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Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry

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On the Subject Matter of Social Psychology

A. V. Baranov

To cite this article: A. V. Baranov (1963) On the Subject Matter of Social Psychology, Soviet
Psychology and Psychiatry, 1:3, 32-38

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Social Psychology
Voprosy psikhologii, 1962, No. 2

A. V. Baranov


Psychology and sociology (in that they have to do with and thanks to it. Therefore, in the final analysis,
social consciousness) study general problems of hu- no fundamental difference can exist between the
man consciousness. Both sciences investigate, in content and the processes of individual and social
the final analysis, the same thing, inasmuch as all cons ciousness.
human consciousness is socially conditioned, and Until recently, historical materialism confined
this is the meaning of all consciousness of the social. itself, in its study of social consciousness, to the
Soviet psychology has long since adopted this thesis. specific forms (religion, art, science, etc.), In
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"Is it possible today to point to any psychological other words, the science of social consciousness
research, " writes A. N. Leont'ev, "which, in one resolved itself to that of the various forms of ide-
form or another, has not dealt with the fact that the ology, which was confirmed by the thesis presented
behavior and consciousness of a human being are by the partisans of a clear-cut distinction between
subject to the influences of socio-historical condi- psychology and sociology. However, most recent-
tions and change with change in the latter? Even ly, philosophers and sociologists have posed the
researches devoted to narrow problems of psycho- problem more broadly. Sociology studies social
physiology are compelled to concern themselves consciousness not only in its ideological forms, but
with the influence of social consequences (9, p. 9). in the form of public opinion, everyday conscious-
The appearance and evolution of human conscious- ness, social psychology, in a word, in the form of
ness "is possible only in unity with the development unsystematized consciousness. As distinct from
of social consciousness." In this respect, it differs systematized, ideological consciousness, an enor-
fundamentally from the psychology of animals (10, mous role is played in everyday consciousness by
p. 215). - psychological laws, and therefore this condition of
However, to this day, there exists no mutual con- the social consciousness is called social psychology.
tact between psychology and the sociological study It goes without saying that everyday consciousness
of social consciousness. As a consequence, psy- does not resolve itself solely to a psychological
chology studies the mental world of man by itself, basis. This is a social phenomenon, and it is sub-
and sociology does so by itself. The former investi- ordinated to sociological laws. However, psycho-
gates the psychological processes of the individual logical features are by no means least important
consciousness, and the second the results of reflec- in this area. Everyday consciousness can be satis-
tion of social existence in the consciousness, t, e. , factorily examined only if we examine it both from
the objective content of social consciousness. the sociological and the psychological aspects.
This reciprocal segregation has not gone unno- Can the science of psychology as it now stands
ticed and has even received theoretical justification. be of any great help in the study of social con-
Its essence is the assertion that the specific subject sciousness? No, it cannot be. For psychology to
area of psychology is study of the individual con- proceed from the social conditioning of conscious-
sciousness, and the subject area of social con- ness, although necessary, is insufficient.
sciousness is ideology, which is the field of histori- Social consciousness is always a mass conscious-
cal materialism. ness, and contemporary Soviet psychology, as we
Some years ago this thesis could only be shaken, have seen, consciously limits its subject area to
but not refuted. It was vulnerable at one point, to the individual consciousness. However, to apply
wit: social consciousness exists not as social spir- the criteria and concepts of individual psychology
it or reason, not as counterposed to individual con- to clarification of social consciousness means to
sciousness, but through individual consciousness open the door to biologism, which has already hap-
pened in the past (see, for example, 2 and 4), and
*Printed for purposes of discussion. which was one of the reasons for the lack of

