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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a half page minimum below describing:

 Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality (why or why not).
 How do your traits and skills connect to your career plan.

Don’t forget to:

 Share WHAT your designation is (the FOUR LETTERS).

 Provide details and examples where possible
 Use paragraphs in your writing


Begin your reflection here....


The 16 personalities test revealed the designation that I was given, which was the Protagonist
(ENFJ) which I feel accurately depicts my personality. Although my first designation (ESFJ) was incorrect,
my current one is accurate in terms of the traits and skills listed, how it accurately depicts me, and how
it connects to my career plans, such as weaknesses and strengths, friendships, career paths, and work

The accuracy of the traits depicted for me is correct, as the weaknesses and strengths deeply
resonate with how I may feel about certain things, such as being idealistic and being a bit shocked when
my morals or values may not be agreed with by others. When it comes to self-improvement, I tend to
push for other people to improve themselves when it should be a slow and steady start instead of an
intense beginning. My strengths, such as being passionate about a certain interest, always give me
something to not be bored with, such as becoming more and more into a certain subject, such as
history, for example. The friendships that the personality describes are being friends with those from
other perspectives to get a more open perspective and an interesting life. Despite the positive aspect of
how I perceive friendships, there is a negative aspect, such as how people with ENFJ may feel offended
when someone close rejects an offer for help. This is something I can relate to because sometimes I may
want to help someone, but they end up declining it, disappointing me a bit.

These traits tell me about what I am doing well and where I may need to work on improving
myself, but they also tell me how they may impact my future career plan. The personality test also
depicts the Protagonist as being more likely to want to help others grow and learn, becoming more
independent. I feel that connects to what I want to do in the future, whereas for now I want to either
work in areas of psychology or entertainment; currently, I do not know which part specifically; generally,
I do. Being able to work with people with different perspectives and guide others is what makes me

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