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The performer displays six different matchbooks. Turning his back, he invites a
spectator to choose one of the matchbooks, open it, tear out a match, close it
again and to return it with the others.
When he turns back around, the performer unerringly divines which of the
matchbooks was chosen.
All that is needed are six matchbooks which differ in design or advertising content.
The only other preparation is that you must firmly close each of the matchbooks
so that its cover wedges more tightly than usual.
If you are performing in a situation where matches are not appropriate or safe,
empty match book covers can be used, each with a different colored slip of paper
in them.

Bring out the six matchbooks and place them on the table. Turn your back and ask one of the
to choose one of them. Ask him to open the matchbook, tear out a match, and to close the flap
When he is done, ask that the matchbook be returned with the others. The spectator may even
mix the
matchbooks if he desires. He is also asked to hide the match that was torn out, lest that
provide a clue as
to its origin.
When you turn around, take each of the matchbooks in turn and bring them to your forehead
as if to try
and decide psychically which is missing the match. What you're really doing, however, is
using your
thumb to push up on the flap. The matchbook which offers no resistance is the chosen one.
Reveal its
identity in your best dramatic fashion.

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