VOL. I, NO.3 33

success of social psychology when it first made its refuting the idealist interpretation of scientific dis-
appearance in the USSR. In explaining social con- covery, we are under obligation to preserve and to
sciousness, it is necessary to base oneself purely master the discovery itself. Materialism must be
on collective or social psychology. placed in opposition to idealism in this very branch
This idea is not new. As far back as the end of of science. To admit that even any single minor
the last century, the Italian Marxist, A. Labriola, scientific discovery is the product of idealism
wrote: "In order to proceed from the economic base means to abandon the field of battle to idealism.
to the general configuration of the historical proc- The identification of social psychology with the
ess, we need the aid of that complex of sciences psychological trend in sociology appears, at first
which might be termed, for the lack of another glance, to be rather radical, and to constitute a
name, social psychology. In saying this, I do not principled Marxist approach to this problem. How-
suggest the fantasy of the possible existence of a ever strange this may seem, it is exactly how some
social soul or the idea of a false collective spirit of the interpreters of social psychology regard it
which exists and is manifested in social life by its abroad. For the majority of bourgeois scientists,
social laws, independent of the individual conscious- the identification of social psychology with the psy-
ness of people and their material and specific rela- chologization of sociology is a predictable conclu-
tionships. This is the purest kind of mysticism. sion deriving from their philosophical concepts.
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Nor do I have in mind the effort... to transfer and In their opinion, social psychology underlies social
apply to the concept known as social consciousness consciousness, and the latter is the foundation of
categories and forms established in individual psy- the entire social structure. For them, admission
chology" (8, pp. 68-69). The subject area of social of the former thesis necessarily means to recog-
psychclogy, wrote Labriola, is that which has until nize that social psychology is the interpretation of
now been exclusively the field of interest of crea- society. For a Marxist, the falsity of the second
tive writers. thesis is obvious, inasmuch as it is not the con-
In his day, G. V. Plekhanov also stated that with- sciousness of human beings that determines the
out a knowledge of the laws of social existence it is structure of society, but, on the contrary, it is
impossible to take a single step in the investigation social existence that determines social conscious-
of social consciousness. However, there is, as yet, ness. Nor is there a direct and indissoluble con-
no Marxist social psychology. nection between the first and the second assertions.
In our literature of the last few years, social psy- Therefore, recognition of the fact that social psy-
chology is regarded almost unanimously as a bour- chology underlies social consciousness must be re-
geois pseudo-science. * The argument for this cate- garded as an independent thesis, false or true. It
gorical evaluation is the fact that social psychology must not be automatically related to the idealist
is employed by bourgeois scientists for the psychol- (psychological) understanding of society.
ogization of sociology. On this basis, Marxist op- Moreover, even in the bourgeois science, social
ponents of social psychology have essentially identi- psychology is understood to deal with two different
fied it with the psychological trend in sociology (see, subject areas. On the one hand, it includes the
for example, 5). problems of the behavior and the consciousness of
Social psychology is "essentially nothing but an the group and of the individual in the group. On
attempt to psychologize sociology, i, e., to drag the other hand, it is the explanation of social phe-
idealism into the field of study of the social sci- nomena through the prism of psychological laws.
ences" (11, p. 240). There is an American college in which social
It is true that social psychology is employed to psychology was placed under the department of psy-
reinforce the idealist understanding of history. But chology. Over a period of years, it was taught for
idealism never took the vow not to adapt itself to two semesters each year, but by two different in-
the latest in science. On the contrary, for the sake structors. One gave it a sociological orientation,
of self-preservation, it could not attempt to offer a and the other proceeded primarily from general
philosophical interpretation, favorable to itself, of psychology. Their courses contained Virtually
the most important scientific discoveries. In nothing in common, and the students were left with
radically different concepts of a discipline taught
*An exception is presented by the viewpoint of B. for an entire year (16, p, 525).
G. Anan'ev, expressed in his review of S. L. Rubin- Proof that it is notvalid to identify social psy-
shtein's book Bytie i soznanie in the journal Voprosy chology with the psychological trend in sociology
psikhologii, No.1, 1959, as well as by a unique ar- is not itself a demonstration that social psychology
ticle by A. G. Kovalev in Vestnik LGU,1959, No. 11, as such is valid. The chief argument against it is
"0 sotsial'noi psikhologii. " the fact that it does not have a particular subject

