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Scene 1

A person walks up the stairs and onto the stage as an announcer says “Ladies and
Gentlemen, welcome to the seminar for people who are thinking of just ending it,
our speaker is someone who was also lost, who thought of ending it all, but he
persevered and seeked help from his family and friends, please give a round of
applause to “John Price”
Scene 2
As he went to the mic and stood in the middle of the stage, he waved and said
smiling “Good morning, I am John Price, and I went through a harrowing phase in
my life”
Scene 3
John continues “It felt like I lost everything, I got fired from my job for being
wrongly accused, I got dumped, and even lost a family member”
Scene 4
“It felt like everything in my life has crumbled and is fading away..” “I was lost, it
felt like I was an empty shell from my former self, I have lost my way…”
Scene 5
“But! Even though it felt like the end, I didn’t give up… *PowerPoint shows “Tips
to Fight Depression”* “while I was depressed, I fought my urges and observed
myself and my feelings, I would like to share my tips, just about three.” “It may be
few, but it strongly helped me.”
Scene 6
“One! Think about the people who are close to you and surround you” “How they
will feel, you have an impact to this world and you matter.”
Scene 7
“Two! Try to stay active” “Being physically active affects mood, try to be socially
active or active in games as well, there is a lot in life to stay active for.”
Scene 8
“Lastly, and most importantly, don’t ever push the people around you away.”
“You’ll come to realize that if you hadn’t push those people away or isolate
yourself, rather than you fighting your depression alone you would have people
by your side to help you through it…”
Scene 9
“Because depression is no joke as of today” *PowerPoint shows Statistic of
Suicide Rate* “The suicide rate gets higher and higher each year but it is slowly
decreasing because of people who are actually seeking help, including me.”
Scene 10
“…and that concludes my seminar, I hope you realize that you don’t have to fight
depression alone, don’t ignore what you feel, it’s okay to seek help, Thank you for
Scene 11
*someone raises their hand from the crowd*

Someone from the audience states “I’d like to ask a question!”

*the speaker John Price was a little taken back from the sudden movement but
still proceeded*

JP: “okay and what is it?”

Someone from the audience asked “how did you know that you were already
okay? I mean after everything that you’ve experienced, i’m sure it wasn’t easy
recovering, therefore ‘how did you know that you have actually recovered from

Scene 12
John Price replied “it really wasn’t that easy, there were instances that I’d fall
back into my old habits & relapse into how I was before, but I realized that ‘what
you learn and who you’ll become is more important than how you temporarily
feel.’ yes, I was terribly hurt because of everything that happened, but staying in
that state and depriving myself from actually recovering, won’t make a difference
and would just make things harder for me. I realized that being vulnerable and
having weak points in life is normal; it’s what makes us stronger and is a part of
being human. However, choosing to drown ourselves in constant sadness and
suffering is basically self-sabotage and is not the way to a healthy coping,
therefore as hard as the journey would & could be, we must still learn how to
move on and move forward in life”

*the audience was stunned by the speaker’s answer ++ clapped their hands for

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