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Digital System - Mar-June -2023

Week 5 Tutorial

Digital System
Tutorial 5
Q1 to Q10, Q22 to Q28 - Aananth, Q11 to Q20 - Lavanya

1) Implement the following 2 input logic gates using a single 2x1 Mux, A as select line and
B as input
b) NOR

2) Implement D and T Flip flop using 2x1 Mux and logic gates

3) Construct the truth table and output expressions Y0, Y1, Y2 and Y3 for the
combinational circuit provided below, with input I and S1(MSB), S0 as select lines.
comment on its operation by comparing it with a multiplexer.

S1 S0 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

4) A 4:1 multiplexer is to be used for generating the output carry of a full adder. A and B
are the bits to be added while Cin is the input carry and Cout is the output carry. A and
B are to be used as the select bits with A being the more significant select bit. Assign
values to the inputs of the multiplexer such that the output of the multiplexer is equal to
the sum of full adder.

5) Design a combinational circuit with three inputs, A, B and C and one output Y, using 4
× 1 MUX and a minimum number of 2-input logic gates. The circuit should output a 1 if
the number of 1’s in the input is even and 0 otherwise.
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

6) Design a 3-bit combinational circuit for which the output is 1 when the number of 1’s is
greater than 0’s and 0 otherwise. This circuit can also be called a majority circuit.
Design the circuit using 8x1 Mux and 4x1 Mux . consider A(MSB), B, C as inputs

7) Construct the truth table of sequential circuit provided below and comment on its

8) Determine the final output states over time for the following circuit, built from
D-type gated latches:

At what specific times in the pulse diagram does the final output assume the input’s

How does this behavior differ from the normal response of a D-type latch?
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

9) Trace the outputs of a D latch and D Flip Flop (positive edge triggered) for the input
and clock signals provided below. Compare the outputs and comment on the

10) For the input sequence in the figure, draw the output waveform of a negative
edge-triggered JK flip-flop, and a positive edge-triggered JK flip-flop.
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

Practice Problems

11) Analyze the synchronous sequential circuit in the figure using the following state

Q1 Q0
A: 0 0
B: 0 1
C: 1 1
D: 1 0

12) Given below are the excitation and output functions of a Moore model synchronous
sequential circuit.
J1 = (xQ0’)’ K1 = x + Q0 T0 = x Q1 + x’ Q0 Z = Q1Q0’
Analyze the synchronous sequential circuit.

13) Given below are the state table and state assignment for a synchronous sequential
circuit. Realize the circuit using the D flip-flops.
State Assignment Present State Next state, Output
X=0 X=1
000 A B,0 E,0
001 B A,1 C,1
010 C B,0 C,1
011 D C,0 E,0
100 E D,1 A,0
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

14) A positive-edge triggered D-FF has a setup time of 2ns and a hold time of 3ns. If the
waveforms shown below are applied to this FF, circle the timing violations and label
them with the letters ‘S’ or ‘H’ depending on whether the violations are setup or hold
time violations.

15) A level sensitive D-latch has a setup time of 3ns and a hold time of 2ns. If the waveforms
shown below are applied to this FF, draw the output waveform(Q) and mark the timing
constraints you would place on the D-input to satisfy the minimum setup & hold times.
Assume that the initial FF-state is Q = 1.

16) Draw the state diagram of the Moore machine which has 2 inputs (X1, X2) and one
output Z. The output of the machine is determined by the following:

● Z does not change its value if X1X2 = 00

● Z becomes 1 if X1X2 = 01
● Z becomes 0 if X1X2 = 10
● Z changes its value if two consecutive 11 are received at the inputs X1X2
● The reset input initializes the machine to a 0 output
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

17) Derive the state table and state diagram for the synchronous circuit shown below:

18) Draw the state diagram for the following circuit:

19) A sequence generator is shown in the figure. The counter status (Q0 Q1 Q3) is initialised
to 010 using preset/clear inputs.
The clock has a period of 50ns and transitions take place at the rising clock edge.
(a) Give the sequence generated at Q0 till it repeats.
(b) What is the repetition rate for the generated sequence?
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

20) Construct a state diagram for a synchronous sequential circuit that detects as input
sequence of 1010. The output Z is 1 when the sequence is detected. Otherwise, Z is 0.
Sequences are allowed to overlap. A sample input/output is given below.
Input X: 001011110100111010100100
Output Z: 000000000001000000101000

21) Repeat the above question to design a Mealy model machine.

22) An excitation table of a flip flop describes the inputs required to change state,
depending on its current state. Excitation table for SR flip flop is provided below.
Construct the excitation table of JK, D and T flip flops.

23) A PN flip-flop has four operations: clear to 0, no change, complement, and set to 1,
when inputs P and N are 00, 01, 10, and 11, respectively.

a) Tabulate the characteristic table.

b) Derive the characteristic equation.
c) Tabulate the excitation table.
d) Show how the PN flip-flop can be converted to a D flip-flop.
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

24) Implement the following designs using T flip flop

a) SR Flip Flops
b) JK Flip Flops
c) D Flip Flops

25) Determine the functional behavior of the circuit in Figure. Assume that input
w is driven by a square wave signal.

26) A sequential circuit with 2 D flip-flops, A and B and an external input x, is specified by
the following next-state equations:

A(t+1) = x’A + x B
B(t+1) = x A’ + x’B

a) List the state table showing present state and next states?
b) Draw the corresponding state diagram?
c) Explain the functionality of the circuit?
Digital System - Mar-June -2023
Week 5 Tutorial

27) Reduce the following state table:

28) Given a circuit as shown below, draw the timing diagram at all the nodes. Can you
comment on what the circuit is doing to the input.

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