area of investigation, but employs psychological naturalistically, that is, physiologically, and others
methods to barge into the field of sociology. In the socially. However, it is not the "convenience" of
Large Soviet Encyclopedia, we read the following: the dual ("supplementary, " in the words of the dis-
"In Soviet science, problems that bourgeois psychol- tinguished physicist Niels Bohr) description of phe-
ogy unjustifiably classifies in social psychology have nomena that brought social psychology into exist-
taken their place in the system of sciences on socie- ence, but the objective existence in reality itself
ty and are treated by specialists in the appropriate of certain phenomena of a complex, socio-psycho-
branches of knowledge (historians, philosophers, logical nature, which can neither be classified with
economists, etc.) as problems of historical mate- phenomena of the individual consciousness nor with
rialism" (!, p, 197). Let us see how valid this is. the ideological forms of social consciousness. At
In the opinion of some bourgeois psychologists the same time, they serve as a connecting link be-
and sociologists, the subject area of social psychol- tween individual and social consciousness.
ogy is the social conditioning of consciousness. In It does not appear necessary to prove that there
their opinion, there are two psychologies: thephys- is not yet a universally approved solution to the
iological, which studies the physiological basis of problems of the mutual relationships of individual
psychological processes, and the social, which and social consciousness on the psychological plane.
studies the social conditioning of consciousness. In any case, it is certainly posed again and again
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Man is a "btu-social" organism, to employ Bekh- in the studies both of psychologists and philoso-
terev's phrase. The duality of psychology alleged- phers.
ly reflects the dual nature of the personality. "So- A profound and acute effort to analyze the inter-
cial man is erected on top of physical man, "wrote relationships of individual and social consciousness
E. Durkheim, and therefore "no matter what suc- has already been suggested in the cited article of
cesses psycho-physiology has achieved, it can nev- A. N. Leont'ev. In this article, the author em-
er be anything more than a portion of psychology, ploys an analogy with a biological organism and
inasmuch as the bulk of psychological phenomena is medium, comparing the individual's acquisition of
not dependent upon organic causes." This portion social consciousness to the phenomenon of heredity,
"pertains to another positive science, which might introducing the concept of species and genus into
be called psycho-sociology" (15, pp. 390-391). psychology. His reasoning centers around the ma-
The opponents of social psychology are entirely jor question as to what to understand under the
correct in asserting that there is no need to segre- term "organism" and "environment" in psychology.
gate it as a separate discipline on this basis. The Where does the "organism" end and the "environ-
social conditioning of consciousness is a significant ment" begin? The very posing of this question tes-
characteristic of all human consciousness, and tifies to the fact that the problem of consciousness
therefore cannot serve as an exceptional, specific (and, of course, psychology) is not limited to the
object of study for social psychology. The social consciousness of the individual. The entire proc-
conditioning in the phenomena of so-called social ess of recognition of the world occurs not in a sin-
psychology plays a more direct role than in other gle head, but in many, and it is necessary to study
psychological phenomena. This is recognized in- by what means a single individual adapts himself
directly by all psychologists. It is not this fact to the concepts of others. Mankind thinks and feels
that gives social psychology the right to exist; but collectively. Psychology cannot dodge this fact.
it is to the refutation of specifically this fact that The opponents of social psychology demonstrate
the chief arguments of its opponents have been di- the invalidity of one of the concepts of the subject
rected. area of social psychology and think that they thus
"Inasmuch as human experience means social ex- demonstrate the impossibility of this subject as
perience, " writes the American psychologist J. B. such. The fact is that what is fundamental and
Furst, "it is clear that there can be no human psy- what is today actually the sole concept of the subj ect
che that is not simultaneously a social psyche. To area is not even dealt with. The essence of this concept
have a special textbook on 'social' psychology, and is the fact that social psychology differs from general
a special field titled 'social' psychology is an ab- psychology as the collective differs from the individual.
surdity and improper use of terms. The human psy- The subject area of social psychology is the psy-
che is either social or it is not a psyche at all" chological activity of human beings in groups, in
(12, pp. 61-62). masses. In other words, the subject. area of social
This observation would be valid if the need for psychology embraces mass psychological phenom-
social psychology derived solely from a dualist ap- ena arising as the consequence of the interactions
proach in explaining the psyche of the human being. of personalities. One of the characteristics of
Certain psychological phenomena are explained social consciousness is its mass nature, its
VOL. I, NO.3 35

