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This chapter consists of background, research question, objectives,

significances, and scope of research. Each point discussed below:

A. Background

Since the establishment of English as an international language

communication language is needed to realize the development of several

sectors. Therefore, the quality of English education will make a significant

contribution in generating qualified human resources. For this reason,

English language education programs need to be oriented towards improving

the quality of Indonesia education for communication between nations in the

fields of science, technology social, and culturalin international forums,

both in oral and written.1

Progressive proficiency in English is one of the compulsory subjects

used as the language of instruction in the learning process at several levels of

education and even in some curricula. Competent teachers are needed to

realize this achievement. Teachers are one of the most important pillars in

the world of education. The quality of education can be measured by the

performance of good teachers in fulfilling their role and duties as educators.

Evi Febriana. “The Junior High School English Teachers’ Fulfillment Of The Four
Competencies.” English Language Education Post Graduate Program Semarang State University
(2016): 7

Competence standardization of competent teachers can be a reference

for every teacher to act and act according to the circumstances in the learning

process. Over time, teachers need to keep learning to improve as educators.

Constant curriculum changes. Teachers are also expected to be more

creative, innovative and productive so that they can successfully deal with

various problems and challenges. It is based on Indonesia education minister

regulation number 103 year 2014, in curriculum 2013, students should

conduct learning in some steps; observing, questioning, negotiating,

communicating and presenting the knowledge gained after they receive

learning materials.2

In the Quran itself, it is required as an order in the Quran to imitate

the teacher or to make him a role model: Quran Surah Al-Mujadalah verse


ُ ‫ح هّٰللا ُ لَ ُك ۚ ْم َواِ َذا قِي َْل ا ْن ُش ُزوْ ا فَا ْن ُش ُزوْ ا يَرْ فَ ِع هّٰللا‬ ِ ِ‫ٰيٓاَيُّهَا الَّ ِذ ْينَ ٰا َمنُ ْٓوا اِ َذا قِي َْل لَ ُك ْم تَفَ َّسحُوْ ا فِى ْال َم ٰجل‬
ِ ‫س فَا ْف َسحُوْ ا يَ ْف َس‬

١١ ‫ت َوهّٰللا ُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُوْ نَ خَ بِ ْي ٌر‬

ٍ ۗ ‫الَّ ِذ ْينَ ٰا َمنُوْ ا ِم ْن ُك ۙ ْم َوالَّ ِذ ْينَ اُوْ تُوا ْال ِع ْل َم َد َر ٰج‬

(11-11 :58/‫)المجادلة‬

“O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves" in

assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you

are told, "Arise," then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among

you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is

Acquainted with what you do.” (Quran Surah Al-Mujadalah verse 11).

DEPDIKNAS RI. “Learning In Basic Education And Middle Education.” (2014):103

When it comes to implementation, the teacher has competence

standards consisting of pedagogical competence, personal competence,

professional competence and social competence.This applies to every

teacher from all over the world including the eastern part of Indonesia.

Educational equity must be felt by everyone. This is a reference when

researching. “An Analysis of Teachers' Competence in Teaching English for

Junior High School” Involvement of teachers engaged in East Indonesia,

Papua with the strategic location of Kepi.

B. Research Questions

Considering the background above, this major research question

formulated as follows:

1) How do the English teachers apply their pedagogical competence?

2) How do the English teachers apply their professional competence?

3) How do the English teachers apply their social competence?

4) How do the English teachers apply their personal competence?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the research question above, as for the purpose of researchers

as follows:

1) To explain the application of English teachers’ their pedagogica


2) To explain the application English teachers their professional


3) To explain the application English teachers their social competence.

4) To explain the application English teachers their personal competence.

D. Significance of the Research

The significance of the research classified into theoretically and

practically as follows:

1) Theoretically

In general, this research can be used as a reference or reference in the

field of Teaching English subjects as well as enriching the results of

research in the field of education related to the problem implementation

teachers' Competence in Teaching English.

By conducting this study teacher gets feed back for the improvement

of teaching learning process. It is necessarry for teacher to have good

competencies and interaction with their student in English.

