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Parasite Ova Infective Stage Intermediate Definitive Mode of Transmission Clinical S/Sx Diagnostic Procedure Treatment

Host Host
E. histolytica Trophozoite – (+) Mature cyst (-) Human Ingestion of Asymptomatic Microscopic detection – Metronidazole
pseudopodia contaminated feces Amebic colitis – gradual onset unidirectional movement,
Cyst – highly refractile abdominal pain and diarrhea +/- trophozoites with ingested RBCs
hyaline wall, chromatoidal mucus and blood in tools
bars; 4 nuclei Amebic liver abscess
E. coli Trophozoite – more Cyst and (-) Human Ingestion of Non-pathologic Stool examination None
vacuolated, sluggish, trophozoite contaminated feces FECT and iodine staining
eccentric karyosome
Cyst – 8 nuclei, more
granular cytoplasm,
splinter-like chromatoidal
G. lamblia or Trophozoites – tear-drop Mature cyst (-) Human Ingestion of Causes intestinal villous flattening and Stool examination Metronidazole
G. duodenalis shaped; (+) axostyle – contaminated food or crypt hypertrophy, resulting to • Trophozoites –
distinct medial line water malabsorption floating leaf-like
Cyst – flagella retracted motility
into axonemes, deeply
stained curved fibrils
surrounded by a tough
hyaline cyst wall
Plasmodium P. vivax trophozoite – Sporozoite Mosquito Human Mosquito bite Merozoites enter RBCs (rupture later Microscopic identification of Artemisinin-based
signet-ring form with (Anopheles) on) malarial parasites in thick and thin combination therapies
heavy red dot and blue Regular paroxysms of fever with blood smears stained with Giemsa
cytoplasmic ring asymptomatic intervals or Wright’s stain
P. falciparum trophozoite 0 (+) prodromal s/sx (cold, hot, and
(+) small thread-like blue sweating stage)
cytoplasmic circle with 1-2
small red chromatin dots
Balantidium Trophozoite – covered Cyst (ingested cysts (-) Human Ingestion of Primarily inhabit the cecum Stool examination Tetracycline
with cilia; (+) cytostome excyst in the small contaminated food or (trophozoites) Metronidazole if for
(oral apparatus) and intestine and water Attack the epithelium and create a pregnant women or
cytopyge (waste extreion); become characteristic ulcer with a rounded children < 8 y/o
bean-shaped trophozoites) base and wide neck (amoebiasis:
macronucleus; (+) narrow neck)
mucocysts (extrusive Forms:
organelles) • Asymptomatic
Cysts – double-walled • Fulminant (balantidial
dysentery) – diarrhea
with bloody and mucoid
• Chronic – diarrhea
alternates with
Trichomonas Trophozoite only – Trophozoite – (-) Human Sexually transmitted Green-yellow vaginal discharge Saline preparation of vaginal fluid Metronidazole or
vaginalis pyriform shape, (+) 5th multiples by Itchiness, burning sensation Culture – gold standard tinidazole
flagellum longitudinal binary Strawberry cervix
Chilomastix Trophozoite – Cyst (-) Human Ingestion of Inhabits the cecum Stool examination None
mesnili asymmetrical pear shape, contaminated food or
boring spiral forward water
Cyst – pear or lemon shape
Trypanosoma Trypomastigotes in blood, Trypomastigotes Triatomine Bug Human Insect bite Causes Chagas disease or American Direct visualization of parasites in Acute: nifurtimox and
cruzi amastigotes in tissue cells trypanosomiasis thick and thin blood smears using benznidazole
Intracellular parasite infecting mostly Giemsa stain Chronic: symptomatic
myocytes and RES cells treatment
Romanas sign – eyelid swelling
Chagomas – site of entry; furuncle-
like lesions
Leishmania Diploid protozoa Promastigote Sand fly Human Insect bite Categories: cutaneous (oriental Demonstration of amantigotes Antimony-based
button), diffuse cutaneous (anergic or from tissue sample compounds: sodium
lepromatous), mucocutaneous stibogluconate, n-
(espundia), visceral (kala azar; caused methyl-glucamine
by L. donovani complex) Alternative: IV
amphotericin B
A. Polymyarian type of Fully embryonated (-) Human Ingestion Penetrate intestinal wall, enter Microscopic examination of stool Albendazole,
lumbricoides somatic muscle egg (hatch in the venules, go to liver, heart and lungs sample mebendazole, or
(giant round arrangement lumen of the small (molt then migrate to the larynx / Kato techniques for individual and pyrantel pamoate
Worms have a terminal intestine, releasing oropharynx to be swallowed mass screening
worm) mouth with 3 lips and larvae which Vague abdominal pain
sensory papillae migrate to the Eosinophilia and allergy during larval
Egg – mamillated coating cecum or proximal migration
with refractile granules colon) Vit A malabsorption, lactose
Bowel obstruction
Biliary ascariasis, appendicitis,
Acute or chronic granulomatous