collectivity. Therefore, one might express oneself and will-power aspects, respectively. When this
as follows: the subject area of social psychology is done, the problems of formation of the person-
comprises the psychological laws of social con- ality are examined separately, followed by the in-
sciousness. terrelationship of personal consciousnesses in the
The segregation of social psychology as an inde- form of discussion, conviction, styles, customs,
pendent psychological discipline is dictated by the the assimilation of group opinions or sentiments by
fact that, both by the nature of its processes and the individual, etc. These processes are again
by the product of psychological activity, collective rendered concrete for various types of social
psychology differs from that of the individual. groups. This is the approach more Widely used
In his practical experience, man deals not only (14, 16).
with the material, inanimate world, but with the Without defending either of the classifications of
world of the spirit of other human beings, not only these problems (Marxist social psychology will
with the objective evidence of feelings, but with the doubtless develop its own approach to investigation
subjective opinions of the persons around him. It of this area and provide its own classification of its
is obvious that the psychological elaboration of both problems), it is clearly necessary to pause to
the former and the latter products of the mental re- prove the possibility in theory of psychological
flection of the world are fundamentally different. processes of a nature other than those occurring
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In the second case, when we receive and process in individual psychology.

information that has already been processed by The following idea has already been suggested in
someone else, we deal with what is, as it were, this article. In the process of interaction among
psychology of the second order. Here the products human beings there arises, as it were, a second-
of the psyche bear the imprint of "dual" subjectivity. ary psychology, i, e., what we have is a mediation
This does not mean that there will be less objective of the impressions and the thoughts of an individual
content in knowledge of the world obtained indirect- by impressions and thoughts of other people.
ly (through the impressions gained by other human Thought has distinctive characteristics when it oc-
beings). On the contrary, "the dual" processing of curs in a group. In the individual act of thought
the products of reflection make it possible to pene- (assuming normal conditions), the entire process
trate more deeply into the essence of phenomena. of analysis and synthesis is an internal one. In the
Of course, at the same time the opportunities for act of collective thought, for example, in one of an
subjective illusion also increase. "Better to see open debate, the process of analysis and synthesis
once than to hear a hundred times, " as the Chinese has both an internal, personal, and an external, in-
proverb says. terpersonal nature.
It is also completely invalid to contend that the In individual thinking, the feeling of confidence
interaction of consciousness in the mass will al- and correctness with respect to one's conclusion
ways result in a diminution in the quality of the in- is governed by the logic of the object under discus-
tellectual activity, and to dominance by irrational- sion and the state of the consciousness of the think-
ism. Today, Soviet and foreign psychologists have ing individual. In collective thought, conviction is
not only demonstrated theoretically, but have con- conditioned additionally by the subjective and ob-
firmed experimentally, the invalidity of LeBon's jective qualities of other members of the group, for
rule with respect to "downward leveling, " which example, ilie authority they enjoy.
has been used to demonstrate not only the stupidi- In speaking of the emotional phenomena of collec-
ty of the crowd, but the fact that the individual be- tive psychology, attention is most frequently cen-
comes more stupid within the group. tered upon mood. Social mood also has qualities
A major portion of the problems of social psy- different from those expressed by the concept of
chology center around the following fundamental mood in general psychology. This additional char-
problem: the nature of the course of psychological acteristic of social mood is its "infectiousness, "
processes in groups. There are two approaches to "volatility" in a mass of people who are in mental
classification of this group of problems. External- communion with each other or who are merely
ly they differ, but essentially it is not uncommon to within visual proximity and under approximately
find them coinciding. Psychological processes in equal conditions. The property of the "infectious-
groups may be classified under the same headings ness" of mood was noted even by primitive peoples
as processes of individual psychology such as per- and was employed to excite a corresponding mood
ception, memory, feelings. This is the approach by participation in mass dances or observation
of C. Blondel (13). Primary attention may be cen- thereof. We find testimony to the "infectiousness"
tered on the newly-shaped forms of mental activity of moods in the writings of V. I. Lenin. "The work-
and one may examine its intellectual, emotions, ers of neighboring factories always experience a

