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Why My Mom Inspires Me

The person who inspires me the most is my mom. She has been through a lot and

continues to go through a lot. No matter what happens, she gets through it and makes it look

easy. She has taught me more about what it means to be successful than anyone else I know. My

mom is smart, strong, and resilient.

The first reason why my mom inspires me is that she is exceptionally smart. She can get

anything done if she tries to. Not only does she have common sense, but she is also book smart. I

hope that I can be as smart as her someday. Like her, I also strive to be the kind of person who is

able to accomplish great things because I have studied hard and believe that you can go far by

seeking to gain knowledge.

My mom is also strong. She goes through a lot with her job and her family. She fights a

lot of battles, and they are all mental and emotional. No matter what she goes through, whether it

is big or small, she always stays strong. I want to be the kind of person who can go through a lot

and still come out alright like her.

The final reason why my mom inspires me is that she is always resilient, no matter what.

She never stops trying, nor does she hesitate if things are hard. She is always able to bounce back

from any struggles that she may face, and she makes it look impossibly easy. I am working on

resilience right now, but I do not have as mush as her. I hope to someday have the same amount

that she does.

My mom is many things, and while most of them are good, all of them inspire me. I can

only hope to be like her someday. I am striving to be as smart, strong, and resilient as her with
the hopes of someday being as successful too. Out of all the people who I could look up to, she is

number one.

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