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i. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
The distribution of natural resources depends upon a number of physical factors like terrain, climate and
altitude, which differ much over the earth. So, resources are distributed unequally over the earth.
ii. What is resource conservation?
Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is resource conservation.
iii. Why are human resources important?
1. If a country has sufficient number of highly educated and skilled individuals, it can produce efficiently.
2. Human resources help in the development and progress of a country.
3. They also help in developing the capabilities and skills of other individuals.
iv. What is sustainable development? Write its principles.
Sustainable development means utilising resources carefully so that besides meeting the present
requirement it also takes care of the future generations.
1. Respect and care for all forms of life. 2. Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity. 3. Change
personal attitude and practices towards the environment. 4. Enable communities to care for their
II. TICK THE CORRECT ANSWER. Refer textbook page 5.
1. Technology: It is the application of latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things.
2. Natural resources: Resources which are drawn from nature and used without much modification.
Eg: Water.
3. Renewable resources: Resources which get renewed or replenished quickly. Eg: Solar and wind energy.
4. Non renewable resources: Resources which take thousands of years to be renewed or replenished.
Eg: Petroleum and natural gas.
5. Human made resources: Resources which are made by man by utilising the physical materials of the
environment. Eg: Buildings and bridges.
6. Stock of resource: It is the amount of resources available for use.


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