rise in spirit when they see that their comrades be subjected to scientific analysis, and this will en-
have begun to fight ... Frequently it takes only a rich both the subject area and the methods of psy-
strike in a single factory to launch a series of chology. Moreover, it may be stated in a certain
strikes in a large number of factories. So great sense that general psychology will come to comple-
is the moral influence of strikes, so infectious is tion only with the elaboration of social psychology.
the effect upon the workers of the sight of their We say "come to completion" not in the sense that
comrades who have, at least for a time, changed another "outbuilding" will appear, another psycho-
from slaves to people having rights equal with the logical discipline, but in the sense that a number
wealthy!" (1, p, 291) of problems of general psychology will attain a
For the understanding of social psychology, mood more satisfactory and rounded illumination. Social
as an emotional state spread throughout a mass of psychology begins where general (individual psychclo-
people is of particular significance. However, to gyends, that is, with the psychology of the personality.
reduce the emotionality of social psychology solely In Soviet science, the psychology of the person-
to the function of mood is erroneous. It is also nec- ality has as yet been but weakly elaborated. One
essary to take into consideration other fundamental of the reasons for this backwardness, in our opin-
manifestations of emotionality: affects (such as ion, is a peculiar "individualism" in the approach
panic) and sentiments (such as the sentiment of pa- to the problem. "The first and basic principle in
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triotism). the study of the psychology of the personality of