2) Practically

This research is expected to provide benefits for several parties as


a. For the researcher

This research is expected the researcher to improve her awareness and

totality to become a teacher who can apply teacher competence when

becoming a teacher according to the responsibilities that are obtained.

b. For the teacher

This research can be used as a reference to improve teacher competence

in order to create an effective, creative, conducive, and fun learning

atmosphere so that goals are achieved learning with good learning


c. For the school

This research can provide information for schools to evaluate teacher

performance and listen to teacher complaints during teaching.

E. Scope of the Research

In order for this research problem to be focused, it is necessary to

have limitations limitation of the problem or focus in this study, which are

analyzed are pedagogic competence, professional competence, social

competence and personal competence of teachers in Teaching English for

Junior High School.



This chapter consists of previous related research findings, some pertinent

ideas, and resume.

A. Previous Related Research Findings

In this section, the researcher find literaturse on previous researchers,

such as:
1. Simonović stated in her research entitled “Teachers’ Key Competencies For

Innovative Teaching” the results of their research showed that the existence of

statistically significant differences in the degree of expression of attitudes about

competency groups with regard to independent research variables, within

special hypotheses, based on which the first was rejected, the second partially

and the third and fourth special hypothesis fully confirmed.3 .

2. Lao, Kaipatty and Jeronimo in their research “A Study on Teachers’

Competency In Teaching English At SMA Negeri 2 Kupang.” explained the

result of this research study there were four competencies owned by the

English teacher in teaching English The pedagogic competence was performed

by the teachers in some manners such as, know the learner characteristic,

Nikola Simonović, “Teachers’ Key Competencies For Innovative Teaching.” International
Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (2021) 9(3), 331-345.

understand learning theories, develop lesson plan, facilitate the students’

potential, communicate with the students, organize the process of assesment

and evaluation, utilize the result of assesment and evaluation, take action to

improve the quality of reflective learning. Then, the personal competence was

performed by acting in accordinance with the norms of religious, legal, social,

and national culture of Indonesia, and present self as being steady, noble, and

rule models for the students, and also showed the work ethic as a teacher.

Another competence owned by the teachers in teaching English was social

competence. Social competence was performed by the teachers with some

manners such as; act objective, be inclusive, and not discriminative,

communicate effectively, adapt on duty in entire territory of Indonesia. The last

competence owned by the teachers was professional competence. The

professional competence was performed by the teachers with some manners

such as; understand the material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset that

support the subject matter and know the competency standards and basic

competencies mastered basic subject or field of teaching development.4

3. Gamayao and Binas have conducted the research entitled “Teaching

Competence And Pedagogical Content Knowledge Of Science Teachers In The

First District Of Capiz, Philippines: Basis For A Sustainable Instructional

Program” and the findings indicated that there are The teaching competence

Hendrik A.E.Lao, Gres Jekstman Kaipatty, and Agapito da Costa Jeronimo, “ Teachers’
Competency In Teaching English At SMA Negeri 2 Kupang”, International seminar on education
and technology-ISET collaborative graduate schools conference (2017).

comprised of two using adopted teaching components such as personal

competencies and instructional competencies. The pedagogical content

knowledge comprised ofthree components such as knowledge of the subject

matter, knowledge off instructional strategy, and knowledge of learners


Based on the previous researches above, there were some challenges that

teachers faced and factors that were most affected are the curriculum that often

changes in line with the change of government period and the training made to

upgrade teacher knowledge is the sharing section, this makes teacher training

difficult. remain targeted considering that the teacher already has teaching

experience. The training held can seek new ways or methods to deal with students in

order to create teachers who are really needed by these students.

The similarity between this research and the previous researches above was

aiming to find out the obstacles experienced by teachers in applying teacher

competencies in school environments and teaching activities.

All researches have a variety of findings, depending on the subject, time and

location, . The researcher believes, however, that research on teachers' competences

Teaching English have yield new findings.

