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Name: Angelo F.


Year, Course and Section: III-BSBA-FM-B

Subject: Personality Development

Assignment in Personality Tes

What are things you agree and disagree with the results? Explain briefly your answers.

After completing the personality test, I received the ESFJ personality type,
also known as The Supporters. Under this personality, I agreed, explaining that
those people contribute and remain constantly valued, busy, productive, and
liked. Those things are what I'm doing right now, and I'm definitely busy to
become productive, like today, when we have an academic break so that I can
read and finish tasks. On the other hand, I disagree with the ESFJ personality's
explanation of its weaknesses, which is that they are doing things correctly and
agreeing that we are not often agents of change; I am not considering this type
of explanation because I know that I can anticipate change to become flexible
most of the time. 

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