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Instructor: Dr. Aqsa aslam

• Probability theory provides powerful tools To
• Explain, model, analyze, and design technology developed by computer engineers

• Applications
• Signal processing
• Computer memories
• Optical communication systems
• Computer network traffic
• Computer communication networks
• Computer communication networks are ubiquitous and have many configurations
• Including local area networks (LANs)
• Wireless networks
• Satellite networks
• Internet
• The probability that a packet is damaged on a computer link (p).
• Under network models (single, multiple or parallel links (p) etc.)
• Analyze the performance of the network based on the value of p
• We are interested in the probability of packet losses in the network
• The expected number of packet transmissions for a large number of packets
• Most signals we deal with in practice are random
• (unpredictable or erratic) and not deterministic

• Random signals are encountered in one form or another

• Every practical communication system
• Communication both as information conveying signal and as unwanted noise signal

• Computer Network Information is in a random way

• Event Modify the behavior of links
• Nodes Random in nature

• Reason in quantitative ways Likelihood of events in a network,

• To predict the behavior of network components
• Example 1
• Measure the time between two packet arrivals into the cable of a local area network.
• How likely it is that the inter-arrival time between any two packets is less than T sec?

Any other EXAMPLE?

• Consider an experiment that can result in M possible outcomes, O1,...,OM

• Examples:
1. Tossing a die, one of the six sides will land facing up Classic example
• Oi denote the outcome that the ith side faces up, i = 1,...,6

2. The simplest example we consider is the flipping of a coin Classic example

• Oi could be are two possible outcomes, “heads” and “tails.”

3. Computer with six processors Computer

• Oi could denote the outcome that a program or thread is assigned to the ith processor

4. Whether or not a bit was correctly received over a digital communication system.

• No matter what the experiment

• We perform it n times and make a note of how many times each outcome occurred
• The theory of probabilities aims to study random phenomena
• Probability theory specifies a set of axioms
• For a well-defined mathematical model of physical experiments
whose outcomes exhibit random variability each time they are performed

• A mathematical model used to quantify the likelihood of events

• It consists of:
• Sample space: The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment
• Set of events: Subsets of the sample space.
• Probability measure: Defined according to a probability law for all the events of the sample space.
• A random phenomenon produces results by definition not predictable.
• The result of each trial is called an outcome.
• A sample space, generally noted by Ω, is the set of all the possible outcomes.

• Coin Tossing Classic example

• Each trial produces an outcome (head or tail) cannot be known in advance
• Results are either head or tail and nothing else.
• Computer Based Example
• If the occupancy (o) of a buffer with a capacity of 100 packets, Ω = {0,1,…, 100}.
• Each observation on the buffer is an outcome o ∈ Ω
• giving the buffer’s current occupancy.
• Computer network traffic:
• If a router has a buffer that can store up to 70 packets
• Model the actual number of packets waiting for transmission
Sample space Ω = {0,1,2,...,70}
• 0 to account for the possibility that there are no packets waiting to be sent

• Wireless communication systems:

• Non-coherent receivers measure the energy of the incoming waveform.
• Since energy is a nonnegative quantity Model it with the sample space Ω =[0,∞]
• consisting of the nonnegative real numbers,
• In the IEEE 802.11 protocol, the congestion window (CW) parameter is used as follows:
• Initially, a terminal waits for a random time period (called backoff) chosen in the range [1, 2CW]
before sending a packet. If an acknowledgement for the packet is not received in time, then CW is
doubled, and the process is repeated, until CW reaches the value CWMAX. The initial value of

• What is the sample space for:

1. the value of CW?
2. the value of the backoff?
• An event is one or more outcomes of an experiment
• Elements or points in the sample space Ω are called outcomes
• Collections of outcomes are called events.

• Classic Examples:
• With “coin tossing” (Ω = {head, tail}), we can focus only on the event A = {head}.

• Computer based example buffer occupancy (o).

