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Geography revision week 9

1. Read the pre release

2. Now you have read the resource booklet, create a mind map which displays the links to
other parts of the specification. (I have started it for you!)

Dredging coral to
Fuels for
for the boats
the boats
affecting Lots of resources
used to make
the boats

Tourists bringing
in money
Homes and buildings
destroyed to make a
clearing for the harbour
3. In order to understand the issues, we are learning about, you need to understand the key
vocabulary. Define the following terms in your own words

Multiplier effect
a phenomenon whereby a given change in a particular input, such as government spending, causes a
larger change in an output, such as gross domestic product:

Cumulative causation
Cumulative causation refers to a self-reinforcing process during which an impulse to system triggers
further changes in the same direction as the original impulse, thus taking the system further away
from its initial position in virtuous or vicious circles of change that may result in a continuing increase
in advantages (to some people or activities) and disadvantages (to others).

Balance of trade
The balance of trade, commercial balance, or net exports (sometimes symbolized as NX), is the
difference between the monetary value of a nation's exports and imports over a certain time period.

Income distribution
In economics, income distribution covers how a country's total GDP is distributed amongst its

a country or province controlled by another

Waste water
Wastewater is any water that has been contaminated by human use. Wastewater is "used water
from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, surface runoff or
stormwater, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration".

Tourism revenue
In its broadest sense, tourism is defined as when people travel and stay in places outside of their
usual environment for less than one consecutive year for leisure, business, health, or other reasons.
Globally, travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP was approximately 5.8 billion U.S. dollars in

Tourism to areas of ecological interest (typically exotic and often threatened natural environments),
esp. to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife; spec. access to an endangered
environment controlled so as to have the least possible adverse effect

Cultural heritage
It includes tangible heritage (movable, immobile and underwater), intangible cultural heritage (ICH)
embedded into cultural, and natural heritage artefacts, sites or monuments. The definition excludes
ICH related to other cultural domains such as festivals, celebration

Multiuse development
Mixed use is a type of urban development, urban design, urban planning and/or a zoning
classification that blends multiple uses, such as residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or
entertainment, into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally
integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections.

Dredging is the removal of silt from the bottom or banks of rivers, lakes, streams, and other bodies of
water. This is done for a variety of reasons. The main goal is to enhance the depth of bodies of water,
such as rivers because silt build-up can make it difficult for vessels to navigate through it.

It is used to pay for local services, such as refuse collection and street lighting. Either local or central
government sets the amount of tax that must be paid. Some taxes, e.g., income tax, are paid directly
to the government.

Stay-over visitor
A visitor is classified as tourist (or overnight visitor), if his/her trip includes an overnight stay, or
same-day visitor (or excursionist), if his/her trip does not include an overnight stay.

Long-stay visitor
Long-Term Visitors With very few exceptions, this category is represented by college kids, elderly
parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, and hired help. What do all these people have in common is that
they come for a defined period of time and always leave by the expected date. In the case with
college kids, it’s usually a summer or winter break.

Revitalization initiative
Rural revitalization will also require investments in the off-farm and nonfarm sectors, information
and communication technologies, education, governance, rural health, and a healthy environment.
These building blocks can create vibrant rural areas that can attract and retain employed, educated,
and healthy rural residents.
Coral transplanting
Coral transplantation can be defined as the physical relocation of coral from a site of inhospitable
conditions to where the coral is more likely to thrive.

Cargo trade
They describe the practical arrangements for the delivery of goods from sellers to buyers and
allocate the obligations, costs and risks between the 2 parties. They are produced by the
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and updated periodically to reflect changing trade

Urban regeneration
we mean initiatives whose aim is to promote social inclusivity and energy efficiency in cities. These
initiatives are translated into projects and investments designed to bring back underutilized assets
and to redistribute opportunities, increasing urban prosperity and quality of life.

By Jenny Chalmers

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