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Newton’s 3rd Law Review

Determine if the following statements are true or false.

____T_ 1. Forces always act in pairs.

__F___ 2. Action and reaction forces always cancel out.

__F3. Action and reaction forces always result in motion.

Fill in the Blank:

4. Newton’s third law says that every time there is an ______action_____force, there is also
a____reaction______ force that is _____equal_____ in size and acts in the

5. Newton’s third law states that forces must always occur in _____pairs________.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

6. A diver dives off of a raft - what happens to the diver? The raft? How does this relate to Newton's
Third Law? The diver dives into the water, pushing off the dock, which is the action force in newtons
laws. Because of it, the reaction is the doc being pushed down and up from force being exerted down
and it entering a medium its denser than.

Action Force: _____the diver diving__________ Reaction Force: _____the raft pushing up( although
less than normal due to the volume its in)________

7. If two people each standing on a scooter board push off of each other what happens?
They would both be pushed off into the opposite direction.

8. In #7 how would the distance moved by the scooter boards compare if one person had a lot more
mass than the other person?

The less heavy person would go farther as he would be able to push off more firmly.

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