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Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR

Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet 1 Rev 0

Asset: By KPP
Subject: Date 9/25/2009
Checked VM


The DNV standard Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, Pt2, Ch5, Lifting, 1996, is
specifically for lifts greater than 50T.
The 2009 release of this standard will cover lifts down to 5T.
This spread sheet should only be used for lifts >50T until the it is updated with information from the 2009
Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR
Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet 2
Asset: By KPP
Subject: Date 9/25/2009
Checked VM


General Information
This spreadsheet calculates the rigging required for a 4-point lift according to DNV standard, Rules for
Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, Part 2, Chapter 5 for lifts >50T.

Refer to ASSUMPTIONS on Design Report page in addition to this information.

Note that symmetry is not required and padeyes can be place at any x,y and z coordinates.

1) 4 leg lift only
2) IWRC GR1770 wire rope and Green Pin shackles and masterlinks only
3) Wire rope diameter is only calculated for the critical sling and UC is based on this sling
4) Above water/ offshore/ onshore/ on-platform/ inshore lifts only
5) Single hook lift only

Coordinate System y
COG is at the origin 2
z axis is vertical
x and y axis are in the horizontal plane
Lifting points are labelled anti-clockwise starting from the positive x and y quadrant 3

Inputs required
All inputs are in blue
The title block needs to be completed on the first page of the design report only
1 Type of lift- Select as applicable (Offshore, On-platform, Inshore, Onshore)
2 Lift weight, to nearest 0.1T
3 Rigging weight, zero initally
4 D/d ratio must be greater than or equal to 4 (DNV Pt2, Ch5, Section 3.1.3), if no bending enter 4
5 Minimum sling angle (must be >= 60 deg)
6 Configuration and tolerance
7 Lifting point coordinates defined with COG at origin
8 Skew factor data, only required for 4 point, approximately double symmetric lifts
9 Sling details are used to determine sling safety factors
10 Override rigging selection
The spreadsheet will determine the rigging with UC's closest to 1
If a lower UC is desired input larger rigging size
11 Splicing reduction factor. Equivalent to termination factor in WEL standard.
12 Padeye UC from padeye spreadsheet

Define all required inputs as above. Solve without rigging weight and then increase weight by including rigging
weight to determine UC's. If original UC's are close to 1 the rigging required may change and the process
repeated. If the approx UC is used for the SKL calculation this should be checked against the results and
iterated if required.
Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR
Rev 0 Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet
P Asset: By
5/2009 Subject: Date

Other Relevant Information

Input 1 Type of lift: Inshore, Onshore/ On-platform or Offshore
d, Rules for Input 4 If no bending insert a number greater than 4
Input 6 The rigging configuration and tolerance effects the SKL.
Three rigging configurations and SKL calculation methods as below:
i) Symmetrical and within specified tolerance, SKL=1.25, section
ii) Approximately symmetrical, outside tolerance, SKL calculated as per section 2.3.2.
iii) Any unusual geometry, SKL calculated assuming one leg inactive at a time
Input 8 The SKL is dependent on the sling load, and diameter so cannot be directly calculated.
A best estimate of fabrication tolerance and UC is required. The lower the UC the higher the SK
therefore the design should not be too conservative.
his sling Input 9 If the weight is well controlled and skew thoroughly considered, f=1.2, otherwise 1.3
If the slings is for single use, w=1.0, if multiple use and sling in good condition,
If wire rope is new,m=1.35, if used, m=1.5

Rigging Design Options

1 OPTION 1: The spreadsheet will determine the rigging with UC's closest to 1.
x OPTION 2: Manually input the rigging at the bottom of page 1 of the design report and check rigging UC's.

no bending enter 4

t by including rigging
and the process
the results and
3 Rev 0

5, section
lculated as per section
leg inactive at a time
be directly calculated.
ower the UC the higher the SKL,

=1.2, otherwise 1.3

od condition, w=1.1

port and check rigging UC's.

Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR
Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet 4 Rev 0
Asset: By KPP
Subject: Date 9/25/2009
Checked VM


DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, Part 2, Chapter 5, Lifting (1996)
All possible CoG positions should be considered

4 leg, single hook, above water lifts only
For unusual geometry, skew is accounted for by conservatively assuming any individual leg is inactive at a
time. This case is not referred to in the code.
Design load for shackles and padeyes excludes rigging weight
Masterlink design method assumed the same as for shackles

COG Centre of Gravity
D Bending diameter of slings
DAF Dynamic Amplification Factor
DHL Dynamic Hook Load
d Diameter of sling
Psling Maximum sling load
MBL Minimum Breaking Load
P Nominal dynamic sling load
Ppadeye Padeye design load
SKL Skew Load Factor
SWL Safe Working Load
UC Utilisation Coefficient
W Weight of object
W rig Weight of rigging
 Average sling strain caused by Psling
0 Sum of sling and padeye tolerance divided by sling length
b Bending reduction factor
c Consequence factor
design Design factor for lift point
f Load factor
m Material factor
r Bending or splicing reduction factor
s Splicing reduction factor
sf Nominal safety factor for slings
w Wear factor
Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR
Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet 1 Rev 0
Asset: By KPP
Subject: Date 5/25/2010
Checked VM


