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2. Utilize the busfnes.s planning process and tracking reports to achieve the tenitory net demand objective.

Keny has oompleted three business plans and utilizes what she learns from the process in the field. She is a

leader in overall growth, with over 56% growth from last year(through Aug).

3. Improve territory effec.tiveness by inaeasing product knowledge and conveying the key product benefits by ub1izing reprints with physicians for all Endo/Nephro products.

Kerry, oontinue what you are doing out there, but as I mentioned before, please make sure to prioritize reprints as a resource. We have some very solid ones for Endo and Nephro.

4. Capture all territory activity and update all relevant client profile data. Kerry meets requirements with regards to entering call data and synching twice daily.

5. Exploit MODY opportunity.

Kerry, your 3Q PMD goal for MODY evaluations is 12 and you cwrently have 8. This is obviously something that will help you with net demand next quarter.

!Coaching Plan



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