Mariane D. Gamaya And Enrique E. Biñas, Jr., “Teaching Competence And Pedagogical
Content Knowledge Of Science Teachers In The First District Of Capiz, Philippines: Basis For A
Sustainable Instructional Program.” European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements
(2021) Vol. 2 No. 1, January,2660-5589.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Teachers' Competences

Competence is a set of responsible intelligent actions that a person must have

as a condition to be considered capable of carrying out tasks in a particular field of

work.6 Competencies are the skills that enable a teacher to be successful. To

maximize student learning, teachers must have expertise in a wide-ranging array of

competencies in an especially complex environment where hundreds of critical

decisions are required each day. In the education process, the instructional delivery,

classroom management, formative assessment, and personal competencies yield the

greatest result on the competencies that the teacher must-have.7 Competence can also

be interpreted as a collection of knowledge, behavior, and skills that teachers must

possess to achieve learning and educational goals. competence is acquired through

education, training, and independent learning by utilizing learning resources.

A teacher is a key to develop quality of education. He/she is one of the main

pillars of a sound and progressive society. The success of the students in teaching

leraning process in the classroom can not be sepparated from the action of teacher as

an educator, therefore teacher or educator is pressed to have competency to educate

or in teaching. 8
The aims of education change very quickly depending on the

Abdul majid, “perencanaan Pembelajaran mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi Guru”,
Bandung, PT. Remaja: 2007)
Jackson. S, “Teaching Competencies and Learning Proficiency”. Quezon City (2009). Pp
Adnan Hakim, “Contribution of Competence Teacher (Pedagogical, Personality,
Professional Competence and Social) On the Performance of Learning.Lecturer at the Faculty of
Economics”, Halu Oleo University Kendar. IJES (2015)

demands of the era requiring more capability, these demands directly affect

educational system. 9
The person called the teacher is an adult who is consciously

responsible for educate, teach, and guide students.

Competence of teachers will deliver it to be a professional teacher coveted by

learners. Simply put, professional teachers are teachers who teach on subjects that

become his expertise, have a high spirit in developing it, and able to become a

pioneer change in the community.10 Teacher’s competency in teaching is signifant

factor for the development of the learners. To become a professional teaching in

performing their duties, it is required to have the competence and ability of

transferring knowledge in accordance with the substance of science the scientific field

Realizing the importance of quality teachers, the government take teachers into

account in any policy of education. As a part of effort to enhance the competence of

the teacher.11 Teachers are expected to carry out their duties professionally by possess

and master these four competencies. competencies that must be owned by the

educator is really very ideal as illustrated in the regulations the government.

Therefore, teachers must always study diligently on the sidelines carry out their

duties. Being a professional teacher is not an easy job.

Muamaroh, “Improving Teachers’ Competence In Teaching Methodology Using
Cooperative Learning”, University Research Colloquium”, (2016), ISSN 2407-9189
Ma’rifatullah, Andi Tenri Ampa, Awalia Azis, “Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence In
Teaching English At Sman 1 Sanggar In Bima” Exposure Journal 90 (2019), Vol. 8 No. 1 May.
Government Regulation No. 20. 19 Year 2005 “ National Education Standards, National
Education Standards Agency”. Jakarta

2. Various of Teacher Competences

Which includes of teacher competencies such as pedagogic competences,

Personal competence, Social Competence and Professional Competence

a. Pedagogic Competence

1. Definition of Pedagogic Competence

Pedagogical Competence is one kind of competencies that completely need

to be mastered by teacher. Pedagogical competence was the ability of an

individual to use a coordinated, synergistic combination of tangible resources and

intangible resources to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in pedagogy.12

pedagogical competence is the capability of teachers to manage the

education of students, include: setting up the learning device, implementing

the learning, and evaluation.13 One of the vital factors and generally discussed the

quality of education is the teacher.

Claimed that a qualified teacher is a teacher who has a positive effect on

student process of learning and development through a combination of content

mastery, command of a broad set of pedagogic skills, and communications and

interpersonal skills. It is commonly known when the learning objectives did not

Madhavaram, S., and Laverie, D.A “Developing Pedagogical Competence: Issues and
Implications for Marketing Education”, Journal of Marketing Education (2010), vol. XX, no X, pp. 2-
Susilo,2011 “Lesson Planning”, Bandung : Remaja Rosda Karya (2011)

meet the targeted standard; the teacher will be the one to blame mostly 14. Indeed

it is not fair because learning is a system or program influenced by many

affecting factors mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, the perception toward the

teacher's vital role in the success of learning is reasonable as in case there is an

insufficient learning facility, we do still have hope if the teacher has standard

competence to do so. Conversely, when the facility has been excellent, but the

teacher's quality is low, it will not have a significant effect on obtaining learning


