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The questions number 1–6 are based on the following passage.

Text 1

The peregrine falcon, a predatory bird indigenous to North America, was once in danger of extinction. In
the 1960’s, scientists discovered by products of the pesticide DDT in the birds’ eggs, which caused them to
be too soft to survive. The use of the pesticide had been banned in the United States, but the falcons were
eating migratory birds from other places where DDT was still used. In order to increase the survival rate,
scientist were raising the birds in laboratories and then releasing them into mountainous areas. This practice
achieved only moderate success, however, because many of the birds raised in captivity could not survive in
the wild. There is now, however, a new alternative to release in the wild. A falcon that has been given the
name Scarlett chose to make her home on a ledge of the 33rd floor of a Baltimore, Maryland, office building
rather than in the wild, and, to the surprise of the scientist, she has managed to live quite well in the city.
Following this example, programs have been initiated that release birds like Scarlett into cities rather than
into their natural wild habitat. These urban releases are becoming a common way to strengthen the species.
Urban homes have several benefits for the birds that wild spot do not. First, there is an abundance of pigeon
and small birds as food sources. The peregrine in the city is also protected from its main predator, the great
horned owl. Urban release programs have been very successful in reestablishing the peregrine falcons along
the East Coast. Though they are still an endangered species, their numbers increased from about 60 nesting
pairs in 1975 to about 700 pairs in 1992. In another decade the species may flourish again, this time without
human help.

1. What is the topic of the text above?

A. Peregrine falcon
B. Scarlett falcon
C. Falcon’s survival
D. Birds
E. Birds extinction

2. Which of the following is true according to text?

A. Falcon’s nests are decreasing due to human’s help.
B. Scarlett makes her home in Baltimore, on a ledge of the 23rd floor.
C. The peregrine falcon contains pesticide DDT in United States.
D. Falcons are the food source of pigeons.
E. Scientist made a nest for peregrine falcon in laboratory

3. The word “ledge” in “to make her home on a ledge of…” refers to…
A. Window
B. Wall
C. Terrace
D. Shelf
E. Pane
4. The main purpose of the writer is to inform the readers about…
A. The population falcon in the United States
B. How peregrine survive in the wild habitat
C. The life of Peregrine and Scarlett
D. The effort of scientists to preserve falcon
E. How human helps animals in their wild life

5. Which of the following is not the food of falcon?

A. Chick
B. Pigeon
C. Bat
D. Rodent
E. Seed

6. What is benefit of urban homes for the birds that wild spot do not?
A. There is an abundance of pigeon and small birds as food sources
B. Many of the birds raised in captivity could not survive in the wild
C. Birds’ eggs are too soft to survive in the wild
D. A common way to strengthen the bird species
E. The bird species may flourish again without human help

The questions number 7–13 are based on the following passage.

Text 2

The United Nations predicts Earth will have to feed another 2.3 billion people by 2050, mostly
concentrated in urban centers far from farmland. Conventional agriculture may not be able to meet that
demand, but luckily NASA has been working for decades to tackle food production both on Earth and in
space. Feeding astronauts during long-term space exploration means stretching resources to grow plants in
space—including minimizing water use and energy consumption and eliminating soil.
NASA initially pioneered these techniques on the ground by building the country’s first vertical farm.
Inside a decommissioned hypobaric chamber left over from testing the Mercury space capsule, technologists
stacked rows of hydroponic trays like bookshelves against the walls. Then systems for lighting, ventilation,
and circulating water were added using off-the-shelf parts. Various crops were planted on the stacked trays
to test how well they would grow in water and without the benefit of sunlight or open air. This innovative
approach to farming created a foundation for the industry of controlled environment agriculture or CEA.
CEA combines plant science and environmental control to optimize plant growth and maximize
efficiency, frequently incorporating vertical growth structures. Technology enables the filtering of
contaminants from crop water and delivers precise nutrient balances. Artificial lighting provides only the
necessary wavelengths at the right time, intensity, and duration, while environmental controls maintain ideal
temperature and humidity. This approach could help feed burgeoning future generations, said Nate Storey,
chief science officer at Plenty Unlimited, one of several companies building on NASA’s plant-growth
Pierce, M. (2021). NASA Research Launches a New Generation of Indoor Farming. Taken on November 30, 2021 from _Generation _ of_Indoor_Farming.
7. It is stated in the passage that …
A. The world will run out of food by 2050 according to the United Nations.
B. NASA has maximized a farming method requiring a little water.
C. NASA is taking over conventional agriculture to address future food demands.
D. To improve plant development, plant science must be integrated with vertical growth structures.
E. NASA's innovative approach pioneered the establishment of a controlled environment agriculture

8. Regarding the role of NASA in producing food, we know that …

A. The more farming techniques NASA uses, the less energy it requires.
B. The greater the space exploration is carried out, the more number of astronauts that must be fed.
C. The more people requiring food, the more maximum NASA's agricultural technology will be.
D. The longer the space expedition is, the more NASA optimizes its farming resources.
E. The more maximum NASA farming technology becomes, the less traditional farming will be required.