Many vivid pages have been written both by crea- Soviet man, " says K. N. Kornilov, "consists of
tive writers and by revolutionary journalists on the the fact that the direct subjects of its study are the
nature of the aspect represented by will in the con- individual psychological features of the personality,
sciousness of people in a collective. They note the but not the personality as such, and not its social
very decisive behavior of people in groups along relationships" (7). However, in the opinion of many
with the fact that they are more readily subject to psychologists, iiie elaboration of the psychology of
panic. the personality is the point of departure as well as
In a word, the nature of psychological activity in the culminating point of any psychological study.
the individual human being and in human beings in "The introduction of the personality into psycholo-
groups differs either in form or in intensity or by gy, " writes S. L. Rubinshtein, "is a necessary
other characteristics. prerequisite for the clarification of psychological
The specific nature of psychological activity in a phenomena" (11). The social conditioning of the
group has long been known and considered in psy- consciousness of the individual is the point of de-
chology to one or another degree. Moreover, de- parture for psychological investigation. The per-
spite the sharply negative attitude toward social sonality, as the subject of history, and as the ac-
psychology, certain of its problems have already tor, is the culminating point. However, as a con-
become objects of research. sequence of "individualism, " these valid postulates
"Do not Soviet educators and psychologists in remain mere declarations.
treating problems of psychology and character Let us summarize. Inorderto progress onthe ba-
building actually concern themselves with the elab- sis of mutual enrichment, sociology and psychology
oration of one of the most important problems of require a certain further development within the frame-
social psychology? The problem of the formation work of these two sciences. Also necessary is a change
of a collective group (including public opinion) and in the customary approach to social consciousness as
the shaping of the personality in the group, through merely ideology, and to psychology as merely the sci-
the group, and for the group, is exactly such a ence ofthe individual consciousness. It is necessary
problem. Consequently, in point of fact, problems for each to make a step in the direction of the other. It
of social psychology are already being elaborated does not suffice to recognize the social conditioning of
in Soviet pedagogy" (6, p. 79). the consciousness ofthe individual. This is necessary
The elaboration ofsocial psychology will be of but not sufficient. A second step is necessary, invol v-
great significance. Even now it may be stated with ing the recognition, in one form or another, ofthe fact
confidence that the contact between psychology and that social consciousness is a separate and distinct
sociology will be extremely fruitful for the latter, psychological category. Sociology has made such a
since it will permit more concrete solutions of a step by introducing the problems of social conscious-
number of problems of social consciousness, in ness into the problem of consciousness in daily life or
some cases with even experimental precision. social psychology. Nowit's up to psychology to make
The development of social psychology will be of its move.
even greater significance to psychology itself. To Social, or group, psychology has its subject
begin with, an entire field of new phenomena will area, and consequently its right to exist.
VOL. I, NO.3 37
It already does exist and is progressing, particu- religious ideology does not convince them that con-
larly in the United States, England, and France. It sistent atheism is correct. Their religious faith
goes without saying that Soviet science cannot ac- is frequently particularly psychological in its basis.
cept in its present form what is presented as social In order to triumph and eliminate all religious ex-
psychology in the West. This is because of the ide- periences, it is necessary to influence the psychol-
alistic confusion in the basic problems of the philos- ogy of religious persons, and this again requires
ophy of history which psycho-sociologists manifest that we study the laws of social psychology.
primarily in their inability to differentiate distinct- Finally, one might also refer to what might be
ly between social existence and social conscious- called the moral need for a study of social psychol-
ness, and in their failure to understand the rela- ogy. The fact is that in capitalist society, which
tionship between them. Moreover, the problem is is individualistic through and through, an attempt,
ultimately confused by the introduction into social good or bad, is being made to study collective psy-
psychology of the illusions and confusions of vari- chology, whereas in our society which is thorough-
ous psychological and sociological schools. Bour- ly permeated with the spirit of collectivism, only
geois social psychology, studying the particulars individual psychology is being developed. But the
of its field, lacks adequate theoretical grounding, fact is that our collectivism is the most favorable
and this is responsible for its descriptive and pet- of soils for the development of social psychology!
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ty empirical character. * Finally, we have something that does not exist

The development of sociology, on the one hand, and in bourgeois science, and the lack of which deter-
of psychology, on the other, is responsible for put- mines its pedestrian and petty empiricism. We
ting the problem of social psychology on the order have a scientific theory of society, historical mate-
of the day. The need for researches in social psy- rialism, which provides an irreplaceable theoreti-
chology is currently dictated by a number of other cal foundation for social psychology. We have all
factors in our life. The development of socialist the conditions for the development of social psy-
society as the most democratic of all is inconceiva- chology, and there is the most acute need for it
ble Without consideration of the opinion of the broad- both among practical workers and among social
est masses of the people on the broadest range of scientists. Inasmuch as this is the case, Marxist
problems. To derive from the masses, to systema- social psychology must take its place among the
tize and then to return to the masses what are then Marxist social sciences.
scientifically conceived and systematized ideas, is
a matter of principle for our Party. In order to Footnotes
give more accurate and better consideration to the
opinions of the masses, in order properly to orient 1) Lenin, V. I., Soch., Vol. 4.
ourselves in social psychology and yet not find our- 2) Bekhterev, V. M., Kollektivnaia refleksolo-
selves led around by the nose by it, we must study giia.
its laws. It may be stated with confidence that re- -"3) Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia, Vol. 40,
searches in social psychology are needed, above 2nd ed., 1957.
all, by practical workers in the Party, in the labor 4) Vagner, V. A., Psikhologicheskie tipy i
unions, and in the sphere of politics in general. kollektivnaia psikhologiia, 1929.
Today, the problem of combatting the vestiges of 5) Zamoshkin, Iu, A., Psikhologicheskoe naprav-
religion in the consciousness of Soviet people is lenie v sovremennoi burzhuaznoi sotsiologii, Izd-
particularly acute. However, we know that the vo IMO, 1958.
propaganda of atheism does not always find its goal. 6) Kovalev, A. G., "0 sotsial'noi psikhologii,"
The point is that religious moods among a portion Vestnik LGU, 1959, No. 11.
of the Soviet people are not based upon religious 7) Kornilov, K. N., "Printsipy izucheniia psikh-
dogma, and therefore exposure of the stupidity of ologii sovetskogo cheloveka," Doklady na sovesh-
chanii po voprosam psikhologii lichnosti, Moscow,
*The theoretical rootlessness of bourgeois so- 1956.
cial psychology is recognized to some degree by 8) Labriola, A., Istoricheskii materializm,
the psycho-sociologists themselves. "It must be Gosizdat, 1926.
stated, " we find in the latest edition of the Encyclo- 9) Leont'ev, A. N., "Ob istoricheskom pod-
pedia Americana, "that social psychology as a khode v izuchenii psikhiki cheloveka," Psikhologi-
whole is still in need of a theoretical basis of suf- cheskaia nauka v SSSR, Vol. I, Moscow, izd-vo
ficient breadth and solidity" (Encyclopedia Ameri- APN RSFSR, 1959.
cana, 1957, Vol. 25, "Social Psychology," by 10) Leont'ev, A. N., Problemy razvitiia psikhiki,
Floyd H. Allport). [Retranslated from the Russtan.] Moscow, 1959.