2. The aspects of Pedagogic Competence

teachers are really professional in carrying out their mandate as

educators. that is as follows:

a. Get to know the characteristics of students

Professional teachers must know all the characteristics of their

students. Such as habits, IQ level of intelligence, as well as attitudes and

psychological aspects of children.

b. Mastering learning theory

As a teacher, mastery of learning material or theory is absolutely

necessary. Don't expect the teacher to look confused and absent-minded

when entering class because of the raw material mastery of the material.

c. Able to develop curriculum

Hightower,etc, “Improving student learning by supporting quality teaching”,, (2011).

Not only teaching, the teacher must also develop the material taught

teach. Because, from year to year the curriculum in education is always

moving dynamic. If you are not ready, it is possible that the teacher will

feel confused and seem not to follow developments.

d. Understanding and developing the potential of students

Basically no child is stupid, it's just that he doesn't know potential in

him. Therefore, it is not enough for teachers to just teach but must also

understand and be able to develop the great potential that sometimes

hidden from students.

e. Learning assessment and evaluation

Teachers must provide assessment and evaluation of students' learning

outcomes. That is, the teacher not only provides learning but also has to do

evaluation. This is important, because that way, the teacher can know in

detail how is the development of students in class.15

b. Personal Competence

1. Definition of Personal Competence

Personality is the whole of the individual consisting of psychic and

physical elements. In this sense, all the attitudes and actions of a person are a

picture of that person's personality. Every teacher has their own personality

BNSP, “Government Regulation no. 19 of 2006 concerning National Education Standards”
(Jakarta: 2006), p. 88

according to their personal characteristics. Personality is actually an abstract

problem, which can only be seen through appearance, action, speech, way of

dressing, and in dealing with every problem. Personality competence is a

personal ability that reflects a steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative

personality, being a role model for students and having noble character. Where in

every positive word, action, and behavior will improve self-image and the

personality of a teacher.

In the National Education Standards, the explanation of Article 28

paragraph (3) point b, it is stated that what is meant by competence is Personality

is a personality ability that is steady, stable, mature wise, and authoritative, being

a role model for students, and having good character glorious. 16


personality competence very needed by students in the process of forming

Personally, the teacher is the best example in school.

2. The aspects of Personal Competence

Personality competence is a personal ability which reflects the

personality as follows:17

a. Steady, mature and stable. Steady, mature and stable personality who have

consistency in acting according to legal norms, social, and ethical. This is

important, because many educational problems caused by the teacher's

Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 19 of the 2005 Law on National
Education Standards Article 28 paragraph 3 (b)
Ibid. page 14

personality factor less stable, less mature and less stable. Hard test for

teachers in terms of personality this is a frequent stimulus provoke emotions.

b. Discipline, wise and authoritative. Disciplined, wise and personality this

authority is important. Because we still often see and listen to students

whose behavior is not appropriate against good morals. This condition

demands teachers to be disciplined, wise and authoritative with all their

actions and behavior, and always discipline participants students in order to

improve the quality of learning.

c. Be a role model for students. Teachers are role models for the students and

all those who regard him as a teacher. A good teacher is one who realizes the

gap between what that he had, then realized the mistake when it was guilty

d. Have noble character and have good behavior imitated by students. The

teacher must have noble character, because he is an advisor to students, even

to parents, even though they have no special training as advisors and in some

cases cannot expect to advise people. The more effectively the teacher

handles each problem, the more likely students are to turn to him for advice

and confidence.

c. Professional Competence

1. Definition of Professional Competence

The improvement of education relies on the teaching and learning

management, which is related to the professional aspects of teachers. Teachers’

competence affects the value, behavior, communication, goals, and the teachings,

as well as supporting curriculum and professional development. Professional

competence can be defined as the teachers’ capability to master their subjects in-

depth and the way to appropriately deliver it to the students. 18 Apart from

teaching, teachers should possess the capability to diagnose students’ initial

behavior, develop lesson plans, administration, communicate, and develop

themselves as well as the students’ potential.