• For instance, o < 25 may be considered as a weak load situation
• whereas o > 75 can be considered as a prelude to overflow.

• An event, often noted by a capital letter, is a subset of Ω

• Gathering one or more outcomes.
• Let A be an event, A ⊂ Ω A (Ω) where (Ω) is the partition of Ω.
• A router has three networking interfaces Ω = {if0, if1, if2}.
• One event could be A = {if0}
• i.e. the fact that a packet is routed to “if0”

• Some special cases:

• ∅ symbolizes an “event” which never takes place, i.e. an impossibility;
• let w be a particular outcome of Ω (w ∈ Ω)
• Its occurrence is an event: Eω = {ω}
• Ω is also an “event” it always occurs, i.e. it symbolizes a certainty.
• Probability is a measure Gives a value (a real ranging in(0,1)) to each possible event.
• Quantification of the occurrence frequency of the event.

• Probability of an event: A number assigned to the event reflecting the likelihood with which it can
occur or has been observed to occur.
• Probability Law: A rule that assigns probabilities to events in a way that reflects our intuition of
how likely the events are.

What we need then is a formal way of assigning these numbers to events and any combination of
events that makes sense in our experiments!
• Given a nonempty set Ω ,called the sample space
• A function P defined on the subsets of Ω
• we say P is a probability measure
• Summary and intuitive introduction which proposes the following three concepts:
• Identification of all of the possible outcomes
• Identification of all of the interesting events
• Quantification of these events

How to formalize these concepts on the basis of probability theory?

• Let E be a random experiment
• Let A be an event in E
• The probability of A is denoted by P(A)
• Probability law for E is a rule that:
• assigns P(A) to A in a way that the following conditions, taken from our daily experience, are
• A may or may not take place; it has some likelihood (which may be 0 if it never occurs)
• Something must occur in our experiment.
• If one event negates another, then the likelihood that either occurs is the likelihood that one occurs plus the
likelihood that the other occurs.
Axioms of probability
• Axiom 1: The probability of an event is a real number greater than or equal to 0.
• Axiom 2: The probability that at least one of all the possible outcomes of a process (such as
rolling a die) will occur is 1.
• Axiom 3: If two events A and B are mutually exclusive, then the probability of
either A or B occurring is the probability of A occurring plus the probability of B occurring.
• Axiom 1
• For any event A, the probability of A is non-negative,

P(A) ≥ 0

For any event A, the probability of A is greater or equal to 0”.

• Axiom 2
• The probability of the certain event Ω is equal to one,
P(Ω) = 1.
• When Ω is the sample space of an experiment
• The set of all possible outcomes:

• “The probability of any of the outcomes happening is one hundred percent”

• “anytime this experiment is performed, something happens”.
• Axiom 3
• For any two mutually exclusive events, A and B, the probability of the union is the sum of the
probabilities of the individual events,

P(A ∪ B ) = P(A) + P(B)

• Here ∪ stands for ‘union’.

• Example
• Three optical packets A, B, and C, are contending for an output port, in a switch node. We
assume that one and only one packet can get through the port. The sample space may be taken as
the 3-element set O={A,B,C}, where each element corresponds to the A and B e outcome of that
candidate’s getting into the output port. Suppose that have the same chance of winning, and that
C has only1/2 the chance of A or B.
Thus, we assign the following elementary probabilities:
• Conditional probability is defined as:
“the likelihood of an event or outcome occurring, based on the occurrence of a previous event or outcome”

• The dependence of event A on event B is measured by the conditional probability P(A|B) given by:

• This formula is also known as Bayes’s formula.

• P(A|B) the probability of event A occurring, given event B has occurred

• P(B|A) the probability of event B occurring, given event A has occurred
• P(A) the probability of event A
• P(B) the probability of event B
• Due to an Internet configuration error packets sent from New York to Los Angeles are
routed through El Paso, Texas with probability 3/4.
• Given that a packet is routed through El Paso,
• Suppose it has conditional probability 1/3 of being dropped.
• Given that a packet is not routed through El Paso
• Suppose it has conditional probability 1/4 of being dropped.

