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Engage in workplace communication

Task 3
Demonstrate the following task:
Task 3
Communicate with supervisor and others.
Clarify the workplace instructions as needed.
Report communication challenges such as:
 abusive customers
 racial comments
Ask for feedback to improve workplace communication.
Task 3

This task asks you to refer to your experience with customer challenges. Select one of the two
examples: an experience with an abusive customer or an experience with a very rude customer
saying racial comments.

- How would you de-escalate the situation? How would you try and calm the challenging
customer down while keeping yourself safe, your team and your other customers safe?
Please describe the scenario. Outline WHAT happened and HOW you handled the
situation. Consider what you said, your tone of voice, your body language.
- How would you report what happened to your supervisor and ask for feedback on potential
room for improvements. For example, if you don’t have an incident report form you could
consider making one should this situation occur again.

If you haven’t experienced a situation like this before create a scenario and describe how
you would like to handle the situation. You could reference something you’ve seen in
person, online or in a movie.

During Covid period, our students were allowed to attend training via Zoom if they tested positive.
After the peak period, when classroom resumed, physical attendance was compulsory. However, one
of the students who claimed to have headache without Medical certificate (not Covid) insisted on
attending the training via Zoom so that she wouldn’t need to attend catchup class on later dates. We
have explained to her that physical attendance was compulsory, no exception.
She came to the Academy before close of business day and kept yelling at the receptionist for not
being supportive to her special situation.
I have asked her to stop and invited her to the meeting room so as not to affect other staff, students.
Once in the room, I had respectfully asked her to calm down and explained to her issues. I was willing
to listen and try my best to solve her issues, however, it can only happen if she could stay calm and
talk respectfully.
After listening to her side of story, I explained to her that Zoom was allowed during Covid outbreak
only according to the Academy policy and procedure.
I understood her frustration, however, communication should be respectful.
I apologised for any inconvenience and frustration that caused to her.
I offered her two options, either she can attend trainings on a later dates, free of charge (normally,
applicable fee is $60), or she can fill in the application for withdrawal with full refund.
The student agreed with the first option.
After the student left, I have verbally informed the Manager and sent him an email of the same,
detailing what happened, the solutions offered and outcome of the meeting. The Manager has praised
me for my handling.
The Manager has requested me to prepare a policy and procedure to deal with abusive customer so
that other staff can follow should it happens again.

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