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In our city, Buenos Aires, is very important owning a home rather than renting one

because there are lack of apartments for rent. Also, the economy of the country is going in
decline, so renting an apartment in the end, it is really more expensive than owning one.

In my particulary opinion, i think that is more positive than negative. Owning a home, in
one hand, the person has the secure that is always going to be there because its belongs to that
person. But in the other hand, if the person doesn’t like the neighbours, or the house’s location
it is something that is difficult to change. In general, sell an apartment to move to another is
very annoying and takes a lot of time and work.

Something positive about renting an apartment is that is posible to choose the location,
the building, the neighbours because there is someone that has already lived in there.

Personally, there are two friends of mine, one from Arrecifes, Lorenzo and another from
Pinamar, Gonzalo. Both of them, came to Buenos Aires to study in 2018. In one case, Lorenzo
had no trouble at all with renting an aparment. He has been living in Avenida Cordoba since he
came here. But in the other case, Gonzalo couldn’t find yet a place to stay more than six months.
He is going from one apartment into another, like a rollercoaster. Now he’s looking for a new
place after his holidays in Pinamar.

In conclusion, renting a house it has some positives points like negatives too. I think that
if life’s plans are not defined clearly is way much better renting than owning a home, if you don’t
own one already. In my case, I prefer to have my own house, even I don’t know what I am going
to do in the future, because is more important to have a place rather than be looking where to

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