Personal competence, namely the ability of a noble character, steady,

stable, and mature, wise and wise, being an example, evaluating one's own

performance, developing oneself, and being religious.19 Personal competence is a

personal ability that reflects a steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative

personality, Be a role model for students and have a noble character. Where on

each positive words, actions, and behaviors will improve self-image and the

personality of a teacher. Every teacher has their own personality according to

their characteristics personality they have. Personality is actually a problem that

Syahruddin etc, “The Role of Teachers’ Professional Competence in
Implementing School Based Management: Study Analisys at Secondary School in
Parepare City of South Sulawesi Province Indonesia”, International Journal of
Evaluation and Research in Education, (2013), Vol. 2, No. 3, September pp.
143~148 ISSN: 2252-8822
BNSP, Government Regulation no. 19 of 2006 concerning National Education Standards
(Jakarta: 2006), p. 88.

abstract, which can only be seen through appearance, action, speech, manner

dress, and in the face of every problem.

Personal competence has been stated in the Ministerial Regulation National

Education Number 16 of 2007 concerning Teacher Competency Standards

includes the core competencies of teachers, namely (1) Acting in accordance

with religious norms, legal, social (2) Presenting oneself as an honest person,

having noble character, and role model for learning and society (3) Presenting

oneself as a person who is steady, stable, mature, wise and authoritative (4)

Demonstrates work ethic, responsibility high responsibility, pride in being a

teacher, and self-confidence (5) Upholding high code of ethics for the teaching


2. The aspects of Professional Competence

a. Mastery of Study Materials

The first competency that must be mastered a teacher is mastery of the

material lesson. This mastery is the foundation essential for teaching skills.

b. Teaching and Learning Program Management

Ability to manage study programs teaching includes skills formulate

instructional goals, the ability to recognize and use teaching methods, ability to

choose and develop appropriate instructional procedures, ability to carry out

learning programs teaching, the ability to recognize potential (entry behavior)

students, as well as the ability planning and implementing teaching remedial.

c. Class management

This ability describes teacher skills in designing, organize, and organize

resources learning, in order to achieve an effective and efficient teaching


d. Use of Media and Learning Resources

This ability is basically the ability to create learning conditions which

stimulates the learning process teaching can take place effectively and efficiency.

e. Mastery of Educational Foundations

Ability to master the basics education is concerned with studying concepts

and problems education and teaching, Recognize the function of the school as a

potential social institutions can advance society in the sense of breadth and

mutual influence between school with the community and recognize the

characteristics of students both physically and psychologically.

f. Able to Assess Teaching and Learning Achievement

Ability to assess learning achievement teaching needs to be owned by the

teacher. The capabilities in question are ability to measure behavior change

student behavior and ability to measure his skills in teaching and create


g. Understanding the Principles of Management of Educational Programs in


Teachers need to understand basic principles of organization and school

management, guidance and counseling including career guidance, curricular and

extracurricular programs, school library and other things related.

h. Mastering the Thinking Method

To be able to overcome methods and approaches fields subjects, the teacher

must master scientific method of thinking in general.

i. Improve skills and carry out professional missions

Teachers must continuously develop themselves so that their horizons

become broad so it can keep up with changes and professional development

based on development of science and the technology.

j. Skilled in Providing Help and Guidance to Students

Guidance to students is very necessary so that students can develop their

abilities through the learning process teach in class.

k. Have Insights into Classroom Action Research

Teachers need to observe, anticipate and keep abreast of developments in

world of education and teaching, especially matters relating to the

implementation of their main tasks at school, not only in the form of failure but

also the success he achieved

l. Able to Understand Student Characteristics

Teachers are required to have a good understanding more in-depth about

the characteristics and student development, then adjust the material to be taught

is in accordance with the student characteristics

m. Have Insights About Educational Innovation

This insight is necessary owned by every teacher so that in carry out their

duties tend to act routinely, but always thinking of new ways may be applicable

in schools, which At the same time, it can increase excitement their work.20


d. Social Competence

1. Definition of Social Competence

Teachers as social beings live in the middle the community makes all their

activities monitored keep going. The strong characterization by the community

makes the teacher's role not only focused on the school world but at the bottom by

the surrounding environment. Social life.Social competence is the ability of teachers

