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MOVEMENT SKILLS-related to the fundamental

movement patterns and motor skills that form the basis
of all physical
2. activities.
3. MAXIMUM HEART RATE-It is the highest heart rate an
individual can achieve without severe problems through
exercise stress, and generally decreases with age.
4. BODY MASS INDEX(BMI)-It is a measure of body fat
based on your weight in relation to your height. 
5. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P.E)- is a course taught in school
that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability
to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with
6. PERCENT BODY FAT- The ratio of body fat compared to all
other tissue (muscle, organs, bones, blood and other
7. COORDINATION- A skill related component of physical
fitness that relates to the ability to use the senses
together with body parts in performing motor tasks
smoothly and accurately.
8. NUTRIENTS- Substances in food that your body needs to
grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.
9. HEALTH EDUCATION-is also an effective tool that helps
improve health in developing nations.
10. CALORIE-Unit of heat used to measure the energy your
body uses and the energy it receives from food. Calories
in food provide energy your body needs for activities.
11. PROTEINS- Nutrients that help build and maintain body
12. Muscle, bone, connective tissue, teeth, skin, blood and
vital organs.
13. SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES- Are simple sugars ,they are
found in foods such as, fruits, milk, and vegetables. Sugars
are called (fructose, lactose, maltose and sucrose. Provide
short bursts of energy.
14. FIBER CARBOHYDRATES- Found in tough, stringy part of
fruits, vegetables, and grains. Special form of complex
15. OBESE – BMI greater than or equal to the 95 th percentile
16. DR. PIERRE PAUL BROCA-The term “ideal body weight”
was carried over from the original IBW formula developed
by French surgeon Dr. Pierre Paul Broca in 1871.
17. A normal resting heart rate or normal heart rate is
usually between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

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