11) Rubinshtein, S. L., Bytie i soznanie, izd-vo 15) Durkheim, E., Les Formes elementaires de
AN SSSR, 1957. la vie religieuse, Paris, 1912, pp. 390-391.
12) Furst, J. B., Nevrotik. Ego sreda i vnutren- 16) Lindsey, G., ed., Handbook of Social Psy-
nit mir, Moscow, Izd-vo inostr, ltt., 1957. chology, Cambridge, 1954, Vols. 1, 2.
13) Blondel, C., Introduction a la Psychologie 17) Tomas, A. S., "Sociology and Interdiscipli-
collective, 1934. nary Developments," Modern Sociological Theory,
14) Bogardus, E., Fundamentals of Social Psy- New York, 1957, p, 525.
chology, New York, 1941. ***
Downloaded by [New York University] at 17:27 24 June 2016

Experimental Neurosis
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti, 1962, No.3

T. D. Dztdztgurf



Research in the mechanism of endocrine dis- A glass-walled cage allowing observation of the
orders in functional disturbances of the central behavior of the animals was built to permit imita-
regulatory apparatus requires the development of tion of a flood, so as to produce experimental
an appropriate model of the affection. The employ- neurosis in rats. The cage had two pipe connec-
ment of an experimental neurosis would seem to tions permitting controlled admission and drainage
be promising in this regard. The Pavlov school of water. A horizontal bar with suspended ladder
has thoroughly elaborated techniques of inducing for access to it when the water reached a specific
experimental neuroses in dogs, but when small level (see illustration) was installed in the upper
laboratory animals (mice, rats) are employed in portion of the cage. The experiments were run
large-scale experiments, existing techniques do with 14 white Wistar rats.
not provide a means of inducing a long-lasting Positive motor food reflexes and inhibitory
pathological condition of the higher centers of reflexes (the positive to a bell, a 120-beat metro-
the central nervous system. nome and 50-watt light, and the negative to a 60-
The technique we developed is based on the beat metronome) were developed in the animals in
Widely-known incident of disturbance in the higher a separate chamber (by the method of L. I.
nervous activity of dogs in Pavlov's laboratory Kotliarevskii) to permit judgment as to the func-
during the Leningrad flood of 1924. tional condition of the higher centers of the nervous
system. Ovarian activity was studied with the aid
of vaginal masks to determine the functional state
The author is associated with the Laboratory of of internal organs.
Pathological Physiology, Institute of Female After the system of conditioned reflexes had
Physiology and Pathology, Georgian Ministry of become firmly established and the background
Public Health, Tbilisi. level of ovarian actiVity determined, the artificial

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