T. trichiura Narrow esophagus Embryonated eggs (-) Human Ingestion Anterior portions cause petechial Direct fecal smear with saline drop Mebendazole
(whip worm) resembles a string of beads hemorrhages, predisposing to
Egg – lemon or football- amoebic dysenteric
shaped with translucent Intestinal bleeding, rectal prolapse if
polar prominences severe
No larval migration
N. americanus Head curved opposite to Filariform larvae (-) Human Skin penetration (enter Severe itching (ground or dew itch) Direct fecal smear only if infection Albendazole
(hook worm) body (N. americanus) venues, migrate to heart Bronchitis or pneumonitis is heavy (egg count > 400 per gram
Head same direction as and lungs, ascend to Abdominal pain, steatorrhea, diarrhea of feces)
A. duodenale
body (A. duodenale) trachea and are with blood and mucus Kato techniques
(hook worm) Egg – bluntly rounded ends swallowed); become Anemia, hypoalbuminemia
and a single thin sexually mature at the
transparent hyaline shell intestines
S. stercoralis Finely striated cuticle Filariform larvae (-) Human Skin penetration; Larval skin invasion – erythema, Unexplained eosinophilia Albendazole,
(thread worm) Egg – clear thin shell autoinfection may occur pruritic elevated hemorrhagic papules Harada Mori culture thiabendazole, or
if rhabtidiform larvae Larval migration – lungs are destroyed Repeated concentration ivermectin
pass down the large causing lobar pneumonia with techniques (Baermann funnel
intestine and develop hemorrhage gauze method)
into filariform larvae Penetration of intestinal mucosa by
adult females – mostly at duodenum
and jejunum
• Heavy infection –
intractable painless
intermittent diarrhea
(Cochin China diarrhea)
E. vermicularis Meromyrian Embryonated eggs (-) Human Ingestion; eggs deposited Enterobiasis or oxyuriasis Microscopic examination Mebendazole or
(pin worm) D-shaped eggs at perianal skin (females Perianal itching (pruritus ani) Graham’s scotch adhesive tape albendazole
migrate from intestines Aberrant adult migration swab
at night to lay eggs)
C. philipinensis Egg - peanut-shaped with Infective larvae Freshwater or Human Ingestion of raw or Intestinal capillariasis – abdominal Microscopic examination of stool Mebendazole
striated shells and flat (egg hatched at fish brackish water undercooked fish pain, chronic diarrhea, gurgling
bipolar plugs intestine) fish stomach
Protein-losing enteropathy
W. bancrofti Creamy white, long L3 larvae – from Mosquitoes Human Mosquito bite From skin, reach the lymphatics Blood microscopy (specimen taken DEC
No staining on Giemsa mosquito proboscis (Aedes, Culex, (mostly at LE, inguinal, epididymis, at night)
Nuclei do not reach tail’s to skin (mosquito Anopheles) labia)
end ingests Cause lymphatic filariasis
1:1 cephalic space: breadth
B. malayi Enclosed in a sheath with microfilariae from Infection usually acquired in
angular curvatures blood) childhood and takes years to manifest
(secondary kinks) Expatriate Syndrome – individuals
Pink stain on Giemsa who migrated to endemic areas;
Nuclei reach the tail’s end hyperresponsiveness
2:1 Lymphangiectasia, lynphangiogenesis
Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis
(ADLA) – MC acute manifestation
Lymphedema, elephantiasis – MC
chronic manifestation
T. saginata No hooks or rostellum Encysted larvae Cattle Human Ingesting raw or Passage of proglottids or segments in Gravid proglottids brought by Praziquantel
(beef Ova – brownish, thick (Cysticercus bovis) undercooked meat the stool patients
tapeworm) striated embryophore Epigastric pain, weight loss, anorexia, Fecal exam
**adult worm pruritus ani
inhabits upper Actively motile – visible; migrate to
jejunum biliary tree or appendix (obstruction)
T. solium (pork < proglottids, smaller and Human, Swine Human Ingestion of Obstruction unlikely Taeniasis – fecal exam Praziquantel,
tapeworm) more spherical acetabula contaminated food or Cysticerci MC at striated muscle and Cysticercosis – CT scan niclosamide
(4) **human drink brain (neurocysticercosis) – MC
Gravid proglottid – (+) cysticercosis – seizure
accessory ovarian lobe, (-) oncosphere Autoinfection Also at subcutaneous tissue, eye,
vaginal sphincter, < hatches at heart, lung, and peritoneum
follicular testes duodenum and
H. nana (dwarf Scolex subglobular with 4 Cysticercoid larvae None needed Human (both Direct cycle – host ingests Immunologic response leads to Stool examination Praziquantel
tapeworm) cup-shaped suckers (the only human adult and the eggs which hatch in symptoms – HA, dizziness, anorexia,
Egg – spherical, clay tapeworm that larval stages) the duodenum; embryo pruritus of nose and anus, diarrhea,
