paint. While I was gone Svoboda went in the gym apparently and other seniors were

talking to him about selling stuff during the game and he talked to me about how I was

supposed to ask for other people to sell at my game but I didn’t know they were trying to either

until then.

I learned that I have to be able to communicate and execute better. I’m going to try to be

more organized for the boys team and get t-shirts for them to wear. I need to be able to ask for

help when I need it and ask questions about capstone when I am confused, and be able to go

outside of my comfort zone.

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