Find the conditional probability that a packet is routed through El Paso given that it is
not dropped?
• Solution
• The notation:
• E = {routed through El Paso}
• D = {packet is dropped}
• With this notation, it is easy to interpret the problem as telling us that

• P(D|E) = 1/3
• P(D|Ec) = 1/4 and P(E) = ¾
• P(E|Dc) = P(D|Ec) P(E) Bayes’s formula
P(E|Dc) = 8/11
• Consider a measurement device that measures the packet header types of every packet that
crosses a link.
• Suppose that during the course of a day the device samples 1,000,000 packets and of these
450,000 packets are UDP packets, 500,000 packets are TCP packets, and the rest are
from other transport protocols.
• Given the large number of underlying observations, to a first approximation,
• We can consider that the probability that a randomly selected packet uses the UDP protocol to be
450,000/1,000,000 = 0.45.
• More precisely, we state:

• where UDPCount(t) is the number of UDP packets seen during a measurement interval of
duration t, and TotalPacket-Count(t) is the total number of packets seen during the same
measurement interval.
• The probability that a cell in a wireless system is overloaded is 1/3. Given that it is
overloaded, the probability of a blocked call is 0.3. Given that it is not overloaded, the
probability of a blocked call is 0.1.
Find the conditional probability that the system is overloaded given that your call is
• Consider a device that samples packets on a link.
a) Suppose that measurements show that 20% of packets are UDP, and that 10% of all packets
are UDP packets with a packet size of 100 bytes.
1. What is the conditional probability that a UDP packet has size 100 bytes?

b) Suppose 50% of packets were UDP, and 50% of UDP packets were 100 bytes long.
1. What fraction of all packets are 100 byte UDP packets?
• The binary channel shown in Figure 1.17 operates as follows. Given that a 0 is transmitted,
the conditional probability that a 1 is received is ε. Given that a 1 is transmitted, the
conditional probability that a 0 is received is δ. Assume that the probability of transmitting a
0 is the same as the probability of transmitting a 1. Given that a 1 is received,
find the conditional probability that a 1 was transmitted?
• Event does not depend on prior events
• Example:
• Our probability model should not have to account for the entire history of a LAN.
• Independence of an even with respect to another means that its likelihood does not depend
on that other event.
• A is independent of B if P(A | B) = P(A)
• B is independent of A if P(B | A) = P(B)

So the likelihood of A does not change by knowing about B and viceversa!   This also means:
P( A ∩ B ) = P( A ) P ( B )
• An Internet packet travels from its source to router 1, from router 1 to router 2, and from
router 2 to its destination.
• If routers drop packets independently with probability p, what is the probability that a packet is
successfully transmitted from its source to its destination?
• Solution:
• A packet is successfully transmitted if and only if neither router drops it. To put this into the
language of events, for i = 1,2,
• Let Di denote the event that the packet is dropped by router i.
• Let S denote the event that the packet is successfully transmitted.
• Then S occurs if and only if the packet is not dropped by router 1 and it is not dropped by router 2.
• A certain binary communication system has a bit-error rate of 0.1; i.e., in transmitting a
single bit, the probability of receiving the bit in error is 0.1.
• To transmit messages, a three-bit repetition code is used.
• In other words, to send the message 1, 111 is transmitted, and to send the message 0, 000 is
• At the receiver, if two or more 1s are received, the decoder decides that message 1 was sent;
otherwise, i.e., if two or more zeros are received, it decides that message 0 was sent.
• Assuming bit errors occur independently,
• find the probability that the decoder puts out the wrong message.
❑ Chen, Ken. Performance evaluation by simulation and analysis with applications to
computer networks. John Wiley & Sons, 2015. part 3
❑ Sadiku, M. N., & Musa, S. M. (2013). Performance analysis of computer networks (Vol. 1).
Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Chapter 2

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