colored or colorless can complete its penetrate mucosal villi vomiting, abdominal pain, pallor,
life cycle in 1 and develop into infective weight loss
host) cysticercoid larvae Heavy infection – enteritis
Indirect cycle – ingestion
Arthropods – of intermediate hosts or
rice and flour contaminated material

H. diminuta Scolex – (+) rudimentary Cysticerci Insects Human, Rat Ingestion Hymenolepiasis – s/sx minimal and Stool examination (eggs more Praziquantel
(rat tapeworm) unarmed rostellum non-specific (short life span) circular, larger, and no bipolar
Egg – bile-stained elements)
D. latum (fish Scolex - spatulate Plerocercoid larva Fish Human Ingestion of raw or Hyperchromic megaloblastic anemia Stool examination Praziquantel
tapeworm or undercooked fish with thrombocytopenia and
broad leukopenia (worms compete for vit DDx: pernicious anemia –
Ova develop in water and B12 if high at jejunum) associated with achlorhydria
release coracidium
ingested by copepods,
whre they develop into
procercoid larva; eaten
by fish, where they
develop into plerocercoid
S. japonicum Egg – pale yellow; curved Cercariae Snail Human and Skin penetration Swimmer’s itch Rectal or liver biopsy (non- Praziquantel
(Oriental blood hook near 1 polar end; (Oncomelenia other Schistosomula migration – Katayama practical)
fluke) hatch in slightly alkaline hupensis mammals Embryonated eggs from fever Stool examination
water at 25-31ºC quadrasi) stool contacts fresh Hepatosplenic disease (most serious MIFC technique for mod-sev
S. hematobium water, hatches into consequence of chronic infection
S. mansoni miracidia which infect schistosomiasis) Kato Katz for egg counting
snails, where they Wheezing, coughing
develop into sporocysts MC eggs deposit at liver, lungs,
then cercariae intestines, and CNS
Cercariae transform into
schistosomula and enter
lymphatics or veins
Enter the lungs then the
portal vein (site of mating
and egg hatching, where
eggs are then deposited
to the intestines)
C. sinensis Egg – convex operculum Metacercariae Fish (Cyprinidae) Human Ingestion of raw fish, Migration into biliary tree Stool examination Praziquantel
fitting into the thickened ingestion of Increased risk of hepatocellular Cholangiography
rim of the eggshell contaminated water carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
F. buski Fasciolid digenetic; largest Encysted Snail Human Ingestion of aquatic Inflammation, ulceration Stool examination Praziquantel
intestinal fluke metacercariae (Segmentina or plants Gland abscess
Hippeutis) Metacercariae Intestinal obstruction
excysts at Toxin production, allergy
and attaches
to intestinal
E. ilocanum Digenetic trematode Metacercariae Snail (2) Human Ingestion of snail Inflammation, ulceration, intoxication Stool examination Praziquantel
Straw colored egg
F. hepatica Cephalic cone with marked Metacercariae 1. Snail Human Ingestion of aquatic Fascioliasis Stool examination – difficult Triclabendazolw
(temperate base widening (shoulder) 2. Aquatic plant plants / drinking water
liver fluke) Adult worm lives in the biliary tree
F. gigantica Longer, less developed
Acute – larval migration and worm
(tropical liver shoulder, shorter cephalic
maturation at hepatic tissue (triad:
fluke) cone
sudden onset fever, hepatomegaly,
marked eosinophilia)
Chronic – persistence at biliary ducts
H. heterophyes Light brown egg Metecercariae Fish Human Ingestion of raw fish Unusual inflammation (excessive Stool examination (Kato thick) Praziquantel
mucus production, sloughing of
superficial layers)
P. westermani Adult – red brown, Metacercariae 1. Snails Human Ingestion of raw crab At lungs – granulomatous reaction Microscopy of stool, sputum, or Praziquantel
(Oriental lung resembles a coffee bean (Antemelania leading to a fibrotic cyst aspirated material
fluke) asperata and Metacercariae excyst at • Chronic cough and
dactylus) the duodenum; wanders hemoptysis
2. Mountain to the abdominal wall, Ectopic infection: cutaneous
crab pleural space, and lungs (migratory lesion at abdomen or
(Sundathelphusa (site of mating and egg chest) and cerebral paragonimiasis
philipina) laying) Most serious complication – cerebral
T. gondi Sporozoite enters a new Tachyzoite Cats Human Ingestion of food or Parasite enters intestinal lamina Examination of tissue imprints Pyrimethamine and
cell and transforms into a Bradyzoite water contaminated with propria and gains entry into stained with Giemsa sulfadiazine
tachyzoite Oocyst cat feces lymphatics, infecting nucleated cells Sabin-Feldman methylene blue
Asymptomatic if (macrophages
Encephalitis – MC
presentation in the
Stillbirth and abortion if
acquired during the 1st

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