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Concerts are still a great way to spend your free time, everyone should taste what is like to hear their
favorite musicians live. However, is it always better to attend them, or we can simply watch from

First of all, a concert has such a great atmosphere. In fact, every person loves to feel the music when
in front of a real band or performer. Every melody, drum beat, or when the crowd sings along with,
gives you goosebumps.

On the other hand, watching the concert from home is more convenient. Staying at your place means
spending no or less money on tickets, transport, or other facilities. For example, sometimes I would
get myself a sandwich and some crisps, undoubtedly at a lower cost, and enjoy the concert online or
on television.

Not only that, but also at home you are more relaxed, provided that there is none of the noise from
the concert, or the bad situations which might happen, such as a conflict.

On balance, I think that is amazing to attend a concert, whenever we get a chance, although
watching from home can be more unstressful.

Hi Jamie,

It was great to get your letter! Sorry to be so slow getting back to you. How’s it going? I’m so happy
to hear that your sister and her friends are going to spend some time not far from me, seeing
something of the surrounding countryside!

I’d strongly advise them to visit Orheiul Vechi, an amazing spot in the heart of nature. There’s an old
village on a steep hill, so if they’re into hiking, it’ll be a lot of fun exploring the cliff, where early
monks dug many caves and used to pray.

It’d be a good idea to take the bus from Chisinau, as the tickets aren’t pricey and during the whole
road, which takes about an hour, the bus passes through some picturesque places.

Tell them to leave at 8.00, because there’s only one bus for both ways. When they come back, they
need to catch the 19.30 bus, or funnily enough, it’s a really good idea to sleep just with the sky above
you, jocking of course!

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

Best wishes,


Wonder what would happen if you were to see the fashion industry a century from now? Well, as
I’ve already seen it, you are going to read about this controversial topic right in this article.

I don’t mind guessing which clothes people will be wearing, because nowadays the tendency of
clothing it’s very clear. Observing from the past, we see the crazy difference in style, not only that we
wear items which value our body shape, but also one’s which are a lot fancier.

That’s why I think that in the close future, girls and ladies will wear extremely tight jeans while men
are still going to prefer slim trousers. On top, my assumption consists of leather and glamorous fur
jackets, despite of trying to preserve the nature.

On the other hand, counting the scientifical progress, it’s obvious that future clothes will be
equipped with different types of technologies, such as cold-keeping pockets.

Even though fashion is unpredictable, I fully believe that no matter how the world is going to
evolve, past and present are two fabulous elements that will always have an impact on how people

The aim of this report is to inform you about the library of our college and to suggest how it can be
eventually improved.

Firstly, it has to be said that the library is maintained properly and the atmosphere is calm, so I
enjoy learning here. Another good thing about it is the possibility of borrowing books without a fee.

However, there are insufficient resources, which can highly affect the quality of our studies, on the
other hand, there is little space for us to fit in, therefore, sometimes I find myself not able to find a
place. Also, it is felt that the working-staff is rude and not willing to help.

Refering to what has been said above, my recommendation is to equip the library with more books
and computers, extend the room itself by using the space from the back class that is no longer in use
and librarians to attend, if possible, certain instructions.

To conclude, our library is in a good state, but a few adjustments need to be done in order to meet
all of the requirements in terms of studying.

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