This calculation determines the lift rigging required for a 4-point symmetric or unsymmetric lift >=50T

Design Code
DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, Part 2, Chapter 5, Lifting, (1996)

4 leg, single hook, above water lifts only
For unusual geometry, skew is accounted for by conservatively assuming any individual leg is inactive at a
time. This case is not referred to in the code.
Design load for shackles and padeyes excludes rigging weight
Masterlink design method assumed the same as for shackles

Inut Data Masterlink
1) Type of Lift Onshore/ On-platform
2) Lift weight 50.0 T 5
3) Rigging weight 1.00 T
4) D/d ratio 4
5) Minimum sling angle 60 deg P1
6) Configuration/tolerance 4 point, symmetrical lift within tolerance P2 y
7) Lifting point data 2
Point x (mm) y(mm) z(mm) 3
1 1000 1000 0 COG P4
2 -1000 1000 0
3 -1000 -1000 0 x
4 1000 -1000 0 4

Dynamic Applification 1.10 (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Table 2.1)

8) Skew Factor (Only required for approximately double symmetric)
0= 0.25 % (Fabrication tolerance Section
UCapprox= 1 (Assumed design UC)
Fu sling= 800 MPa (MBL/A for GR1770)
Esling= 30000 MPa (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section

SKL= 1.25 min 1.1 (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section 2.3)

9) Sling Details
Question Response
Well controlled weight and skew thoroughly considered no
Sling use multiple use, good condition
Sling condition new
(DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section

Override rigging selection

Wire rope size: Use calculated value
Shackle size: Use calculated value
Masterlink size: Use calculated value
Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR 0
Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet 2
Asset: 0 By KPP
Subject: 0 Date 5/25/2010
Checked VM

Operating case
Onshore/ On-platform 50-100T

Safety Factors
f= 1.3 (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section
c= 1.3
r= 1.33 s= 1.33 (Effectively termination factor, can be
w= 1.1 b= 1.33 1.1 if going off 0.9 as in Woodside)
m= 1.35
sf= 3.35 sf=max(3,fcrwm)

Design Load
DHL=DAF(W+W rig)
DHL= 56.10 T

Sling Loads
Load (T)
P1 20.24 (Max individual sling loads for including SKL or one leg inactive)
P2 20.24
P3 20.24
P4 20.24
Pmax 20.24

Psling= 20.24 T

Master link height 2449 mm

4 point lifting sling set comprising of:

Item Size Mass(kg) Length(mm) UC
4x Green pin bow safety shackle 25.00 T 60.0 0.91
1x Green pin master link assembly 63.0 T 67.6 0.72
Sling 1 IWRC GR 1770 wire rope 34.0 mm 13.0 2828 0.81
Sling 2 13.0 2828
Sling 3 13.0 2828
Sling 4 13.0 2828
Total 180 11314

Rigging SWL 51.0 T

Padeye SWL 18.04 T
Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528 Job-CTR
Rev 0 Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations Sheet
P Asset: 0 By
5/2010 Subject: 0 Date

Lift Rigging Design

Specific Design Requirements for Rigging
The SWL of the sling assembly shall be calculated from the following equation:
SWL < MBL/sf.g (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section
g = gravity (9.81 m/s2)

Design of Wire Rope

ation factor, can be SWLreq> 20.24 T (maximum load in sling)
as in Woodside) MBLreq> SWLreq sf.g
MBLreq> 664.51 kN

Diameter required= 34.0 mm

MBL= 728 kN
Weight= 460 kg/100m
UC= 0.91

Design of Shackles
Shackle allowable load, minimum of SWL*DAF and MBL/3.3 (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section 3.
or one leg inactive) Green pin FOS= 6 (Green Pin Grade S shackle manufactures data sheets)
DNV FOS= 5.45 (Max(Green pin FOS/DAF,3.3))
SWLreq> 19.85 T (Psling factored to exclude rigging weight)
Convert WLL in shackle table to WLL for DNV standard, divide by:
k= 1.10 (= Green pin FOS / DNV FOS)
Mod SWLreq> 18.04 T (= SWLreq / k)
Shackle required= 25.00 T
Shackle weight= 14.99 kg
UC= 0.72

