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Xyrus Senining

Mrs. Nourrie
Solutionary Project Outline

The goal of this project is to offer those who struggle with mental illness, lead demanding lives,
and have a generally depressing outlook on life an "escape" from all of that. Because it can foster
a social environment, improve focus and concentration, garner support and assistance, and lessen
the mental load from outside life, I think golf can offer that escape.

The Problem
There are many people around the world suffering from depression and mental illnesses.

The Solution
The solution is introducing these people to the game of golf in a nurturing and positive way.

Research Phase
Did research logs to gain evidence and a better understanding. Interviewed two people who are
very involved in the golf industry and are very knowledgeable of the sport.

Preparation Phase
Made a website to showcase a presentation, pitch video, interviews, and research logs.

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