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Procedure Text

Group 6

1. Ahmad Choiroy Aldisnaputra

2. Dyah Ayu Sri Kusuma Astuti
3. Nanda Nawangsari
4. Rendra Kurnia Hananta Putra

UM Library User Service Procedures

Theme / purpose : How to borrow books in the UM Library for students.

Paragraph 1 : Tell about UM Library

Paragraph 2 : The materials you need to borrow book
Paragraph 3 : The steps.

The library as a university supporting institution always supports the improvement of the
quality of its graduates. Since 2009 the Library of State University of Malang has provided
library services and also a digital library or E-Library, which is an online journal. So for
students who need books, journals, scientific works, and so on as reference material for
your study activities, you only need to bring your KTM (Student Identity Card) and follow the
following steps.

Step 1 : Put your belongings in the lockers provided

The person borrowing the book is the person himself, may not be represented. Arriving at
the library, store your belongings in the lockers provided by the library. Bring sufficient stuff
when looking for reading books in the library.

Step 2 : Bring a KTM on the locker loan service computer, and scan your card on the
login presence computer

Another important requirement in the UM library is student ID cards. The function of this
student card is like a library membership card in general, namely as a proof card that
someone can access and use UM library facilities. In addition, this card functions to make it
easier for librarians to record borrower data. Of course the librarian won't know all the
visitors' identities. So every time someone visits and borrows a book from the library, you
have to scan your card on the loker loan service computer and the login presence computer.

Step 3 : Browse for the book you want to borrow on the computer provided

To make it easier to find books on the shelves, visitors are advised to first browse the books
that will be borrowed using the computer that has been provided. Next, don't forget to
remember the doc number or book calling number and look for books to borrow on the
bookshelf. If you have difficulty finding books, you can ask the librarian for help.
Step 4 : Order books on the computer provided

Books that have been obtained can be continued by placing a book order on the ordering
computer that has been provided. Then, books that have been ordered will be checked and
processed by the librarian, such as storing book barcode data, student ID cards, borrowing
dates, and book returns. So that it can be borrowed.

Step 5 : Exit through the exit gate

After all the processes are complete, you can take the book home. Make sure the book is
kept from getting damaged or lost, and also return it according to the return schedule. If not,
you will pay a fine. After you can borrow a book, exit through the exit gate, and don't forget
to take back the things you put in the locker before.
Text type : Procedure Text
Content of the text :
About how to borrow books in the UM library
General structure :
Purpose of the text / Social Function : How to borrow books in the UM Library for students.
Language feature :
● Tense : using simple present and simple past
● Using adverbial of sequence (underlined in the text)
● Using action verb
Put, bring, browse, order, exit

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