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Activity 1:

Write 10 sentences using infinitive of porpuse and today's topic:

1. We have to define the objectives to meet the demand.

2. Know what are the relationships with suppliers to have raw materials.

3. We must set and create metrics to empower our collaborators.

4. We have to calculate productivity to maximize manufacturing.

5. Address customer inquiries and complaints to keep them satisfied.

6. The company invested heavily in new technologies to streamline operations

and reduce costs.

7. In order to meet the growing demand for their products, the company is
exploring new partnerships with suppliers and distributors.

8. To achieve cost savings and improve profitability, the company is constantly

looking for ways to optimize its supply chain.

9. The team is working to optimize the supply chain by streamlining processes

and reducing redundancies.

10. The goal of implementing new inventory management software was to

increase efficiency and reduce waste.


 Mogollon Pasache Lorena.

 Cabeza Palomino Angelo.

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