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The Shoe Store Dispute

Written by

Rattana Chanissara

The shoe store is bustling with people. Chan, 20, along with her
brother Pooh,17, come into the store for a refund. They approach
the salesgirl at the counter.

How may I help you?

Chan takes out a pair of defective shoes.

I bought these shoes a week ago and they fell apart within three
days of wearing them. I would like a refund please.

I’m sorry, but the shoes are not damaged. We cannot refund them.

The shoes have manufacturing defects. It wasn't damaged because
I wore it.

It’s worn and we couldn’t confirm that it’s not damaged because
you wore it.

A customer comes to the counter to purchase her shoes.

I’m sorry but could you step aside for a while please.

Chan widened her eyes in disbelief. Pooh can see that things are
getting out of hand. Chan is never the one to back down from a
fight. The salesgirl seems equally stubborn. Pooh knows he has
to intervene before things get worse. He steps forward and taps
Chan on the shoulder.

Let's just leave it, Chan. It's not worth a fight.

Chan turns to look at Pooh. Her eyes blaze with anger.

What do you mean? Leave it? This isn’t about shoes anymore, it’s
about principle. Their product has manufacturing defects, and
they need to make it right.

It is clear to Pooh that Chan does not budge. As he swallows, he

braces himself for the worst.

After the salesgirl completes the customer’s purchase, Chan

steps forward to the counter again.

Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we don't allow exchanges, especially for
shoes that have been worn.

Chan's face was now red. She raises the shoes.

You can see the sole is completely coming off.

A salesgirl glared at the shoes and shook her head.

That's just wear and tear. It happens with all shoes. We can't
be responsible for that.

Chan was losing patience now.

You can't be responsible for the quality of the shoes you sell?
That's ridiculous. I would like to speak to your manager.

The salesgirl exhales and rolls her eyes.

Fine. Let me go get him. But I'm telling you, he's just going to
tell you the same thing I did.

Chan crossed her arms. Pooh sees that she is getting more and
more worked up. He looks around to see other customers beginning
to notice the commotion. Some even gather around to see what is
happening. He knows that he has to calm Chan down before the
manager arrives.
Chan, let's take a breath. We can discuss this later when we
have a clearer head.


Pooh exhales with relief.

But I'm not getting out until we get what we came for. You can
wait in the car if you want, but I'm staying here.

Pooh could feel his frustration growing.

You're being ridiculous. We can sort this out later like
civilised people. No need to make a scene.

The manager arrives just as Pooh finishes his sentence. He is a

tall, imposing man with a stern expression. He looks at Chan and
the salesgirl and raises his eyebrow.

What seems to be the problem here?

I’ve been eyeing the shoes in the store and diligently saving
money for months. It disappointed me that the shoes I bought
with so much passion and hard work are defective.

The manager listened to Chan's story with empathy and

understanding. After what seemed like an hour, the manager comes
up with another solution.

I could only allow the exchange of shoes.

The salesgirl looks shocked as the manager overrules the store's

strict no-exchange policy.
Chan agrees. After they leave the store, the salesgirl
approaches the manager.

How could you allow that? This store has a strict no-exchange
policy, especially for worn shoes.

The manager simply smiled.

I know how it feels like to work hard for something and be
disappointed when it doesn't live up to expectations. I’m glad
to help her. Who knows, she could be a lifelong customer of our

The salesgirl is surprised but also admires his

kind-heartedness. She realises that sometimes rules can be bent
for the sake of customer satisfaction and that it is important
to empathise with the customer's situation.


Chan feels happy and content with her new pair of shoes. She is
also grateful for the understanding manager.Chan turns to Pooh
and apologises for causing a scene.

Sorry. Sometimes I get passionate about things and it clouds my

Pooh smiled and nodded. Chan was glad that Pooh was beside her
during the scene. Chan realises she has a lot to learn when it
comes to handling conflicts and her emotion.

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