as part of the community to communicate and get along effectively with learners,

fellow educators, education personnel, parents/ guardians of learners, and the

surrounding community.21 Social competence in teaching and learning is related

closely related to the teacher's ability to communicate with the community around

them, so that roles and perspectives, ways of thinking, ways of act is always a
Hatta, “Four Competencies To Build Teacher Professionalism”, Nizamia Learning Center
(2018). Page 33-48.
Afi Parnawi and Muhamad Taridi, “ Teachers’ Social Competency in Improving Students’
Skills, cholars Middle East Publishers, (2018)

benchmark against life in society.22 The teacher is an example which are treated

normatively because his habit in his social status, therefore It takes a number of

social competencies that teachers need to have in interacting with the environment

community in which he lives and is located.

2. The Aspects of Social Competence

social competencies that teachers must possess by Cece Wijaya such as:

a. Skilled in communicating (both with students, and with parents of students)

The teacher in this case is a picture of the school atmosphere so that students

love their teachers, students will be happy to follow the lessons well and students

always want to be at school. Create cooperative communication with students and

parents so that the school seems very concerned about the whereabouts of its


b. Be Sympathetic

In this regard, teachers are required able to deal with school situations,

teachers are expected to be friendly and able to read the feelings of their students, In

addition, parents are invited to indirectly understand the school conditions that

teachers face so that they are always ready to give help to teachers

c. Do Together

Teachers need to understand the psychological rules that underlie human

behavior, especially its relevance to human relations. As an illustration of teachers

who are in the environment People who usually conduct teacher religious studies
Ibid, page 20

have the opportunity to be able to get along and adapt directly to people who have

such habits.

d. Good at Associating with Colleagues and Education Partners

Life in school is a picture of governmenteducation while in society as a the

life that is lived every moment then second In different situations, the teacher must

be able to establish good relationship between them at school with teachers and

students, but when in our community with the community.23

C. Conceptual Framework

Teachers as one of the pillars of education, must have a classification known

as teacher competence. As for the competence that must be possessed by a teacher, it

is competence in understanding students who are more familiar with pedagogic

competencies, besides that teachers are required to be good personal or better known

as personality competencies. From some of these things, the teacher must also have

extensive knowledge. This competence is known as professional competence and the

competence that must exist within a teacher is also the competence to mingle and

interact with the entire educational environment and outside of education, this is

known as social competence.

In this research focused on the application of the four competencies by

English teachers who teach at the YAPIS Al-Falah Kepi Junior High School. This

research is expected to help teachers unravel the difficulties encountered in

Satori Djam’an, dkk, “Profesi Keguruan” , Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Jakarta:


SMP YAPIS Al-Falah Kepi

implementing the four teacher competencies. the school environment and educational

policies can be one of the main keys for teachers to be comfortable in teaching and

bring out their best abilities in teaching.

English Teacher

Analysis Competence

Pedagogical Pedagogical Pedagogical Pedagogical

Competence Competence Competence Competence

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

D. Resume

The researcher concluded that four teacher competencies are one of the basic

characteristics that a teacher must possess. However, it should be understood that

teachers need assistance from education stakeholders in achieving these teacher




This chapter consists of research method and design, research site, subject of the

research, research instrument, procedures of data collection, and technique of data


A. Research Method and Design

The research design outlined how the research was conducted and implemented.

This research analyzed English teachers' competence at YAPIS Al-Falah Kepi Junior

High School, the research design that has been used was qualitative research. 24

qualitative research is a method used to examine the condition of natural objects

where the researcher as the key instrument.

The researcher chose the qualitative research design was because the

researcher wanted to describe the situation to be studied in the field more specifically,

transparently, and in depth. This study attempted to describe the findings so that the

data collected was descriptive in nature to identify the aspects that were the research


B. Research Site

The setting of the research carried out junior hight school which is located in

kepi. Kepi is a sub-district and at the same time the capital of the Mappi district,

which is in the province of Papua, Indonesia. Administratively, Kepi sub-district is

Sugiyono,“Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D”, PT Alfabet.
located in Obaa district. In 2020, the population of Kepi is 8,377 people with a

population density of 228 people/km225. The junior high schools in Kepi as follows:

No Nama Sekolah Alamat

1 SMP NEGRI 1 OBAA Jl. Agham No.33 Kepi

C. Subject of the Research

The subject is part of the population. In this study the technique the sampling

used is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Purposive

sampling is a sampling technique for data sources with certain considerations. 26 The

reason for using the purposive sampling technique is because not all samples have

criteria that match the phenomenon under study.

