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Manuel p 102

NANCY Gibbs, Journalist for TIME magazine explains her choice for the 2014
Person of The Year.

In 2014, I chose the Ebola fighters as Person of the Year. The Ebola is a virus
that has killed a lot of people in African ________especially between 2013 and
2016. Trying to treat the disease ( la maladie ) there was a r______of becoming
contaminated. Nevertherless (néanmoins) many doctors and nurses have
struggled ( lutter) and fought the v______. Nobody knew them but they didn’t
risk their lives for fame ( la célébrité ); They risked their l______to help very
sick p_______ because they were brave and committed to their mission; They
d__________ to be TIME’s Persons of the Year.

Activity: match the English and the French

1. They deserved. - Ils ont lutté

2. They struggled - Ils ont risqué leur vie
3. They fought - ils étaient engagé
4. I chose - Ils méritaient
5. The nurses risked their lives - J’ai choisi
6. They were committed to their mission - Ils se sont battu


1. Une maladie a DIS_ _ SE.

2. Un virus a V_ R_ S
3. Il a tué beaucoup de personnes It K_ _ _ ED M_NY PEOPLE.
4. Des infirmières N____S
5. Courageuses B_ _ V _
6. Un enregistrement a RECORD _ _ _
7. Plusieurs personnes S_ _ _ _ _ _ People.
8. Un risque d’être contaminé a risk of being CONT_ _ _ _ _ _ ED

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