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The Impact of Pandemic on Filipino Youth’s Buying Behavior towards Online


Research Question:

1. How did the buying behavior of the Filipino youth change throughout the

 The buying behavior of youth changes during the pandemic in a way that is more
convenient for them. They learned and became knowledgeable about e-commerce,
which is more convenient for consumers. 

Follow up question:

● In your opinion, what is the main reason why the buying behavior of the Filipino youth

○ Avoiding the virus is a big reason why consumers change their buying behavior,
and they also don't want to risk their health to buy things they want.
● Why do young Filipino people spend more money on online shopping now than pre-
o There is no specific reason why Filipino spends more money through online, since the
question is subjective, I think in general, consumers buy more often through online sites
because of social trends and influences of others even though the items were only usable for a
1-time usage.
● In the midst of a pandemic, how convenient is it for you to buy online?
○ Buying online has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it still affects my
buying behavior since it is more convenient, but the downside is that we can't see
the product physically, so we are only basing our preferences through feedback.

Research Question:

2. What are the factors that affect the buying behavior of Filipino youth during a

o Social influences are a factor that affects the buying behavior of young people.
Consumers tend to buy things they don't need but still get them because they
saw it in an advertisement or a family member recommended it.
Follow up question:

● Does COVID 19 Pandemic affect your buying behavior?

o Yes, it changes my buying habits and buying perceptions
● How do you think your buying behavior in this pandemic will affect the market?

○ Each consumer affects the market, and I am one of the consumers. From
the perspective of the market, they tend to adapt to the changes of the
consumers and the trends in the market.
● What do you think are the possible negative effects of these buying behaviors that
you have manifested in this pandemic? Why?

○ A lot of people are social climbers without being mindful of their financial
stability. This thing is a toxic trait for most consumers. 

Research Question:

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping during the
Pandemic brought to Filipino youth's buying behavior?

 Convenience is an advantage of online shopping, but not being able to touch it

physically, and there is a possibility that it might get damaged while shipping, is a

Follow up question:

● Does online shopping during the pandemic help relieve the loneliness of an individual?

○ For some consumers, buying things they want but don't need satisfies them,
relieves their loneliness, and allows them to enjoy time by themselves.
● Since the pandemic restricted people from going out of their homes, do you think online
shopping has been beneficial to the youth?

○ Online has a huge impact to the youth during the pandemic, it is easier to access
and it is convenient. Almost all of the youth are technology users. This kind of
platform, which is ecommerce, has had a huge impact on the pandemic. 
● What are the benefits you think online shopping gives to the youth?
○ It takes less time for them to make a purchasing decision, and it is less hassle and
more convenient.

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