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APR Semester AY2022

Reflection 2: Cover Page

School ASC / BUS / DES / ENG / HSS

MDW Tutorial Class TB01

Student Name Teo Yu En

Admin Number 2101051G

Word Count 426

Date 24 Dec 2022

I declare that this work is entirely mine and has not been sourced from any third party or any of my
earlier work, excluding cited references.

The reflection report should be submitted in pdf format, 400 words maximum, use external references
and citations to support your points where relevant.

The references DO NOT count towards the word count; the in-text citations DO.

Look at the rubrics in LMS to understand exactly what we expect from you.

Each student can only submit 1 Reflection but if you submit the wrong file, you can submit again the
correct one: only the latest submission will be kept.

A reminder that the school provides you with free Grammarly accounts so you should have no excuses
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APR Semester AY2022

Reflection 2: Think Back, Look Ahead & Pledge (10%) 400 words maximum

3.1 Ah-ha moments. In the MDW course, were there light-bulb moments - when you suddenly understood
something, or saw something in a different light, or got inspired? Elaborate on these and explain how
these might be useful to you in the future.

My "ah-ha" moment in this MDW course was when I truly understood the difference between diversity and
inclusion. The concept of diversity focuses on the demographics of our workforce, including gender, race, age, and
sexual orientation. An inclusive workplace ensures that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to and influence
every aspect of it. On the other hand, creating an inclusive culture is crucial to promoting diversity. In the future, it
will be useful when we embrace diversity and inclusion in our workplace. In addition to enabling a company to
recruit a more diverse talent pool, it increases employee retention and also helps the business perform better.
Diverse talent is more accessible when we are open to diversity. We can engage talent more effectively through
inclusion. As a result, we are able to innovate, be creative, be productive, be engaged, and achieve better results. It
has been found that businesses with a healthy gender balance are 21% more likely to outperform their competitors.
Furthermore, an organisation with a good mix of ethnic backgrounds has a 33% higher chance of outperforming its
competitors. A team with a diverse mix of age, gender, and ethnicity makes better decisions nearly 87% of the time
(Practice, 2019).

3.2 In the future, when you witness microaggressions, when you detect unconscious biases or when you
see someone who feels excluded at work, what do you pledge to do? Elaborate on how you would carry
out your pledge. Describe what might prevent you from carrying out your pledge.

In my opinion, when I witness microaggressions, when I detect unconscious biases or when I see
someone who feels excluded at work, I will pledge to voice out and challenge the microaggression when
it occurs. If that is the case, I will use my judgement as to whether anything needs to be said at this time.
As an example, I will pay close attention to how the person reacts. It could be offensive to me, but it may
not be offensive to the person I am trying to help in any way. Alternatively, the person may not respond
for personal reasons. I will then demonstrate my allyship to the victim of the microaggression in a private
conversation. Let them know I noticed it and that it didn't feel right to me. Find out how the person is
doing. After that, ask them how they would like me to support them going forward. When I speak up, I
just speak for myself. My response might be, "I find that language offensive, and I don't want to hear it in
the workplace again." I might not be able to fulfil my pledge if I challenge the status quo and threaten
people's status and relationships with supervisors and co-workers. There is also the possibility of getting
negative performance evaluations, unfavourable job assignments or even being terminated for speaking


Practice, G. D. (2019, October 25). What is Diversity & Inclusion? Global Diversity Practice.

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