Design of Masterlink Assembly

FOS Green pin FOS= 4 (Green Pin Masterlink assemblies manufactures data sh
5.45 DNV FOS= 3.64 (Max(Green pin FOS/DAF,3.3))
3.64 SWLreq> 56.10 T (DHL)
3.35 Convert WLL in shackle table to WLL for DNV standard, divide by:
k= 1.10 (= Green pin FOS / DNV FOS)
Mod SWLreq> 51.00 T (= SWLreq / k)
Masterlink required= 63.00 T
Masterlink weight= 67.60 kg
UC= 0.81

Lifting points should be designed for maximum sling loads (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section 4.1.3
Lateral load > 3% maximum sling load (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section
Ppadeye= 19.85 T (Psling factored to exclude rigging weight)
design= 1.7 (DNV Pt.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Table 4.1)
Mod Ppadeye= 33.74 T (Ppadeye x design)
Padeye SWL= 18.04 T
Refer to "PADEYE SHEET V6" ICON in-house spreadsheet for padeye design.
0 Engineering Pty Ltd ACN 009 171 528
3 Rev 0 Project: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations
KPP Asset: 0
5/25/2010 Subject: 0

Sling Arrangement



2; 1000 1; 1000


y (m m )
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500

t.2 Ch.5 Lifting, Section
3; -1000 4; -1000
manufactures data sheets)

ng weight)
x (m m )



blies manufactures data sheets)

2500 1; 2,449


z (m m )



Ch.5 Lifting, Section

n 0
-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1
ng weight)
x (m m )

Job-CTR 0
Sheet 4 Rev 0
Date 5/25/2010
Checked VM

1; 1000

00 1000 1500

4; -1000


500 1000 1500

Wire rope Unirig lifting and morring equipment, J:\Reference\Product Catalogue\Unirig Catalogue
Shackles Unirig lifting and morring equipment, J:\Reference\Product Catalogue\Unirig Catalogue
MasterlinksVan Beest Catalogue 2005, J:\Reference\Product Catalogue\Green Pin


Lookup rounds down so size colum shifted up to compensate
Min. breakWeight Size (mm)
force kN kg/100m
0 0 13
106 67.3 14
124 78 16
161 102 18
204 129 19
227 144 20
252 159 22
305 193 24
363 229 26
426 269 28
494 312 30
567 358 32
645 408 34
728 460 36
817 516 38
910 575 40
1010 637 42
1110 702 44
1220 771 45
1280 806 48
1450 917 52
1700 1080 58
2121 1340 64
2580 1630 67
2830 1790 70
3090 1950 77
3740 2360 80
4030 2550 86
4660 2940 90
5100 3220 96
5810 3670 102
6560 4140


Size (mm) Min. breakWeight

force kN kg/100m Fu
13 106 67.3 798.6
14 124 78 805.5189
16 161 102 800.7483
18 204 129 801.6693
19 227 144 800.6243
20 252 159 802.1409
22 305 193 802.3514
24 363 229 802.4062
26 426 269 802.3669
28 494 312 802.2708
30 567 358 802.1409
32 645 408 801.9917
34 728 460 801.8325
36 817 516 802.6518
38 910 575 802.3878
40 1010 637 803.7325
42 1110 702 801.1881
44 1220 771 802.3514
45 1280 806 804.8131
48 1450 917 801.3009
52 1700 1080 800.4834
58 2121 1340 802.7768
64 2580 1630 801.9917
67 2830 1790 802.6883
70 3090 1950 802.9204
77 3740 2360 803.1567
80 4030 2550 801.743
86 4660 2940 802.2304
90 5100 3220 801.6693
96 5810 3670 802.6825
102 6560 4140 802.8116
WLL Weight
0 3.25
3.25 4.75 0.79
4.75 6.5 1.26
6.5 8.5 1.88
8.5 9.5 2.78
9.5 12 3.87
12 13.5 5.26
13.5 17 6.94
17 25 8.79
25 35 14.99
35 42.5 20.65
42.5 55 29.01
55 85 41.05
85 120 62.24
120 150 110
150 200
200 250
250 300
300 400
400 500
500 600
600 700
700 800
800 900
900 1000


WLL Weight
0 2.4
2.4 4.3 1.16
4.3 6.7 2.22
6.7 10 3.36
10 17 6.02
17 21.2 9.99
21.2 26.5 18.9
26.5 32 23.3
32 40 25.8
40 50 35.2
50 63 47
63 67.6
ICON Engineering Pty Ltd
Spreadsheet Revision History
Description: DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations

Revision Date Description By

A 25-Sep-09 DNV 4-Point Lift Rigging Calculations KPP

1) The spreadsheet revision history shall be put on a tab called "Rev".
2) Revisions noted, A, B, ...Z are not approved for use without normal checking (ie the output must be checked
as if the spreadsheet was developed as new)
3) Revisions noted 0 and higher are approved for use, output does not need to checked. Input must be checked.
Each subsequent revision must be approved for use.
Chk App

put must be checked

nput must be checked.

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