9. From the first paragraph, it can be predicted that …

A. NASA will be more concerned with food production in space than with food production on Earth.
B. The United Nations estimates that Earth will have to feed billions of people for a decade.
C. The most crucial aspect of long-term space exploration will be astronaut nutrition.
D. Conventional agriculture will succeed in feeding astronauts if it is combined with NASA's techniques.
E. In the future, there will not be enough land for conventional agriculture.

10. How is the second paragraph related to the first paragraph?

A. Paragraph 2 exemplifies kinds of agricultural progress discussed in paragraph 1.
B. The vertical farm described in paragraph 1 is explained in detail in paragraph 2.
C. The second paragraph expands on the first paragraph's discussion of NASA's agricultural method.
D. The second paragraph explains further the issues raised in the first paragraph regarding food
demands in 2050.
E. The success of the NASA farming practices mentioned in the first paragraph is reiterated in the
second paragraph.

11. All the following sentences are true according to the passage, EXCEPT…
A. NASA has been working for decades to tackle food production both on Earth and in space.
B. Nate Storey is a chief science officer at Plenty Unlimited, one of several companies building on
NASA’s plant-growth research.
C. Various crops were planted on the stacked trays to test how well they would grow in water and
without the benefit of sunlight or open air.
D. CEA combines plant science and environmental control to optimize plant growth and maximize
efficiency, frequently incorporating vertical growth structures.
E. Technology unable the filtering of contaminants from crop water and delivers precise nutrient

12. Which of the following best restates the sentence “The United Nations predicts Earth will have to feed
another 2.3 billion people by 2050, mostly concentrated in urban centers far from farmland.” in
paragraph 1?
A. There is a prediction that in 2050, Earth must feed 2.3 billion people that concentrated in urban
centers far from farmland.
B. The United Nations promises will help Earth to feed another 2.3 billion people in urban centers far
from farmland by 2050.
C. According to the United Nations, by 2050, another 2.3 billion people that mostly concentrated in
urban centers far from farmland will have to be fed by Earth.
D. United States has a responsibility to feed most of people in the world by 2050.
E. Earth should take the responsibility to feed another 2.3 billion people by 2050, mostly concentrated
in urban centers far from farmland.

13. The word “this” in the last paragraph, “This approach could help feed burgeoning future generations”,
refers to…
A. Conventional agriculture
B. Controlled environment agriculture
C. Feeding astronauts
D. Artificial agriculture
E. Hydroponic agriculture

14. The paragraph that precedes the passage probably talks about…
A. The increasing of people population in Earth
B. Some kinds of agriculture provided by scientist
C. Innovative approach to farming created a foundation for the industry
D. Some research about agriculture
E. Conventional culture is the best way to feed the world

Text 3

Around half of Americans are healthy

eaters, at least according to their own testimonies.
According to Statista Consumer Insights, 50
percent of Americans claim to actively try to
eat healthy. The attitude is most prevalent among
Baby Boomers at 58 percent agreeing, but not
much lower among Gen Z, where 44 percent said
they were pursuing the aim.
At the same time, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention found out that more than
36 percent of Americans are consuming fast food
regularly, to the extend that on any given day, a
third of Americans is eating from fast food
In a separate survey by the Cleveland
Clinic, 46 percent of U.S. adults said a barrier to
eating healthy foods was their price. Almost a
quarter of Americans stated that they had to little time to cook and prepare healthy foods, while a high 20
percent said they didn't know how to cook healthy foods.

Taken from

15. Based on the infographic, we can predict that the percentage of new generation of Americans in
consuming healthy foods … in the future.
A. notably fluctuates
B. significantly increases
C. slightly remains the same
D. reasonably preserves
E. moderately shrinks

16. From the infographic, we can learn that the…

A. 46 percent of U.S. adults said a barrier to eating healthy foods was their price
B. highest percentage of perceived barriers to eating healthy food according to respondents is too little
time to cook or prepare
C. number of Millenials who actively trying to eat healthy food is greater than Gen X
D. less than 30 percent of Gen Z who actively to try to consume healthy foods
E. Baby Boomer generations do not know how to make or prepare healthy foods

17. What is Baby Boomers Generation mean?

A. People who born between 1980 and 1994
B. People who born between 1946 and 1964
C. People who born between 1965 and 1979
D. People who born between 1995 and 2012
E. People who born between 1920 and 1945

18. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The Development of Healthy Food Consumption in America
B. The Americans are Actively Try to Eat Healthy Foods
C. Americans’ Attitude toward Eating Healthy Food
D. The Perceived Barrier to Eating Healthy Food in America
E. The Increased of Consuming Healthy Food by Generation in America

19. What can be conclude about the healthy food consumption from the passage?
A. An increase awareness of healthy food consumption is quite exciting
B. A lot of young people do not have enough knowledge to prepare healthy food
C. Most Americans are consuming fast food regularly
D. The newest generation the lowest percentage who consumes healthy food in America
E. Third of Americans is eating from fast food restaurants

20. This passage can be generally found in…

A. A popular magazine
B. A scholarly journal
C. Conference proceeding
D. Reference works
E. A newspaper report

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