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The art of Mediation

Meditation was lost in the world but still it was practiced somewhere around this globe which
preserved this Beautiful artform. Treasure hunting is loved by everyone. And humans are always
eager to find the lost treasure and it is one of them. Now you people must be wondering why am
I referring it as lost art? In this universe indeed so little time is given to meditation that
it can be called a lost art.
Now next question which arises why am I introducing you with Meditation? In students Life
meditation is a marks and time saver.
You might learn more about yourself in one short hour by listening carefully to the
inner voice than from man in a thousand
years. Now in today's competing world students have huge burden of career success . As a result
stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, declining confidence and more are common traits of students
these days. Now the let me elucidate it for you-
Meditation can help to cope up with these common traits. These will blow your mind that u will
eventually think that it is impossible that such small 10-15 min session daily either in morning or
night can provide us with such amazing result .
Meditation can help students reduce stress and anxiety, and cope with stressful situations.
Meditation can also help students develop emotional competency, confidence, and self-esteem.
From ancient times in gurukuls it was the part of the daily rituals as it helps students improve their
concentration and focus, which can lead to better academic performance and increase their self-
awareness and knowledge.
Performing it prior hitting the sack it will surely improve students mental health and sleep quality. It
can also help students develop a sense of calm and peace.
Sitting inside the rooms studying or using the devices through our the day makes us lethargic. It's
regular practice battle laziness by keeping their bodies and thoughts engaged and improve blood
circulation and brain oxygen flow, which can contribute to inner calm and anxiety reduction.
Body scan meditation can help students sync their mind and body, and identify aches and pains early.
Also this technological revolution have been affecting the mental emotional and social health deeply.
During this digital era there are time when we get addicted the blue rays deeply deteriorating the
mental power without letting us feel reducing attention span and patience and more. These can
be faced and cut out of our life via this conscious method of mediation.
It will help in conquering bad addictions Increase memory power, attention span, IQ, enhance
willpower, patience and brain efficiency.
Help them develop a cheerful personality by ensuring mental clarity
Now the thought of performing a meditation session must have floated in your mind. So without
wasting a second let's see how to perform .
Choose a quiet and comfortable place
Using a timer set an alarm for 10-15min but being a beginner u should start with 5min for a week
and slightly increasing the time limit.
Close your eyes and taking a few deep breaths to relax
For performing a quick body scan, starting from your toes and moving up to your head, noticing any
areas of tension or discomfort
You can either do body scan or focus on movement of breath and movement of chest or stomach
Now we can understand how even simple things we perform every second if performed with little bit
of focus could lead to such bright results which will definitely lead to a beautiful future

Manvendra Singh 10th C

Gen Z and Mental Health

Generation Z also known as Gen Z refers to individuals born between the mid 1990s and early 2010s
.Most likely this generation has grown up in the constant technology advancement and social
media era. this generation is also praised for its open mind, progressive mind set and

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with access to social media and internet as an intrinsic part of
their lives and these advancements have created various benefits. But with these they had to
face numerous challenges that contribute to higher rates of anxiety and depression among them
at a very early age and leads to major mental problems.

Mental health has become a point of contention in recent years especially when it comes to the
younger generation. With the increase of social media, the pressure to succeed , comparison to
others ,desire to be ahead , fear of missing out (FOMO) in adequacy and many more challenges
that today's youth are facing which can adversely affect their mental health.

In today's competitive world , the pressure to succeed is always high. From a very young age they are
told that they must thrive academically , have great careers and be financially stable. It seems as
its society has forgotten that life is not just about profits aur achievements but also about finding
happiness and satisfaction.

In recent years youth's mental health has deteriorated significantly. Many people, specially the older
generation neglect these issues in the name of "mood swings "or "attention seeking behaviour".
This lack of understanding and empathy only accelerates the problem.

To cope up with these issues all we need to do is to support one another, learn to seek help when
needed and have to remember that "it's okay not to be okay".

Anjali 10th C

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