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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a half page minimum below describing:

 Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality (why or why not).
 How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.

Don’t forget to:

 Share WHAT your designation is (the FOUR LETTERS).

 Provide details and examples where possible
 Use paragraphs in your writing


Begin your reflection here....

16 personality test is accurate since my test result is INTJ. To start, my weaknesses and strengths are
accurate. Three of my strengths on the list are rational, independent, and determined. Since I was
young, I was rational. I always tried to think rationally when I fought with my friend or felt frustrated.
Thanks to my strength, I help my friends by giving them advice and solutions whenever needed. I am
also independent. I never felt lonely in my life. Working alone sometimes helps me clear my mind and
makes me feel comfortable. Since I was young, I was good at individual projects or assignments. Next, I
am also determined. I don’t like to make other people disappointed in me, so I always try my best.
Thanks to my strength, I hear a lot of positive comments from others that I am determined. Even though
I have many strengths, I also have a few weaknesses. My two weaknesses are being dismissive of
emotions and combative. I have difficulty understanding other people’s feelings, and I can’t say positive
words to someone who did something terrible. One of my friends told me she got hurt because I was
dismissive of her emotions. I am also combative. Since I was young, I hated blindly following anything
without understanding why. Therefore, it was exciting that this 16-personality test was accurate. Next, I
want to find a career that excites me since I want one that fires up my curiosity and leverages it. I also
want to find a workplace where I can work alone or in a small group. Working alone or in small groups, I
can maximize my creativity without constant interruptions from curious coworkers or second-guessing
supervisors. Many people think INTJs are terrible leaders, but INTJs have outstanding leadership, so I
also want to be a leader and support others.

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