Based on the considerations, it was found that the school is located in Kepi

which has an English teacher with permanent teacher status, has many students and

difficulties in accessing research where several schools are located in the interior of

the Kepi, the researchers chose YAPIS Al-Falah Kepi Junior High School and state

junior high school 1 Obaa, so The subjects of this research were the English teachers

of Kepi Junior High School.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
Alfabeta, (Bandung:2016)
Figure: 3.1 maps of YAPIS Al-Falah Kepi Junior High School and state

junior high school 1 Obaa

D. Research Instrument

The research instrument is a tool used to collect research data. 27 In this study,

the data collection technique used was interview, using In-depth semi-structured

interview. This interview can help researchers in obtaining data on Teachers'

Competence in Teaching English for Junior High School.

Interview is a question and answer method with interviewees who the goal is

to get answers either directly or through media channels.28 Prior to conducting semi-

structured interviews, they were conducted in a structured manner by creating an

interview procedure that comprises a list of questions or themes that will be discussed

with all participants throughout the interviews. The interview procedure assists in the
Antomi Yuberti Saregar, “Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Matematika dan
Sains” Bandar Lampung (CV. Anugrah Utama Raharja:2017).
Wina Sanjaya, “Penelitian Pendidikan Jenis, Metode dan Prosedur”, Jakarta ( PT. Fajar
Interpratama Mandiri: 2013)
methodical and focused collecting of data. The interview is merely semi-structured in

the sense that the researcher can change the order of questions, omit questions, or

change the language of the questions based on what occurs during the interview.

During the interview, the researcher may add additional questions to examine any

unexpected concerns that arise.29 To answer the second research question, an

interview guide was undertaken, and the researcher reported all of the information

from the proposed informants.

E. Procedure of Data Collection

in conducting data collection an interview guide was undertaken, and the

researcher reported all of the information from the proposed informants. The sort of

interview employed in this research was a semi-structured interview. The interviewer

prepared and listed various questions relevant to the challenges faced by the English

teacher in integrating technology in the online classroom, and asked some of these

questions; however, depending on the circumstances, the interviewer added or

removed questions.

To collect data from the interview, the researcher did some procedures. These

include (1) the researcher's concept of questions to ask the subject, (2) the researcher's

recording of all of the interviewee's responses to the interviewer's questions, and (3)

the researcher's transcription of the interview data result.

Marguerite Lodico G., and et. al. 2010. “Methods in Educational Research: From Theory
to Practice”. San Fransisco (Jossey-Bass: 2010).
F. Technique of Data Analysis

Miles and Huberman stated that activities in qualitative data analysis were

carried out interactively and continued until they were completed, so that the data was

saturated. The researcher uses data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model

which includes three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing

conclusions.30 The following is a schematic drawing data analysis and further

explanation of data analysis model according to Miles and Huberman

Data Collection Data Display



Figure: 3.2 Components of Data Analysis: Interactive model (milles and Huberman)

1. Data Collection

In the analysis of the first model, data collected from interviews, observations,

and various documents based on categorization according to the research problem

Sugiyono,“Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D”, PT Alfabet.

were then developed to sharpen the data through further data searches. In this

research, the researcher used an open-ended questionnaire and interview to obtain as

much data from informants as possible.

2. Data Reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the

things that are important, looking for themes and patterns and removing unnecessary

ones. During the data collection period, researchers collected data from the results of

observations, interviews and documentation. Researchers do data reduction by taking

the main things according to the research focus, and discarding data that is considered


3. Data Display

In displaying data, it can be presented in the form of brief descriptions,

flowcharts, charts, and the like. Researchers present data in the form of understanding

of principals and teachers about pedagogic competence. In this study, the data is

presented in a narrative manner.

4. Drawing conclusions

Drawing conclusions is often also called the verification stage. This stage is

the last stage in data analysis. The data on the understanding of principals and

teachers regarding pedagogic competencies that have been presented in the

presentation of the data are interpreted and then analyzed to obtain conclusions


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