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Alfred Adler was a physician and psychiatrist that founded the school of thought that is called
as individual psychology which provide emphasis towards their feelings of belonging and sense
of worth. His earlier works focused with inferiority complex of the person that strive for
superiority which he has viewed people with optimism towards their relationship such as (1) he
saw people were motivated through social influences and strive for success, (2) people are
largely responsible for their identity, and (3) present behavior is shaped through their view of
the future.

Related Research – Moderate
This could generate moderate amount of research which was evaluated with above average
since this can provide potential resources for understanding various of the concepts such as
early recollections, striving for superiority, and birth order to their life outcomes.
One of the examples would be encouragement to researchers for constructing social interest
scales such as Sulliman Scale of Social Interest (Sulliman, 1973).
Organizes Data – High
Arranging of the data have high rating that made sense out of their knowledge towards human
behavior which was sufficient containing explanations about inconsistent behaviors that strive
for superiority.
Is Internally Consistent? – High
Although this is a model for self–consistency that suffered from the lack of precise operational
definitions such as goal of superiority and creative power since this is somewhat philosophical
and moralistic that does not provide answers.

Concept of Humanity
Determinism vs. Free Choice – Free Choice
The freedom to their choice would develop personalities through the meaning of their
experiences with heredity (nature) provide the abilities while environment (nurture) can
improve which gave emphasis in the usage of these abilities rather than quantity.
Causality vs. Teleology – Teleology
Forward moving towards motivation through their goals than casual forces which these goals
are rigid and unrealistic since people are capable of change towards their attitude because this
is fictional and unconscious of creating temporary goals.
Adler (1927) explained that “we must understand that the reaction of the human soul is not
absolute since every response is partial which could not be considered as the solution to the
problem” such as not all choices are conscious choices.
Biological vs. Social Influences – Social Influences
People are motivated through social influences that strive for perfection since healthy people
have high level of social interest where there is independence for their own decisions.

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