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Name: Rodil, Nicholas Gideone N.

Grade Level and Section: G11 Stem22 – 22Malakas
Subject Teacher: Peliño, Reshiel


Question #1: Who do you think stood out Answer:

form the debate and why?
The positive side stands out to me because
it offers more details and successfully
balances the drawbacks. The first speaker
caught my attention because of how
confidently she spoke, and she did alright.

Question #2: If you have to point out one Answer:

lacking quality among the speakers, what is Only their use of fillers and lack of self-
it and who personifies it the most? assurance when speaking struck me as
lacking in their quality. Furthermore, they
avoid challenging the other side directly
when given the option. Where I mostly
heard it was from the second speaker on
the positive side.


Question: What is the best characteristic of a good debater?

Being a debater is a challenging job because you never know what you'll run against and
because, whether you like it or not, you have to stand up for what you believe in. You need
to be ready for any comments they might make about you in an effort to divert attention
from what you have to say. Debaters often struggle because they have to maintain
composure under pressure, especially when the topic is contentious. And it is challenging to
develop this quality if you are just an ordinary person. Each debater is therefore
knowledgeable and skilled.

But in my opinion, a good debater is someone who, regardless of what the other opponent
says, stands by what they have to say and does not back down. In my opinion, a debater
demonstrates skill and professionalism when they respect their opponent, consider the
arguments put forth by all parties, and display both composure and intimidation. It is also one
of a debater's positive traits to be well-versed in sources, to have facts to support their
arguments, and to be able to conduct thorough study rather than rely solely on their own
opinions. because it is more challenging to refute those who have a basis, particularly if they
are credible sources.

Therefore, these characteristics are necessary for debate and for a debater. The fact that I
have observed these qualities in debaters who go on to become exceptional debaters also
enables me to say that these are beneficial qualities. It not only improves our debating skills
but also our character.

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